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    • LostandFound
      I can't imagine his daddy has anything that causes fading. He is black, and black all year even though he lives outside.
    • LostandFound
      LostandFound replied to the thread Pack rats.
      I don't know why, but you can fence them out. You are going to need the wire mesh with the tiny square holes though. And probably to...
    • LostandFound
      That will be a huge help! And he should be able to give you lots of info on how to turn the rest of yours into pastures or paddocks. You...
    • LostandFound
      It's possible that there is a lot of fading, but he is very light grayish tan around his nose, which I don't think blacks are supposed...
    • LostandFound
      LostandFound reacted to Standards Equine's post in the thread Therapy Pony with Like Like.
      We had a different kind of visit last week. Funny how things work out. We'd originally had the day booked to be a site visit for a...
    • LostandFound
      Well, I'm on the other side of the country, but I've taken land and made it horse friendly a few times. Over here one of the big...
    • LostandFound
      She is gorgeous! The color is very similar, unfortunately, smoky black or buckskin was my first guess, and he is negative for cream. I'm...
    • LostandFound
      I couldn't find that article specifically, but they probably have the most detailed color information out there. I emailed them and...
    • LostandFound
      LostandFound replied to the thread Weaning time.
      She will be nose to nose with him the entire weaning process. I put the babies in the stall next to the mare, and turn out in the...
    • LostandFound
      LostandFound replied to the thread Weaning time.
      That's been my experience in the past. Not this girl. She wants all the babies. I wouldn't trust her not to steal someone else's foal...
    • LostandFound
      That's exciting! I can't wait for spring! Or more likely summer, if she is early.
    • LostandFound
      The mystery is unsolved. This little stinker is looking chocolate, I was certain that he would be. But the test results are negative...
      • rocky34.jpg
    • LostandFound
      That test is clear as mud. The good news is that if she is that early, the vet should be able to get a good ultrasound. And if she is...
    • LostandFound
      LostandFound replied to the thread Scaly hooves.
      The farrier says it's just because it's been so dry here. He said I can use some oil or sand it off and it won't hurt them any. And that...
    • LostandFound
      LostandFound replied to the thread Weaning time.
      Hopefully next year there will be 2 foals to wean together. But this year, once again, the colt will be getting weaned without a friend...
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