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I dont understand why folks post here asking for an opinion, and I think we all try to be honest with what we see, and then get offended if the answers are not what they wanted to hear.

There is more to being a stallion than a 'good disposition' and the ability to get a mare in foal!!

You are right about the papers- it doesnt mean the horse is top quality or not, but part of being a RESPONSIBLE BREEDER is to breed for the best you can and to geld those that are not of breeding quality whether they are papered or not. I have seen many horses with top pedigrees that would never enter a beauty contest, but they were also gelded or being gelded, so as not to carry on the faults that were evident. They were not used to breed, just because they could.

Would I drive this horse in shows? It is hard to tell by the pics, but I can tell you the open shows here have tough competition as well as the pointed shows. It would depend on all the factors as to whether he had what it took to compete in a driving class.

Halter? Nope.

Remember something- when you walk out there in public, with a horse on the end of your lead, whether it is big or small, other folks get an opinion of the quality of horse you might be raising, or your personal knowledge of what makes a good horse and do you know what you are looking at? You are your own representative to the rest of the world in 'advertising' what is on your farm or the quality that you strive for.

If you choose to represent yourself with a horse with multiple conformation faults, as a stallion, then that is the reputation you build for yourself.

No, you didnt ask people about gelding, but when you ask for an opinion on a stallion that is not halter quality, and you asked if you should show it in halter.... there were other suggestions made that could have been other options for you, WITHOUT people being rude and just coming out and saying he was not good quality and forget it.

The horse may do better in a gelding halter class than a stallion halter class, as the judge is going to be looking at this 'possible' breeding animal and being a bit harder on it than in a gelding class. This is probably why the subject of gelding came up in the first place.

If you take that as offensive and fly off the handle, well.................. I thought most folks here tried to answer as honestly and truthfully as they could, without picking the horse apart.

I have now also formed my own opinion, based on the postings, pics, etc.. and will just keep that to myself.

You ASKED for people's opinions on whether to show this animal, and they stated their opinions.
I am just going to explain a few of the reasons that I am miffed

I wouldn't breed your horse if he was mine whether he was registered or not,
This was the post that got me,(as well as a few PMs) not so much the others. People gave their opinions, and I wasn't very upset about that. I know my horses aren't the quality people on this forum are putting out, but I love myhorses not matter what they look like. I understand that people don't want more horses in the world, but that comment was the one that got me. I had NEVER asked anywhere whether or not I should breed him. I know he is not anything compared to other horses around and maybe he shouldn't be bred, but is it everyones right to tell me that I am not allowed to breed anything that isn't top champion horse.

Second, I respect evveryones opionions, and I am not trying to force my beliefs or opinions on anyone, but in return, i ask for people to respect me, and not try and force their beliefs on me. I asked for opinoins on showing in local shows for fun jus to see what people thought of my horse that I am really proud of. Throughout the 5 years that i have owned him, he has done 2 bad things which were outlined in someones post onhere. Her jumped a fence to get with a mare that was teasing him. Please tel me that that was the first time anyone in the world has had a stud try and get with a mare. The second was when he was with my mom on our walk when he pulled the lead from her. I did mention in the other post that she has NEVER handled any kind of horse in her lifetime, she had only handled him for about a month. She was inexperienced and things happen! He is not a bad behaved stud, some people haven't heard the whole story behind him, they have only heard his bad behaviour in ONE event.

