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      Hello everyone, thank you so much for allowing me to become a member! So new to mini horses, just got my 1st pair last Tuesday❤️ they...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread New to mini horses.
      I have 2 donkeys and 2 mini horses here in NW Connecticut !! You are so going to enjoy your retirement with your new little critters...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread New elderly pony.
      Yes, you are right, I have shared stories about Lady on this forum. She was the best ever!! Thought I'd also share how I gave Lady her...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread New elderly pony.
      How nice of you to take on an older wee one. Charlie is a very lucky boy. I've had a couple of horses with Cushings. I adopted a pony...
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      1roadtoad reacted to Eq-rvt-vts's post in the thread New elderly pony with Like Like.
      Just a heads up about compounded pergolide; it can be inconsistent enough to be ineffective. Your very best chance to get his PPID...
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      1roadtoad reacted to Abby P's post in the thread New elderly pony with Like Like.
      Definitely being properly medicated should help with the coat as well as the lack of topline muscle and the pot belly! Those are all...
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      1roadtoad reacted to MaryFlora's post in the thread New elderly pony with Like Like.
      Thanks you all! I’ve never had a horse with Cushings so am hopeful and curious to see what changes occur over time. It will be...
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      1roadtoad reacted to LostandFound's post in the thread New elderly pony with Like Like.
      That's some coat! But he looks cute, and the pergolide should make a big difference for him. I'm so glad you could take him in!
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      1roadtoad reacted to Eq-rvt-vts's post in the thread My “Littles” with Like Like.
      •Jam On Jett- yearling colt. •Cobblecreek Fontana Rules- 11 year old mare • DH Scarlet O’Hara’s Sprite- Weanling filly
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      1roadtoad reacted to Marsha Cassada's post in the thread tractor drive with Like Like.
      I went out for a nice drive on a road I like to look at wild flowers. The eryngo was blooming like crazy--it was thick on the roadside...
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      1roadtoad replied to the thread New member.
      `Welcome to the forum and good luck with your new minis. Do you care to share names or pictures?
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      1roadtoad reacted to Bennysmom's post in the thread Minis kick cancer! with Like Like.
      I went to a self care workshop for Ovarian Cancer Survivors and therapy minis came for a visit! So cute!
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      I bought these for the first time a few weeks ago. My 2 donks and 2 minis like them just fine. I got no complaints from them :).
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      1roadtoad reacted to NoahG's post in the thread Winston Update with Like Like.
      Hello everyone, Life got busy again (shocking, I know) and I completely forgot about posting an update about my boy Winston. Winston...
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      1roadtoad reacted to MaryFlora's post in the thread Not a pony with Like Like.
      Earlier this summer I lost my senior mini, Goldie, to age related issues and the preceding January our Gordon Setter, Nike, also to old...
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