CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

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Rue is doing well! Sorry I haven't been able to update as much as I should

I have a handful of terrible quality photos but I will share anyways, especially since they are your nieces!! You can actually see the one of the lumps on the side of Rue's neck and you can also see the large lump right below her throat latch (the other side of her neck is worse). Poor kid! But she is literally the happiest girl ever, she could not possibly have a better personality. Oh and please excuse the vets clip jobs. But its cool to see her beautiful color under ALL her fuzz! She has lovely mapping.

Miss Summer has been absolutely perfect!!! She can now pick up her feet without issue and she really tries her hardest in everything she does. Such an awesome little girl, still can't believe someone could get rid of such a princess.

I will take more photos tomorrow since these are a couple days old. They don't show how big Summer really is in person... She looks like a couple beach balls LOL









Oh i love the one of Rue running with grass hanging out her mouth lol, she has the sweetest face
and Summer is looking gorgeous
Little darling
give her a hug from me. Better give Summer one as well so she doesn't feel left out
So glad to see little Rue looking so happy after all her problems, bless her. As for the gorgeous Summer, she is looking really good - such a pretty girl.
Thank you everyone!!!!!

Took a few more photos today! Summer's edema seems larger and firmer to the touch. It also seems as though it has moved back, you can kind of tell from the photos of her udder. Also more to her udder in the back when I went to feel today. I really hate this guessing game! Good thing she is so cute

Not much to update on, but I know everyone likes photos anyways


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Oh my goodness, she can clear the fence in one jump!


As always, your girls look super cute
That certainly is a picture showing a little lady feeling very full of herself - brilliant, and as Diane says, one for the magazines.

And Summer's udder looks to be developing nicely!
Caption...."Couldn't fit under, so I had to go over."

And a thank you to you all, for sharing pics/videos and your breeding experiences. It very much helps people like me to learn what to expect if I decide to breed. (So far, I've resisted the temptation!)

These threads are better than just about any how-to book I've ever read or heard about!!
I never even realized how much it does look like she really just landed after clearing the massive fence! So funny, she is such a little character! She has more personality than my 17 hand TB. I would LOVE to have that in a magazine, how fun would that be?! Oh and equinek9 I love that caption! So perfect

I have some photos to share of Summer from yesterday! The photos are kind of showing how big she really is in person LOL poor thing! She definitely seems like her tummy has dropped a bit and by her tail it looks like her bum is now like a straight line down, very hard to describe and I am doing a terrible job trying.

Thought you would all love to see the 2 little owls I found when I got out of my car last night at home! They were only about 6-8 inches tall, SO pretty! I have always loved owls and I have never seen them in the wild like this, especially not this close or this tiny!






Oh those owls are gorgeous - so cute!

And Summer looks great - progressing nicely.
I hope those little owls visit again! Such stunning animals!

Here are a few photos of my little girls on Thanksgiving! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday










They both look absolutely fabulous!! Thanks for the great pictures - Happy thanksgiving to you too.
For those of you who knew Rue was sick before just about 4 days ago her breathing started to change. She had a slight wheezing sound so I had my vet out the second I heard it. We made an appointment for her up at New England Equine hospital and she was put back on antibiotics. Tuesday morning was a complete disaster, she was making very loud squeaking noises and frantically running around the stal

l gasping for breath. I had never seen anything like it, and honestly thought I was going to watch Rue pass. While the trailer was being hooked up she reared up and hit the wall and when she hit the ground she passed out. After that she calmed down a little bit and just lay there, the crazy noises stopped and she was just wheezing. Her little body worked so hard to keep going, our vet at home did not get back to us so we put Rue on the trailer once she was stabilized and headed for Dover.

Once we got there I was honestly terrified to open the trailer but when I did Rue let out a high pitched whinny. Then very slowly she was walked into the barn where she greeted all the other horses. About 20 minutes later she was taken from the stall to the examination area where she suddenly had another attack, and gasping for breath went to collapse. My vet yelled for the surgeon who ran over and gave Rue an emergency tracheotomy. As soon as the trach was in place you heard somewhat normal breathing. She sounded like someone blowing through a straw, it was and is the best noise I have ever heard! She was then scoped where you could see she has no function on the inside when breathing so a bunch of tests have been done and just waiting on the results. Rue is in the absolute best hands! I am still shocked at how much fight and spirit this little girl has! Its a real miracle that she is still alive, so now we just hope for the best and wait for answers since the vet has no clue what would cause this in a 7 month old. There is a very high possibility she will need surgery to have a permanent trach put in but until then we continue to pray for her recovery and hope to bring her home soon!
Stay strong girl. Boy have you had a lot of serious dramas in the last few months! Thinking of you and little Rue, and hope they have her sorted soon. Big hugs
OMG!! Poor poor Rue and poor you!! I'm sure the team at Dover will be able to get her sorted once they have found a cause - I wonder whatever can have caused this very upsetting trauma.

Sending you ((((HUGS)))) and saying prayers for little Rue, bless her.

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