Mary's Pregnancy & Foaling Thread- SHE FOALED 5/22~~~FILLY~~~!!! New PICS pg 56

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I totally know what you are saying!! I think her belly is about as progressed as its gonna get- but I could be wrong about that!

So her hooha does look like it has elongated to you? I thought that might just be my eyes playing tricks on me.

I still can't get anything out of her udder. But I will be watching her closely tonight.
Thank you guys for the kind words, it really does help.

I know this is going to be tough, but I also know that Murphy still has some living to do- and I'm going to get him up to the highest quality of life possible, and as soon as that isn't manageable we will make some decisions. But until that time comes, which it hasn't yet, I'm going to remain positive and as upbeat as I can- for Murphy, Mary & myself.

Ok Mary has been really enjoying running around (well not actually running, haha- she can't move very fast but she tries) and has been grazing like a pregnant horse should

Her bag went waaaaaay down in the couple hours she has been turned out- but when I was out there spending time observing her, she was rolling quite a bit and kicking/stomping her back leg. I think her vulva is darkening too- but could that be from the rolling?

She has also been lifting and swishing her tail quite a bit since yesterday.

I'm going to leave her turned out for another couple hours, then put her back in her foaling pen. I think when I give feed her dinner I will put her in the 'stable' for the night- unless she doesn't seem to like that.

I will be sleeping in the car tonight, again- checking in every half hour. I think we might be closer than I thought.

Here is a picture of her belly- it really changed in the last couple days (I think). Please excuse her wet and muddy self- she couldn't resist rolling in all the muddy spots!


And her hooha- I still think it could use some more elongating, but i think it has progressed since the last pictures.


When I go out later I will get udder pics, more side shots, one from behind, and a picture of the color to see what you guys think.

She wasn't very cooperative when I was trying to take pictures- she wante to be in my lap, and then she kept turning her butt to me so I would scratch it. Haha
So sorry to hear about your dog Murphy but to me it sounds like you're doing your best so I hope you don't feel down on yourself about failing him. Sometimes things like that happen. I have a corgie who has back pain, she's no where near as bad as Murphy but it's sad to see her at only 6 years old not having near as much spunk as our 12 year old corgi

The weather here is pretty gross too, but like you said there's a great chance of good weather for the weekend

Wow, she looks to have made progress from that side profile view, to my non expert eye ;) Your description of trying to get Mary to allow you to take pictures made me laugh because she sounds like Blondie. I think if she had the chance she would crawl in my lap, every time I bend down for a picture she comes over begging for scratches.
I'm about to head out and move Mary back into her foaling pen- I will take a picture of everything and post it ASAP!!

I hope a foal is in the very near future too- it would really brighten my days! As long as everything goes according to plan- that is.
Alright here are some hooha and udder pictures!!!

I don't think she is quite ready to foal tonight- but I guess that could change quickly. Regardless I'm keeping a watchful eye on her and will update you all.

I'm going to do what I did last night- twenty minute checks, then increase the amount of time in between checks if things arent progressing. It worked good last night, so might as well continue it!
default_smile.png are the hooha and udder pictures...


Her udder went way down after being turned out- but she has big front boobs again!




She wouldn't stand far enough away from me for the other pictures- and kept turning her head when I was trying to get a belly shot from behind. So typical.

Like I said, I don't think tonight is the night- but I think we are close. Maybe this full/super moon weekend will do it!
Yes, I think she could definitely do some shopping. If she follows her pattern she will be pretty full in the morning.

Her tail head isn't very soft, and when I took those pictures she definitely had resistance in her tail- she took it right away from me.

I think she is holding out for the sun...tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, but from Saturday on it is supposed to be nice- so hopefully she waits til a nice warm night

I don't think I will need to do half hour checks throughout the entire night, but I will for the first couple hours.

Update in the morning!! (unless something starts happening!)
Just checked on her and she is looking like she definitely has some time. Udder is deflated and not warm, and it was really hard to keep her tail up long enough but she is still her normal light pink.

I'm thinking she isn't going to foal tonight- maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day, maybe in a week- but I don't think tonight. (although I wouldn't mind if I just jinxed it! Haha)
Ben, I don't know if they would help or not, but Springtime, Inc has a great product for dogs that you might want to at least look into. It might not help, but it certainly won't hurt.

