Dream Catcher's ~ Colt pics pg.10!

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udder still going down a bit at night, still testing 8.4
on cam tonight she doesnt look wide at all. I will be checking at 12 pm.
udder down a bit this am. was HUGE at 3 am. Being a maiden I just dont know what her plan is. I would rather loose sleep than miss a surprise foaling! Glad she is holding on, were at day 310 tomorrow!
udder down a bit this am. was HUGE at 3 am. Being a maiden I just dont know what her plan is. I would rather loose sleep than miss a surprise foaling! Glad she is holding on, were at day 310 tomorrow!
My mare's a maiden too, so I totally understand! Luckily, I've been sleeping good that last couple of nights. I've started having nightmares that I've missed her baby being born! I SOOOO hope you get to be there too!
So far...Knock on wood...Ive never missed a foaling, Thank Goodness for milk testing and barn cams! Mares can changes sooo fast it can make your head spin! Better safe than sorry! Lol!
Well we still have the same ole udder...were at day 313 today and she is holding on...have to be thankful for that! Foal has been much less active, actually havent seen much movement at all in the past 3 days..usually a good sign were getting closer. Milk is slightly stickier.
Sorry if yall have been checking in during the day. Ive been letting Dream out into the yard to graze. Once she starts looking closer, she will be in her stall or paddock on cam 24/7...

She is always on cam just before dark through the night.
She's just given me a heart attack!! Popped up the cam to do a quick check to find her rolling, then getting up, tail stuck out, then pile of droppings ................................ then she just walked off to nibble at her haynet! LOL!! She looked as though she was in labour for a minute there!!

Sounds as though it wont be long though - good luck and safe foaling.
Well this morning her Vulva is red, and loosey goosey. Udder big and tight , milk sticky, but ph is back to 7.8......will be watching throughout the day to make sure she doesnt try to sneak one past the goalie!
So, ph can go down and back up... Sadie's been doing that a little, but I just figured I had made mistakes on the ones that went down. Glad to know I'm not going crazy. Or maybe I am!
Lol Yes it can! However I can honestly say Ive never had one go from 6.8-7.2 back to 7.8....usually once we get to that range we drop even lower... I did read somewhere once of a maiden mare that tested 6.8 and then went back up...Ack! I guess she changed her mind, LOL.

Dreams body looks more ready today than yesterday. So maybe thats a good sign
She slept a lot last night. But now she is testing 6.4 so hopefully we will see a new foal!
Oh, boy! Keep it going, girl!

Mindy, so am I, and I've been following the marestare forum for a month now! I'm catching on, so there's hope!

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