As for everyone thinking that I should attach a quote on my signature, that is your opinion, I don't think that I was forcing anything or trying to get everyone to aggree with me about anything except to let people know that I WILL NOT geld this horse. I am sorry you feel that way, but I wasn't telling everyone to agree with me or to force anything on them, I was just upset that people were pushing that I geld my pride and joy. He may be up for stud service, but did anyone ever ask if i had anyone interested in using him, the answer is no. I jsut put him for service to people who want to own a pet to love. I bought one mare in ovt 05 and bred her in spring 06. I bought the other mare in oct 05, and she was supposed to be bred to another stud. Am I now going to get critized for buying in foal mare that is grade? Anyhow, I haven't even had a foal from him in the 5 years I have owned him, but had saw his previous offspring, and wanted a mare to get something that I could enjoy, and maybe sell when it was a little older. I am not breeding Mass Quanitities of bad quality grade horses, just 2 to bring into a loving family. I will never sell them to anyone who would send them to the auction or mistreat them. We follow up on every horse we sell about every 3 months or so. We have never had 1 wrong sale with any horse we have sold from ponies up to draft crosses. I am sorry that people feel that I should not breed him, but I can't afford toget registered horses to breed and I want to have one mini baby that people can love.

I understand how a forum works and like I stated before, I regret ever posting this topic on here because I I know people don't find him to be of great quality, but he is my horse and my pet and I wasn't asking whether or not he should breed anythign. I understand that not everyone think that my horses are the best, and i never forced that on anyone. You alwasy see your horses through rose colored glasses as somebody once told me, and I agree. There are plenty of people out there breeding low quality horses that may or may not be driving the market down, but IMO the market is not all that bad.

Another point was posted about when I go to a show, and the judge doesn't pick my horse to win that I will go to him and ask him why. In my 14 years of show experience (4H and showing welsh ponies studs and mare, and QH) I have NEVER once questioned the judges opinions. I know that not everyone can win, and I reconize the faults in my horse, and if you guys would not only look at this stud, you would have know that I have gelded several studs that produced amazing foals, We had a welsh pony stud that I had shown that was 6.5 years old we I had to geld him because we wouldn't sell him as a stud because he was quite aggressive in his later years. After we gelded him, we trained him for the hunter jumper curcuit and he went to a loving caring home in ALaska, they still have him to this day (he was a beautiful dapple grey) We had had about 120 foals off of him that we outstanding but they were grade so I suppose now, I am going to get that thrown back now. Ok, I drifted off topic there, so anyhow, you guys never knew about that so assuming that I would critisize the judge was wrong on your part. I know studs are judged hard because they are breeding animals, but that was nothing to do with what the question asked.

I know someone posted something about they were glad that I was leaving. When I joined this forum, I thought I was going to have a enjoyable experience, and I did until I posted this. I thought everyone on this forum was very respectful and considerate, and Regardless of whether or not epople thought he shouldn't breed this horse, nowhere did it ask if I was in the first post.

I know my horse is not top quality, but as many postes I have put up, I am new to mini breeding. I have absolutely no idea about anything with a halter horse or even a driving horse in show. That is the reason why I posted this on here. I wanted a conformational opinion on my horse and in a way i got it, but will also teh gelding being pushed.

I am sorry if I have caused any problems, and I feel very upset that people were tring to push gelding on my horse, but I never asked that and I am sorry that people feel that way, but I will do what is best for my animals. I appoligize if I have offended anyone, but like I said people did sort of answer my question, the just tryed to push other things on me as well. I think I covered everything, and I think that whe someone else who is not been breeding and showing for years comes on here and asks for an opnion, maybe some will remeber this post and maybe not push gelding soo much and focus on the question asked.

BTW, Makes me feel so much better that people are glad that I am leaving!!!!
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I also dont see a horse that goes through/over fences or breaks away from a human(and adult one at that) a well mannored horse.
Where the heck are you getting that from???

I dont understand why folks post here asking for an opinion, and I think we all try to be honest with what we see, and then get offended
She got offended because she was only looking for and only asked for opinions on SHOWING him and people found it necessary to jump on the geld wagon and run it into the ground.. Like I said before, if any of you posted a colt or a stallion or heck a mare/filly and asked for opinions on showing and people jumped on your case to geld or spay you would get slightly offended as well, granted some of you would let it roll off and not bring it to boil on the board but I know that many of you would respond back in a similar manner..