Here's the link to the product page:

The testimonial page:

My Aussie got hurt as a very young dog, I put her on Fresh Factors at that time, and she was on them til her passing at 13.5 years old. She loved her daily "treats", and took them easily.
Great pics Ben, she is moving forward very well
her hooha is elongated more but it still isn't swollen or looking ready and her udder still needs quite a bit of shopping so I think you will still have to wait a while to see your baby. I wouldn't stop checking her though as she needs to get used to your visits.
I know it is tiring but believe me a few weeks dedication is well worth it when you get a healthy baby.
Great pics Ben, she is moving forward very well
her hooha is elongated more but it still isn't swollen or looking ready and her udder still needs quite a bit of shopping so I think you will still have to wait a while to see your baby. I wouldn't stop checking her though as she needs to get used to your visits.
I know it is tiring but believe me a few weeks dedication is well worth it when you get a healthy baby.
Just got done with my hourly check! I'm going to continue this until it gets closer to foaling- then check every twenty minutes from my car parked next to her
Alright...after a looong, and uneventful night, I'm here to report that we are still foal-less.

Mary has been acting strange today- I turned her out again because she enjoyed it so much yesterday. In about an hour or two I'm going to put her up and feed her the daily ration of alfalfa.
(later tonight I will feed her the night portion of the mare/foal feed and refresh her alfalfa)

Oops- got sidetracked there! Anyways, she has been acting weird. She keeps doing weird things with her back legs- like keeping them close, favoring one or the other (it switches), and kicking/stomping as usual. It's not that she loses balance, but occasionally she will kick or swing her leg and wobble.

I'm keeping a close eye on her. Her udder was the same this morning as last night, I was surprised. But I did get some clear fluid out- not very sticky. At least when my strips get here (should be any hour now) I will have something to test.

Her hooha is a little more swollen I think- here's a pic.





I'll let you know when I test the fluid I can get out of her udder!

I think we are getting close!!
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She is definitely making her way towards foaling, but I still think you got quite a ways to go yet. Her udder will get fuller (probably) and they typically get dark & shiny and lose some of the hairy look. Her hooha still needs to swell more and elongate. They do seem to do a lot of weird stuff in the weeks approaching foaling that keeps us on their toes. Turn out is so great for these gals and the exercise is good too!
I know that she doesn't look quite ready in the udder and hooha department, but that colour inside is certainly darkening?? Is that its actual colour or does it look darker here because of the camera or the posting? I would count on that colour rather than any up and down behaviour of her udder as she is not a maiden mare and things COULD happen and change quickly once they start. Also her shifting her legs and appearing a bit wobbly at times could mean the foal has done a shift?????

All very exciting!
Heres hoping for foals this weekend! Maybe one of us will get one LOL!
OK- the test strips arrived and I was able to get a drop out to test.

It's around a 7.2 so I guess that means not tonight.

It must just be the picture/lighting because it isn't as red as it looks in the pic.

She has continued to roll, in all the muddy places of coarse!! I just brushed her again this morning and now she is covered in mud and pine needles. Oh well...
I agree Diane, I would think Mary is at least a week or so off yet. As Sandy said, her udder needs to grow and loose the hair,and her hooha has a bit to go yet too.

Still keep checking her Ben so she gets used to it and better to be safe. I look forward to hearing a morning update.
Of coarse I think we are closer than we are- and then those darn foaltime strips prove it. Ugh. I wish she was testing yellow, but she is still at a 7.2ish so I think you ladies are right.

I wouldn't mind her having it exactly one week from today- that would be the day I bet my brother some money on haha ;)

Nothing new this morning. Udder looking the same, hooha the same, belly the same. I was able to get another drop of clear fluid out for testing- it isn't sticky, but it isn't NOT sticky if you know what I mean.

She keeps doing that weird back leg thing, an has been kicking/swinging them more. She was also very ornery with me this morning- which isn't normal, especially when I am delivering her food!

Last night I did hourly checks for a while, then cut back to every two hours. I think she is used to me checking on her- now if she would just remember to have the baby during one of my checks! Haha
of coarse as we get closer I will start checking on her more often, and I will move back into the car- but for the next couple nights I think we are safe with what I'm doing (and safe to sleep in my comfy bed rather than the car!).

As soon as her hooha starts swelling & turns darker, her udder fills, and her milk tests closer to a 6 than a 7 I will start watching her like a hawk. And I realize it could be any one of those changes, or a combination of any of them- so as soon as one thing looks right I will take that as my sign

I'll post some pictures either later or tomorrow!
We will let you sleep in your comfy bed until she gets to 6.4 then NO MORE SLEEP
Just checked in on her- did the second milk test for the day and we are somewhere between 7.0 & 7.2. Not tonight.

And she did not want me touching her tail- definitely has resistance. But her hooha looks the same.

Looks like the super moon has no bearing on her at all.

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