Sillouette is gone too

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Lyn - I'm so sorry for your loss.

Take care and God Bless...
Lyn, I wish there was something I could say or do to comfort you, but there just are no words for it. I know how you are hurting, please take your time in making a decision with your horses. God works in mysterious ways at times. We are all praying for your remaining foaling season to be a safe and healthy one. All in all--I do think this has been a very odd year for minis and foaling. I had my very first red bag in all the years I have had horses. (40 plus) Please take care and know we are all thinking about you. (((HUGS))) to you. Corinne
I am so sorry to hear of your heartbreak!! Prayers are with you and your mares.
[SIZE=12pt]Lyn, I'm so, so sorry. Please though, don't rush into getting 'out'. I KNOW the feelings you are having. I had them last year, and it took a long, long time to get over. I had only had my mare for a few months, but I was deeply in love with her, and loosing her (after loosing foals the year before, and another beloved mare that year as well) was just too much to bear. I pretty much threw up my hands and said, that's it. I came very close to dispersing everyone. I was in a severe depression that I didn't even realize until I started to come out of it. I'm back to normal now, but I remember the feeling of complete dispair and feeling like just giving up on all of it. I'm glad I didn't now... however, some of the clean up from that time still isn't done. I have a couple of horses not registered with the AMHA... although I did get the R papers, only because there weren't any problems with it, but there were problems with the A's and I just was in NO shape to deal with it. So I have a bit of a mess to clean up in that regards.[/SIZE]

I do know my days wouldn't be as happy if the horses weren't here, but I truly didn't know that then. So give yourself lots of time to grieve without making decisions you may regret later. It may take some time.
[SIZE=14pt]Lyn, I'm so sorry to hear about your mare, please except my condolences and I pray the next 2 deliver with no problems, Kathy[/SIZE]
Wow Lyn... I dont know what to say but I am SO SORRY :no:

I agree with CountryHaven, please dont rush a decision. You have my thoughts and prayers!
Lyn - words cannot even start to describe how sorry I am ... not even close... :no:

My heart is breaking for you, as I know how hard it is to lose a best friend...

I hope you take some time out for yourself, let your heart heal, and continue doing what you do best - and that is raising horses.

Big hugs,

Liz R.

341 days...and still counting...
Oh Lyn, I am very sorry to hear about Sillhouette... :no:

Prayers are headed your way - two mares and two foals is too much!



Silversong Farm
I'm so very very sorry to hear about the loss of your mare especially after losing the filly. My heart goes out to you and you will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I hope time will heal your broken heart.


Lyn, I do agree with the others, even if you decide not to breed anymore or for the time being, do NOT get out of the horses! They are a source of love and solice, and pride, and happiness, that are impossible to replace!

Just can't stop thinking about you today. :no: I feel so bad that this terrible misfortune happens to one so conscientious.
Oh Lyn

I know exactly how you feel! I hope that time will heal your heart, I know you will do what is best.

I am so sorry Lyn... sadly it is something most breeders will experience no matter how many years experience- they have I know how hard it is :-(

I am so, so sorry. :no: It's such a sad thing. I will keep you in my thoughts.

I'm so very sorry for your loss!
We were so lucky to save our Lizzie Jane when she had a bad dystocia 2 weeks ago! And you are so right to say that even people with years of experience can still have problems!

My heart goes out to you!




So sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences.


God bless you heart





Little Texas Minis

Sulphur Springs TX

She was gorgeous, I feel so terrible!

I am giving Jubilee extra hugs today

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