If the market is so horrible then please tell me why there are farms out there breeding for 20, 30, 50+ foals a year? And if there are soo many stallions out there then why do some of these same farms stand 3,4, 6+ stallions and then have another 3-4 or more young stallions in the wings? I know of one farm that has around 20 stallions that they are breeding with, not even going to begin counting how many mares they breed! Yet when someone posts a picture of a potential stallion prospect for them many reply with geld and enjoy and then breed your mares to an outside stallion.. Sorry but I personally do not have the money or the time to 1.) pay to book a stallion 2.) pay the breeding fees 3.) haul or pay to haul the mare(s) to the stallion 4.) go and pick up the mare(s) or pay to have them hauled back and 5.) repay it all when the mare turns up open! Had two mares not settle for me the first breeding and believe me so much easier to take them to the stallions standing in the pasture on our farm than to worry about shipping them out somewhere.. I did a search on an internet classified, a did a total search for all minis, registered and not and came up with 1172 (all genders) then I did a second search on just registered minis and had a hit of 851, leaving only 321 unregistered.. Looks like the registered ones are the horses 'flooding' that market site..

And I guess to a point many of you would consider me an 'irresponsible' breeder since our buckskin stallion is not papered, yet we breed with him.. We're in the process of getting WCMHR registry for him, but I know some people on here do not feel that the WCMHR are up to snuff with AMHR/AMHA horses and I'm sure there are plenty of you who will think less of me since we do use him for breeding, which is fine... He's a nice stallion, good conformation, good disposition and throws nice foals, only thing he lacks is AMHR/AMHA pedigree and papers..

Here's our *worthless* grade stallion


And I'm sure there's some of you out there that wouldn't breed with our AMHR stallion and then there are some that would.. We all have different tastes etc, but where do we come off having the right to pick and choose who is allow to breed and who isn't? When I posted a pic a while back about my snow cap appy colt, many replied with "get him out and show him', and when I replied with the fact that I have no interest in showing then those same people replied back with 'then sell him to someone who will show him'. Which I felt as a low blow to me, that this colt wasn't worth anything in my hands but would be worth so much more with someone to stand him in a showring.. Sorry, but I am a believer that the trophies, ribbons etc are NOT what makes a horse and NOT what is going to prove him in the breeding shed..

It's not going to matter what is said or done on here, people are always going to have opposite views and opinions and are definately never going to agree, however, I do feel that some people on here need to take a step back and reread their posts before hitting that 'add reply' button, and that we all could work on our respect level.. There are some people on here that others hold high but I've lost a great deal of respect for them just by their posts and the way they address people...
Oh goodness! It doesn't matter if it your stallion or another stallion, if we see some conformational faults, that will be passed on, we will offer an opinion and say geld. Most of us that are saying that, have had to do so ourselves, so I guess we don't see the harm in it. And yes, in my opinion your questions were answered. Everyone said show him in driving, but not halter. It's very important for anyone that is thinking about breeding to read about the breed they are wanting to reproduce, learn the breed standard, and strive to meet that, grade or papered. And also, the market is down at this time and not because of winter. If you had been in this market longer, you would see that as well. I want you to understand that a good horse with good conformation is not out of your price range. Can you afford $100?? I can assure you that with some searching, you could find one for that. And yes, they can range up to $50,000 as well... And as stated before, not all papered horses should be breeding.

I also wanted to say that when I started in the minis, I had a very different herd. With the help of this forum and some very specific people, I have upgraded, without breaking the bank (I'm a stay at home mom and my horses have to pay for themselves, the money that my husband makes doesn't go to the horses AT ALL) I have managed to put togther the herd I have now. I have only 1 horse from the original bunch and I have her because I LOVE her. She is the sweetest and most gentle mare, but with spirit as well. She is learning to drive and will be very useful to me for that purpose. Parades and such, but not shows. She won't be bred, just a pet that has a use! Yes you are proud of your boy, you know him, all the good and the bad, but you don't have to breed him, just because he is a stallion. If you don't want to geld him, that's your decision, of course
: and we can't make you, but you did ask for opinions, maybe not about gelding, but the nature of the question was such that it inspired many to head down that road.

