First time pregnancy,..not sure how far she is

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Ok well here are todays photos.. Not much change in Molly when she scratches herself you can see her hoohah is pink on the inside as it opens up, not sure what color pink its meant to be..Udder is a bit fuller but I think its going to burst if it gets much fuller hahaha...still doing hourly checks through the night nd 30 min checks through the day as we can see her from the front of the house. My daughter moves back to NSW ( Australia ) on MOnday and hubby and son are away for work during the week so I really do hope she has the foal by then or I will really get no sleep and NO HELP ....aarrgghh....come on Miss Molly .. I really wish I had known about cameras before I most definitely would have set one up
Do you think she look like it will happen by Monday 8am to be exact I still cany see a VDSCF1288.JPGDSCF1282.JPGDSCF1283.JPGDSCF1286.JPGDSCF1285.JPG
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I'm not going to attempt to predict a date. Altho for your sake I'm guessing tomorrow! Her udder from the back has filled out heaps compared to yesterdays photos so she might be behaving for you.
wooohoooo... I know this is only a guess but I really do hope so.. even when I get a chance to get a couple of hours sleep I am sleeping very lightly as I worry she will have problems and no one will see her ..hahaha.. over protective I know..Well I will post more photos if anything changes and yes Hayley I did notice the big change in her Udder from behind last night , thats why I took more photos today.. glad it wasnt just my wishful thinking
I thought I would show a comparision so people didnt have to go back through the pages.. hope everyone doesnt mind. :/...

So the first 3 are from yesterday


Then these 3 are from around the same time today

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Well you may well have a baby by Monday - for your sake I'm hoping so! Suggest you try to get a good sleep over Sunday night to help you get through another 42 hours if necessary - let someone else sit up for the night, they can catch up on their sleep later!

The pink in her vulva should turn a deep red, but this can happen approx a day or so before or even a few hours before foaling. Also watch her teats - from your pics they are not quite filled and they will fill just before she foals (as she seems to be following the foaling 'book' bless her!)

Good luck!!
Thanks guys, unfortunately anna there is noone else here.. The other 3 all work 12 hour days so not too keen to sit up and wait for a foal.. But when they are home they do watch while I get sleep. Hubby and son will be home for 1 night tomorrow night so I am hoping to catch up on sleep then if she hasnt had the for sunday boys go back to work sunday afternoon for another week and daughter is starting a 20 hour car journey monday morning so I will have to just toughen up ...hahaha.. although Molly could have told me she wouldn't go till January and I could have slept for the last 3 weeks...Bless Her she is soo adorable and I dont mind really.. Its actually very exciting and I dont want to miss a thing ..She is back in her yard again for the night so hopefully she is nice to me and gets things going before monday...
If you lived down the road I'd lend you my foal alarm so you could catch up on some sleep. C'mon Molly, lets get some action happening.
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hahaha thanks Hayley...It shouldnt be much longer now surely, I have been going since dec 13 so she has to have it soon ...
Think chopped liver and you are pretty near- gross I know but when you see it you will know it!

I have two confessions. I have never dipped a cord in my life- not horses, dogs, cats, never. Second one is I have yet to see a "red bag" video that is actually of a red bag- trust me, it all goes so fast that even if you had the camera on I doubt you would get it! You often/always get that bubble of placenta, it does not mean the placenta has detached only that it is stretchier than you would believe. I had a mare that red bagged (real red bagging) every single time with her colts, only. Her fillies were fine (this is probably a coincidence) Coupled with the fact that she gave NO signs whatsoever, she was he ll on earth to foal out and I did call it a day five years ago, I have one of her daughters (she only had three) and she is fine, and so is her grand daughter. Her placenta detached when the foal was down in the uterus. I lost her first foal as I had NO idea what was happening. With her second I dived in and hung on and broke him loose- he was oxygen deprived and a partial dummy. I got him to a year. From then on it was WAR!! I did not lose another colt, but it was a work of art, I can tell you. The fillies I just found, alive and well and sucking, no signs from Mama, no problems (I hate that mare....not really, kidding) The last colt she had she had six weeks early and on her own with no signs from the mare. I kept him going for a day, then he just gave up. That took the heart out of me.

I am not trying to scare you, it is highly unlikely that you will have a real red bag, they are rarer than you think so take heart, if you got a mare like mine you would be very unlucky!!
Thanks Jane I appreciate your input.. Its good to get different opinions. And yes I am hoping for a nice easy delivery but still taking some precautions
Good morning everyone. Todays update is still But she is happily eating Udder is still full so no new pics today. I will update if there is any change
LOL!! I read it that way too, then I looked again and spotted the capital U!!
haahahahaha sorry people forgot the full you guys are definitely on the ball
Teeeheeehee!!! Didn't you Aunties know??? Udder is what the Foaling Fairy sprinkles from her secret bag of tricks to start delivery within 72 hours!!! I'd always heard about it...but WOOOOOWW...kehran got to SEE it!!! LOL Hope that doesn't keep it from working! ;-)

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