CLP Miniatures foaling cam More photos page 20!

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Red Snow is doing fine. Vet is confident that she is progressing just fine on her own. She is not distressed at all - just taking her good ole sweet time.
you know this probably means it is a colt
Connie, I had NO idea you were so beside yourself. I watched her all night and know she was moving the baby around a lot, but I didn't know you were so distressed. I would have called you. I'm so glad your vet has been able to calm you with a great report. Believe me, if the baby wasn't in the right position, I really think you'd see more distress in Red Snow. Nature is amazing and knows when things are right and when they're wrong. She's uncomfortable, but so not distressed. She's just taking her time.

I know I too can't believe she hasn't gone yet. I had her, Raven, Jewel and (dang, how bad of me, can't think of the other farm - when the several stalls can all be seen at once down the line????), well I had those four up all the time and then flipped through some others. Red Snow had me convinced a couple of times she was going to get busy...and then nothing! That's a mare for you!

Take a deep breath, we are all with you, all praying for the same wonderful outcome! Hugs my friend.
Well I see Red Snow is up to her old tricks of not knowing what to do with herself. Poor little thing but if she only foaled it would all be over LOL
I was up late last night watching a movie and I had her up on the laptop. A few times when she went totally on her side I thought it was curtain time. Guess she really is just getting the little one in place and taking little naps. She looks content. Choctaw sends sissy her love. Stressing can wear you out, I know. Bless your heart.
I wonder if she will go this evening. She is yet again mighty uncomfortable. I am guessing there are eyes watching as I need to go muck out now but will only be about 20mins 1/2 an hr
Yes with every passing hour, the more tired i became, the more my mind would race to awful thoughts. I finally cried at the 24 hour mark and released most of the stress I was feeling. My vet really thinks that she is working on getting the foal into position and she is doing fine and I totally trust my vet so I just took a 1 1/2 hour nap and am back at the marestaring.

I suspected "colt" last week when she was riding Sugar in the pasture for days. :) We shall see..........

I am going to restart the computer that has the cam right now so it will go down for just a few minutes. Thanks for being there for me. I usually stay calm as a cucumber but I have never experienced this so it is new to me and me and Red Snow are besties so I have to be sure she is safe.
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She looks likes she is breathing hard ....

Maybe because she is eating ?
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I think you should take advantage of all the eyes and catch a few zzzz's but I do understand the fear of going to sleep and something happening.
Okay I just took her for another walk and when we came back she gave me colostrum. All signs are a go everyone. A real fast 4 pink squares and a ph of 6.3
not long to go now then you will get some sleep, oh no you won't cos you will be playing with your new baby
5:50pm cam time. Laying down, looks pretty relaxed. Maybe this is the quiet before the storm...the foaling storm that is.

Hugs Connie. We're all pulling for Red Snow!
I have her up Connie
sorry for not being around much LOL crazy here at the moment, but things are settling down! and just in time too I think! 8:26pm she is standing quietly in the bottom half of her stable. WOW you poor thing! come on Red Snow! we want to see a gorgeous little healthy safe foal from you tonight!!

Connie if you want to get some sleep I will be here watching. I can call you with anything! I did this for Amanda, and she was able to sleep some thank goodness!

please let me know and I will make sure I am around!
Thank you for sharing the video feed with us! I have never seen anything like this before so this is really neat for me! Good luck with the foaling. The previous 3 babies are gorgeous!!
I have my fingers crossed for a safe foaling followed by a full nights sleep
Good luck!