I hope you are able to move past the hard feelings and learn from this forum. There are many good people on here that do know what they are talking about and others that are just very opinionated, as will be with any forum. But this group of people are very caring, they are a family. They truely do have what's best for the horses and the people on their minds. Yes, some are very opinionated (me me me!!!) but we don't mean to be mean or nasty. I'm sorry about the pm's you recieved. I can just imagine!
: I've had my fair share in the past as well.

Questions about conformation tend to get a little crazy on here. It's best to find people that you can respect and directly email them for information of that nature. The people on here do want to help! And if you ask one or two people directly, for an honest answer, you at least don't have to have it broadcast across the forum.

Anyway, I think also that people are more aware of these issues at this time, because here in the states selling horses to auction for canner prices has been struck down and we are being overrun with horses with no where to go. No one to feed and care for them. Horses that are being released into the country side because no one wants to feed them. Many thousands of horses with no homes. I'm sorry that your post came at a time when we are all so sensitive to this! As I said before, I just hope something can be learned from this...
My comment about breeding was not that "you shouldn't breed him." I said that I would not breed him, and from that, if he were MINE, I would have no reason not to have him gelded. I didn't tell you what you could or could not do, and sorry if it came off rude. You say "people gave their opinions, and I wasn't very upset about that" but mine was no more than an opinion.

In my OPINION, geldings lead healthier, happier lives and are more fun to be around without worrying about them getting hormonal around mares, and so, are much more fun to show.

Also, in my OPINION, every horse bred helps bring the market down, whether you breed one or 100, it still contributes. If you're going to breed, if you're going to bring lives into the world, i'm of the opinion you should at least do it with the best horses you can.

Sorry but I personally do not have the money or the time to 1.) pay to book a stallion 2.) pay the breeding fees 3.) haul or pay to haul the mare(s) to the stallion 4.) go and pick up the mare(s) or pay to have them hauled back and 5.) repay it all when the mare turns up open!
My opinion is if you or anybody else(includeing myself) dont have the money to spend on those things, then maybe you should consider not haveing foals at all, because we all know here that one bad foaling could easily cost you that much and then some to begin with.
QUOTESorry but I personally do not have the money or the time to 1.) pay to book a stallion 2.) pay the breeding fees 3.) haul or pay to haul the mare(s) to the stallion 4.) go and pick up the mare(s) or pay to have them hauled back and 5.) repay it all when the mare turns up open!

My opinion is if you or anybody else(includeing myself) dont have the money to spend on those things, then maybe you should consider not haveing foals at all, because we all know here that one bad foaling could easily cost you that much and then some to begin with.

That doesn't make sense at all? Just because I don't want to put the money into breeding to an outside stallion when I can purchase my own stallion and breed to him and save instead of booking a stallion, paying for his stud fee and any other charges including hauling, I shouldn't be having foals????? The money I save from breeding to my own stallion to my mares goes right back into the mares and foals...
Well said Mindy and Kenna. And I agree, I dont care if this horse had papers or not, I would still recommend to geld as I dont care if he had the best pedigree in the entire world, he is not stallion material and I dont feel he would compete well in a stallion class at any show. Have I seen worse? Yes.

We realize that you love your pet very much, and he is well cared for, but a pet is that- a pet, and perhaps not the quality that should be used to continue to reproduce. Many registered horses should not be reproducing either- but this had nothing to do with registration papers, and everything to do with the quality of the animal.

I agree, registered or not, you breed the best only.

There was a forum member on here last year who posted pics of both her stallions. She got some very good critique and advise from many and if I remember, she sold them both and purchased- at very reasonable prices I might add, two MUCH better quality stallions to breed and show with. She took the examples and opinions that folks expressed about conformation, etc.. and knew what things to look for when looking for a better quality stallion and improved her herd a lot. She was not offended or mad at all but took the information given to improve and showed that she was open to learn and wanted to improve.

