Summer/Mindy Foaled on 4/1/13!! Colt!*NEW PICTURES & VIDEO OF SMOKEY PG. 41* 5 WEEKS OLD

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Yes, it is moving towards the red colour we are looking for - I would certainly be keeping a very close eye on her, that red can take several days to change completely or just a few hours!!
So it will turn red all over right before she foals, not just in a few spots?

Also... you will be happy to know that a very sweet lady that doesn't live far from me, let me borrow her EquiPage Foal Alert System!! So at least I have one extra thing to help me out with keeping tabs on her! I hope I can get it to work properly!
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Yes it will usually colour up shortly before foaling - but it may only be hours, it is just that we use it as the final thing to watch for to help those who may be less experienced at foaling mares and who may miss other subtle signs.

Good news about the foal alert!
That was so nice of the lady to lend you the Equipage
that will make the wait a little easier. I really think you are getting close.
A few more final changes and we can get the bubbly out.
I'm bringing the TimTams!! :D

won't be long now, how lovely that she let you borrow the equipage! have you got it sorted out with how it works yet? oh and you should do a test run of it, placing it how it would go if she lies down so that you know its working
Ok the EquiPage is not going off when she was laying out flat, but going off non stop while she is standing. What did I do wrong??

Also, Im a little freaked out because the baby hasn't really been moving much at all and this eve it was going bananas in there!! Seriously it looked like it was running a race and about to knock poor Summer over! Is that normal?? I was worried that it wasnt moving much now Im worried it moving too much! AGGGHHHH!!

Please help!
sounds like you have the halter piece in wrong. put it in up towards the ears and forward is towards the noise. Call if you need more help. Snug it up pretty tight on the halter.
This looks right, just take the box out and turn it around like I sent you the PM. I have my cell and home phone right here if you need help.
Callie, I double checked and that is how I have it, I found out that when I'm in my house it just keeps going off, but when I'm in my RV it doesn't. Kinda strange?? Hopefully it will work right through the night, but I will still stick with my checking her schedule. I will call you tomorrow if I cant get it figured out.

Does any one have any thoughts on the wild movements from baby? It makes me nervous that the baby is in distress or something.
Make sure that the batteries in both the pager and in the halter monitor are NEW. I cannot explain what a difference that makes. I pulled batteries from a tv controller that was working perfectly but my paging system was acting up horrible. I put new new new batteries in both of those units and it finally worked as it was supposed to. Good Luck!!
Jax, I just bought brand new batteries for it, I'm not sure what the problem is, it keeps on giving me false alarms, now even in the RV.
Baby not moving around is another sign things are very close isn't it ??..I remember asking the same question with my room left for fun and games in there
time to give up n come out so we can see you
Yes Lindi, normally the foal stops moving the last few days once they drop into position as there just isn't enough room. I have had small foals that can still wiggle around though. 1 mare last year wasn't at all slab side when she foaled but baby slide out easy so there are always exceptions to the rule.
given the false alarm's i would think that you must have it on crooked? but I'm not sure... I know with the foal alarm I had for Suzie, it went underneath her jaw in the middle part of the halter going long ways, but if that looks right for people who use equipage then I guess its right... can the lady who lent it to you come and check it out for you?

how is she this morning?
Oh great Diane!! All I need is one more thing with an attitude around here!! This place should be called attitude farms!! Lol

Thanks for all of your reassurance, the baby had pretty much stopped moving for the past few days, so when it went crazy I panicked a little!

Summer is the SAME! Nothing out of the ordinary happened last night... Other than me getting sicker... Ugh... Really bad timing. So another question, I haven't ever seen the mucous plug, I could have missed it but I've been checking her so much I would think I would have seen it. Has anyone else never seen the plug and the mare foaled?

Cassie, I will call her today and see. It's so strange, it didn't go off all night and then this morning it went off and she was just standing there sleeping?? I will fiddle with it more today.

Thanks for everyone's help!! Really really!!
Okay, so there goes the full moon theory!! The mare down the road who has had a perfect V in her belly for a week or more didn't do anything last night either. Haha! I have no clue what's up with your alarm, as I have never used one. Anyway, I'll be checking in throughout the day! Hope you feel better soon!!!
I have never seen a mucus plug on any of my mares so no worries there. Oh and my girls have NO privacy what so ever so if it had come out I would have seen it. lol

Maybe Lori will come on and help you with the Equipage cos she uses them, I don't know if hers are different but her girls have it on top of their heads.
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Completely normal to NOT see the mucous plug out of the 15 foals born here, I've only seen it once and I check the vulvas twice a day everyday. So dont worry about that.

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