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    • NoahG
      NoahG reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Aggie with Like Like.
      I pretty young thing 😁 🐎
    • NoahG
      NoahG replied to the thread Aggie.
      Vet guesses she's between 7-9 years old.
    • NoahG
      NoahG replied to the thread Aggie.
      She's been though a lot. She's one tough girl!
    • NoahG
      NoahG reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread Aggie with Like Like.
      She is so beautiful. Thank you for the update. I may go back and read about her journey again.
    • NoahG
      NoahG replied to the thread Aggie.
      Sorry, for some reason I was replying to comments but it showed them as separate messages.
    • NoahG
      NoahG replied to the thread Aggie.
      Time flies! Thank you!
    • NoahG
      NoahG replied to the thread Aggie.
      Thank you! It's been such a blessing to see her change. She's such a sweet little diva!
    • NoahG
      NoahG reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread Aggie with Like Like.
      What fantastic news! We can feel how your love is over flowing for these two minis ♥️ What a difference you have made for Aggie and...
    • NoahG
      NoahG reacted to MaryFlora's post in the thread Aggie with Like Like.
      Awww Noah, you sure brightened up this gray, rainy week/month in Minnesota! 🤩 Two and 1/2 years! 🤯 Are you sure? 😂 I have also learned...
    • NoahG
      NoahG posted the thread Aggie in Miniature Horse Forum.
      Hello Everyone, I am writing to update all of you on Aggie's health. Ever since her visit to San Luis Rey, she has done nothing but...
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    • NoahG
      NoahG reacted to HersheyMint's post in the thread HPR 2024 with Like Like.
      She didn't hold out for long. Those 10 days for you must of felt a lot longer. I'm glad mom and foal are doing great. He is a handsome...
    • NoahG
      NoahG reacted to elizabeth.conder's post in the thread HPR 2024 with Like Like.
      I guess I should update in case anyone was following this….i started Rythem on placentitis meds as a precaution at 294. She held out 10...
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