Please dont be offended, but you asked some questions and folks gave you complete answers that they thought would justify their 'yes' or 'no' opinions. Some of you are misinterpreting help, experience and guidance as being rude. If you had just received a 'no' from everyone, with no explanation, wouldnt it have made you wonder WHY??
NO I didnt say that. I was simply saying if you dont have the kind of money to do that(if you wanted to) then how can you have the money to raise a foal? Should/or should not something happen doing the whole, breeding/foaling and what not process.

I personally have my own stallion, breed my mare to my aunts stallion so no outside fees. However, I do have the money to go outside if i wished.

I also dont think there is really that much more money involved breeding out side, verses breeding inside. The mare/stallion care is the same, only thing is your paying to feed two verses one if you go outside. Most people, offer a rebreed if the mare dont take(at least all the ones we inquire with, and myself)
I own a grade mini stud who is awesome to work with and is broke to drive single as well as in a team. He was a "fill in" for the team of Tom and Jerry who drove in the stampede parades but we never actually saw him in the team. He is black and in the summer he fades a little bit but not too bad. I only have a few pictures of him right now, and none of them are with him set up properly. In the summer picture her still had long hair and that is why it appears brown. (I don't shave my ponies) he has a different bang now, in the pictures, it is cut off so it sticks up. What my question is what you think of him entering a few halter and driving classes at fun shows in my area? Here are a few pictures.

The parade pictures (driving) are now with a different cart.. I bought an easy entry cart but don't have any good picture of him with it.

First let me say that I really don't post much. Been a member since the beginning.

To answer your question...

Yep, I would take your pride and joy, very lovely fella and show him in anything you want to. He is your horse, right? He looks like he enjoys the cart, you enjoy it, so why not? Maybe venture into obstacle classes, if offered. Halter, showmanship.....

Please don't leave the forum. There are some very knowlegable people on here and you can pick up some valuable information.

Also, if you haven't been reading here long, I'll let you know that I could put a picture up of a couple of horses I have (and not say who they are) and ask for opinions, (which I would NEVER do) and these horses would be torn to shreds. Guaranteed !!

I wish I had a horse that would do parades, I've always wanted to participate in our small town local one, but I don't think any of my horses could do it...

Just my opinion.


Edited to add: Once I got past the first couple of "Geld Him" posts, I quit reading most of them.
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If I REALLY REALLY wanted to breed to an outside stallion I would and could... What I am saying is that it is so much easier, on yourself and the mare, to breed to your own stallion if you have that available.. I know a couple of our mares do not travel well and I can't imagine sticking them on a trailer and sending them to a strange place and stressing them out just to get them bred.. JMO
Your take on the market, your take on your own horses is your own.

Personally, I would not show the horse in halter, though he will do better in Open because many judges who also judge other breeds don't understand the breed standard, and will often place higher just because "it's cute or rare or different, etc." not all, but some.

The breed ring, should you decide to go that route (by hardshipping, it's possible), will give you an idea if your horse is competitive as a good breeding horse. Not altogether, as there are MANY factors such as the horse itself, its parents, siblings, etc. more than I can list here, as you didn't ask for that. Also look at what's available...and what your price range is.

I can NOT see it being lucrative or satisfying to produce foals that will sell for no more than $500 ea. papered or not. The pet market is overpopulated as many who try with the best to the best will produce pets just because not all best to best breedings come out "for the best."

Then there are the larger breeders with the "pet quality" anyway...go to an auction and see what I mean.

Show him how and where you want to, in whatever venue you want. This seems to be what you will do anyway.

His temperament aside, I would not see him being a good halter prospect as halter to me implies a good breeding candidate unless you're in Gelding halter.

