Marlanoc Foal Thread

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Oh he is gorgeous, and just looks at those legs!! Love the picture of him and Fantasy having a kiss.

Again many congratulations - enjoy a nice long night's sleep.
Thanks guys!

I think he will be quite the mover, he is begining to work out those legs!

I tried to get more photos but two individuals who will go nameless (Lyric and Sterling) thought it would be fun to sneak up on me and my camera and nibble on my shoulders

Fantasy is so smoochy with him, lots of kisses and nuzzles. SO sweet to watch!
I thought you'd like him Diane! And we're all very impressed that you read through all our chatting as well

This little dude isn't actually one of Palli's, the sire is a mini named Southern Star AlaKazam:


And this is his full sister at his mum's feet:


I mostly bought Fantasy because I love her
but I also thought she would cross very nicely with Pallidon. Given the type she produces without him in the mix I think their foal is going to blow us away!

Am I right in saying that He Who Is Yet To Be Named is showing a snowflake appaloosa pattern? I'm only just getting comfortable with pinto patterns and yet to properly grasp these spots!
:yeah its great to have a new spotty to watch
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I hope he stays around long enough to clip! Like Sterling he is technically for sale although I won't make that official until they've all been weaned and I know who I'm showing next year.
You are just like us Bree - 'technically' all the boys are for sale, but we do really like to run them on to yerling stage to decide whether to show them or not!

We have sold a couple soon after weaning, but then the homes offered were too good to miss.

Really looking forward to seeing how the 'colour' changes/grows with this new little man - I like his Daddy too - plus I'm sure that Fantasy will produce great foals for you with your handsome Palli.
You are just like us Bree - 'technically' all the boys are for sale, but we do really like to run them on to yerling stage to decide whether to show them or not!
I actually like the idea of running the boys on to yearling stage. It gives me a bit longer to decide show or pet home and also if they'll be allowed of the property as colts. And quite frankly I like the two boys I have and when asked about Sterling I suggested a price at the higher end of what weanling colts go for because at the moment I really like how he is put together and I think he has potential as a show colt. If they want to pay less they'll just have to wait and see if he doesn't make the grade
thats like me if i keep de-ago i cant breed him to saffire because saffire and dusty are half sisters

oh that means id have to get some more mares
:rofl ..hubby would not be happy about that ..but i will keep de-ago

and show him before i decide any thing
Well the little guy has been named, he is Marlanoc Stormin' In Style due to his interesting birth!

Haven't seen much of him in the past 2 days as I've been out and left the feeding in the care of my dad who is way more interested in Sterling since Sterling actually likes him

Hopefully I can get some new photos now as he continues to unscrunch himself. Might be my next show gelding there!
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! his name Bree!!! have you thought of a paddock name for him??

he is simply gorgeous! love that little blanket! I can't wait to see him in a few months!
At the moment he'll probably be Storm, although looks like he'll rival Lyric in her love of bad weather. Just left him hooning around the paddock at top speed as some rain blows in

Camera batteries died today but he is looking SO good as he unscrunches!
Treat yourself to some new camera batteries Bree and get us those pics - we need to see the unscrunched pictures of this boy with the perfect name!
we need a stormy spotty fix
have you been shopping yet. Remember Christmas is coming so be a good girl or else

Just found some new batteries in my desk draw, yay!

Will try and snap some photos while they are eating

And Renee I'm never a good girl
Not even a day old in these 2 pics!



Now for new stuff, tell me if you can spot his blue fleck






well what a handsome man he is ,,he will grow up to be a very stunning boy

just look at the way he,s been put togher tall is he
No idea on height, his withers would be roughly at the same height as where his mothers neck meets her chest and she's a 36" and a bit mare!

I reckon he'll be the talllest of the group, pretty sure he'll measure small horse.

I LOVE his build, he is so perfectly horse like! Can't wait to put Palli over Fantasy and see what I get!
WOW!! Who is that HUGE hefferlump in that first picture with him?? Surely not our sweet, cute, cuddly TINY Lyric??? LOL!! She looks enormous against baby Storm!

But he is just gorgeous Bree.

Those long legs and his cute little hind socks - a future champion in the making.

Spotted the little blue fleck too.
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