The horse in my avatar is my show gelding, and he is constantly getting beaten by nicer, more refined geldings, to give you an idea of what's out there in the local show circuits, and I think I present him fairly nicely. There are better geldings than mine and he was a very well behaved stallion, and I have had many offers for people wanting him as a stallion, also his children (before they knew he had none and he would never have any). It was a short and quick procedure to geld him, and he is an amazing animal. He does not suffer a bit for his lack of testicles.

Don't get upset if someone says something you don't agree with. Thicken your skin and ignore the ones who are rude, but consider some of the advice and keep your mind open, even so.

Good luck,

Liz M.
I just wanted to say I do not want to hurt feelings or offend anyone. But after reading all the posts on this topic and others similar over the years I have a few thoughts of my own on several points.

First to answer Erin's question, I would say yes by all means show your beautiful little guy in both halter and driving. In years past, I used to show my little minis at our county fair and it was not either AMHA or AMHR sanctioned but it was so much fun and the town folks always loved having the minis there. :) Many had never seen them before and became interested! There are so many ways to help the market of these little guys and that is just one :)

Another thing that topics like this always make me think of, is that I believe in the "Overall Big Picture", the vast majority of mini owners do not show, and also a huge number of mini owners have their own stallions. I am one of those. I used to show close to home years ago, but my heart has always been much more in the breeding and foaling end of it. I think those who show and love it should definitely be showing. :) I have friends who do, and I cheer them on!

I also think those who have their own stallions and mares and choose to raise foals each year and get tremendous joy out of that, should do that. :) Miniature horses have SO many ways of bringing joy and we each have to find our own niche.

And I also think when it comes to "type", that everyone is going to have their own opinion on horses.

And I think it is important for each of us to raise the kind of minis WE love, not what someone else is telling us to raise. If someone loves their stallion and the babies he puts on the ground and can either keep them for his own enjoyment or finds good homes for them with no problem, then I do not see a reason to geld that stallion. If the foals have the good health and conformation to end up in loving homes and lead happy healthy lives, that is what is important in my humble opinion.

I truly think that is what the vast majority of breeders do, those who never post or do not show, but are enjoying their little herds all over this great land of ours as well as in other countries....... and that it is really only a fraction of mini horse owners who show, and certainly who show to the national level. And I think the vast majority of these small (for the most part) breeders would feel very bad to have someone tell them he should be gelded, unless they asked for that kind of opinion on here. Consequently I think people who do post pics and ask for opinions are very brave and need to be very thick skinned. And I admire them also.

I also think there are probably a Huge number of "diamonds in the rough" on farms that are never even considered for showing but are out there producing beautiful babies just like the champions. :)

I'm sure many of you will disagree with one point or another but I often think about these things and hope people are enjoying their minis as much as I do mine, even if they are not national champions, but beloved companions and pets, and probably many with excellent conformation also. :)

These are only my thoughts and opinions.

And thanks for letting me express them. I sometimes feel like there might be out there a huge silent majority who needs to have a voice. If I am wrong, so be it. This was not meant to hurt anyone.

And if I am the only one with these thoughts, well I have lived most of my life to the beat of a different drummer. :)

Susan O.
Can we please just let this one go now? We all know that "all of us have different goals, ideas and opinions". It does no one any good to keep ranting on a topic. All points have been made, and it isn't doing any good to "validate" our beliefs. I believe that Erin got the answers she was looking for, from those who stuck to the original questions. But for those of us who are going on and on, it's only causing hard feelings. Maybe he should/shouldn't be gelded...it was nice of those of you, to mention that's what you would do. But for those who are striving to make Erin look bad, doesn't make any sense. I hardly post anymore, and I NEVER post when a topic is being debated as strongly as this one is...but it's just so sad that people who have been here forever can bring themselves to harp on those new-comers who may be trying to learn something. And you guys wonder why people refuse to ask questions that could possibly save their horses lives. NO ONE likes to be rediculed, and sometimes it seems like everyone's goal to do just that. I don't blame Erin for being rude (although I think she could have calmed it down just a little), but when you are the small dog in the pack, you have to toughen your bite. I understand everyone's opinion on this, I just wish that everyone else was open minded and could discuss this calmly and without hurting others feelings. :no:
It is not about whether or not I respect or listen to others opinions and advice.I have overlooked them. It is not that I am upset with the opinions, I am defending my horses because most horse owners overlook the fact that becuse they are not show quality, they are just adding to the horse market problem. I am upset because people think that they should push for gelding a stud that THEY think is not worth breeding. Like I have stated time and time again, this stud hasn't been a problem other than the 1 time when we brought the new mare on the place. He has only turned out 3 foals in his life (for a 9 year old that is not bad) All three of his foals were absolutely gorgeous and I want one for myself. We actually weren't going to buy the second mare but but a friend had sold her to us as she was moving. Just because I love my horses and don't want to replace them with registered stock that is still not going to be top quality, I am suppsed to not breed my horses and bring joy into my life. I am not saying that people were forcing to not breed on me, but like I said, I am going to make the best choice for my horses. If someone wants to critisize my horses or my actions, then go ahead. People may think that I am just adding to what people call a problem, but That doesn't bother me.

People have stated that I should toughen up, but I find that I don't need to. I accept the opinions, but don't get me started on saying that because he is not top quality that i should geld him and if I don't, then don't breed him. Even if I did geld him, (which I never would) he owudn't be able to go in with themares either. He would get ganged up on by the two mares, they already do it over the fence and when they were in together before.

I hope that some people on this forum will think about this instance when a newbie comes on for a critic of a horse. Maybe they will be able to get a good experience from here.
You say you came on for a critique, and no one was FORCING anything on you. If someone sat here and said Jump off a bridge, Jump off a bridge, would you do it??????????? To a person on the computer NO. So why do you say we are forcing you to geld.

We can't force you to do anything you don't want to, so say THANK YOU for you opinion, and MOVE ON.

So we don't like him as a breeding horse, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO OUR OPINION. Just like you do.

Yep your opinion and mine are obviously completely different, but WHO CARES.
You say you came on for a critique, and no one was FORCING anything on you. If someone sat here and said Jump off a bridge, Jump off a bridge, would you do it??????????? To a person on the computer NO. So why do you say we are forcing you to geld.

We can't force you to do anything you don't want to, so say THANK YOU for you opinion, and MOVE ON.

So we don't like him as a breeding horse, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO OUR OPINION. Just like you do.

Yep your opinion and mine are obviously completely different, but WHO CARES.
DID I EVER ONCE SAY THAT ANYONE DOESN'T HAVE A RIGHT TO THERE OPINION NOW DID I? the answer is no. I didn't try to change anyone opionions or beliefs now did I? again the answer is NO. I have repeated this time and time again.

If you had read the Pms and emails, you would know what I am talking about. Maybe I shouldn't have been so quick to "lash out" (even though I wasn't trying to be rude, or obnocious, i guess some might have thought that I come across that way) but I was BOMBARDED with Pms and emails about GELD GELD GELD GELD that were WAY more rude and offending then ANY of my posts. I did mention severla times that I am not taking these opinions to a serious level, I said before, I over looked them. I am not going to do ANYTHING that I don't think is right for my horses. I did get some good answers from the people who posted about my question. I again appologize for anything that may have offended anyone, but I spoke my mind, no different then anyone else on the forum. I think people may have found that I was trying to be mean, but I didn't think I was :no:

If everyone feels that this post needs to stop, then mods, go ahead and delete it! I think that this has gone on long enough and to far for that. Like I have stated, I accept everyones opinions, and I will do what is best for my horses.

On another note, I would just like to add that could someone please deactivate my account so I stop getting these anoying letters in my email inbox.

Thank you everyone for your time and good luck with everything you have going in your lives, whether it be showing or breeding.

Again i appoligize if it appeared like i was coming off to hasty, but it was what I felt. Like everyone has posted before, EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION!