Dinky Doo

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I was comparing Dinky with my last foal Fizz and she seems to be well early with her goggles..no wonder Heidi thought she was so much older than Cam..i have pictures of him at 8 weeks just starting to get his goggles..strange
O.K. that makes me feel better..Cam still has no goggles. Just chompers that he does like to test!! Dinky is such a little chunky monkey....maybe i need to up Cams food...hes alittle taller and thinner. Dont tell Cam but i like little Dinkys color much better. need to get photos for you but Cam is really getting light!
She s very chunky just like her mum..dont think she would ever make a show pony lol..she wasnt bred to be a show pony though so id be more than happy if she turns out half mum half dad as planned
really not sure what colour she will end up but she does have alot of black undercoat so either very dark bay or black id say all will be revealed in good time..shes such a darling..loves her daddy..spending more n more time hanging around by the stable door so he can chat to her over the top..mum wasnt happy at first but now she leaves her to it..be so nice when i can put them all back together
Still trying to be very patient with the head colllar..will get some pictures up of that on a very unhappy Dinky soon
they are so moody these girls
would be nice to have a happy one but think thats asking a little too much at this point
LOL!! Lindy - I always thought she looked as though she was going to be a little madam! Don't you just love them.
She a darling really Anna and I love her to bits but your right she is a little madam at times..still waiting for her horns to push through..dont remember having this much trouble getting a headcollar on my little colt..Im almost there though she lets me get it over her head so the next stepis getting it over her head with her nose in too lol
attempting to buckle it up would be totally out of the question with her nose bit on as she is impossible to hold still..has to happen today though...i need a picture of her at 4 weeks (today) with it on lol..that was my target and havnt met it yet..geez not even thought about a lead rope and when i think of that gorgeous lil filly i saw at the show 6 weeks and leading like a pro..little monkey she is but today is the day she better get used to the idea
so pictures to follow
I hope!!
how did you go Lindi?? we are having DInky Doo withdrawals!!! n I wanna see this gorgeous halter!!

hoping she was a good girl for you
Haha looks like im gona have to take a picture of the headcollar and Dinky in separate photos lol..shes such a cowbag and hates it..I get it over head and her nose now but shes off like a shot..cant seem to get it tight enough to leave it on safely..think its a bit on the large side too (she'll grow into it)
its small and is fully adjustable lol but looks chunky on her..I didnt get on too well in all honesty and havnt tried again since Saturday as the weather has been so awfull..poor baby got a real soaking I had to give her a rub with the towel and put the lamp on her as she was standing shivering in the rain..shes fine now but i must have put them in and let them both back out over 10 times today so she didnt get wet
and i was out most of the day!!..oh the joys of our Welsh weather..will try harder to get it on and as soon as it looks like its sortof on I will get some pictures lol if she stands still long enough without having a fit that is..shes such a meanie and a grump your deff right Anna..shes trouble with a capital T
I wished we lived closer (and had some free time) Lindy, because I would send Cathy down to help you. She is just amazing at gently getting hold of foals and holding them quietly until they simply stand still. Once they have realised that they cant 'escape' when a human is holding them, they never forget it. It's all done so quietly with the foal sort of walking into the 'trap' of Cathy's arms and then finding there is no way out until she releases it. No wild grabbing at baby like a lot of folk have to resort to.

Only thing I would say is that every time naughty Dinky Doo 'shoots off' away from you, she is learning that she can get away/escape whenever she wants! You might have to rethink putting the head collar on her for a while. Is there a reason why you need one on her just yet?

Oh and yes, where are our up to date pictures?
I know what you mean about the grabbing and escaping shes cottened on to that already sadly..I dont want to scare her or put to much pressure on her to get the headcollar on ..there is no reason i need to get it on just yet and might leave it another week before i try again as its becoming a battle of wills
the weather has been so awful last few days too and she having a good old mad time when Im letting her out between the downpours..not sure if i should leave her out in the rain or not as she got really cold few days ago and just stood looking really cold n sorry for herself..I guess that the downside of having a late foal in our climate
..is it ok to leave her out to get used to it or would you be inclined to get her back in before she gets a soaking ??..will get some pitures today so you can see how shes lost most of her hair off her face now and boy those teeth have come through with a vengance and she sure does love to use them
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Oh teeth...They are soooo cute at first!! Cam is just starting to loose his hair around his face. I cant wait to see your little girls face w/no baby hair. What is the weather like at your place? I have just started leaving cam out in the rain...but at least here its not a cold rain. Still pretty hot and muggy here and cam has been getting very itchy w/all his baby hair. I can picture her wearing her halter...thats alittle too big because Cams is the same way. Thats ok...you are like me..we dont leave it on long enough to pose any safety issues. I cant remember..did you say you have had a couple other foals in the past? I wish I had others to compare cam with but its nice to read your stories b/c they are so close in age.
LOL!! Just laughing at you bit about using her teeth with a vengance - well really, what do you expect? Who else is she going to practice on?? LOL!!

Heidi, weather wise, I think we have been suffering from the remains of H. Irene the last couple of days - your storms/snow/other weather problems generally end up over here in a sightly milder form!

Must admit that we usually fetch foals back in when it is raining, but this year for the first time, once the mares returned from Cathy's with one foal at 4-5 weeks and one at 2, they went out in one of our fields where there is a large barn. We did put loose hay all round the edges of the barn, plus their mineral 'pot' and an inside water supply, but didn't trust the two mares to use the barn when it rained, so for the next two weeks I went up and shut them in at nights, but left them to please themselves during the days. Luckily we only had a few light showers during the day at that time. Now at the first sight of anything other than a light shower the mares are hot foot to the barn, knowing they will still find a fresh supply of hay in the dry so they dont have to stop stuffing themselves while taking shelter!! Greedy sods!! LOL!!

But young foals dont have much in the way of natural oils in their coats so I always feel it better to err on the side of safety and bring them in.

Last year nearly killed me as we had 13 foals and a lot of bad/really awful weather when they were all a month or two old very soon after a long hot spell. Of course they all felt the cold so we decided that they had all better come back in when it rained. I was on my own most of the time and they were all out on a 10 acre field that had to be reached by walking through another 3 acre field. Off I would go to collect a mare and foal - without exception they would all be sheltering at the far end of the 10 acres where the hedge and tree belt dipped down a short hill. Walking up with one mare, plus all the others following was ok, getting the foal I wanted out of the gate was often a nightmare (dont forget streaming rain and strong winds making everyone facing away from the gate or pushing to get through and come in) Having (sometimes) sucessfully managed to get the right foal through the gate with the mare I was holding, I set off for the stables. By the time I returned to the field ALL the mares and foals had taken off again back to their shelter at the far end!!! So the same 'journey' had to be repeated again and again! Not something I ever want to repeat in the future, thank you, it used to take a good hour to eventually get them all in. Even if I had had someone waiting at the other end, who could have opened doors so the whole herd and babies could have run in en masse, we were using two separate buildings for them and there was no way that one person could have run between the two buildings to close doors as the 'crowd' arrived at the gallop!! Never was I so glad as when I saw Cathy often plodding across that field in the pouring rain with her arms full of extra headollars! With both of us we could halter several mares at once plus shoo the right foals through the gate and cut down on the time it normally took for the whole operation.

Bless the Welsh weather!
Boy Anna, that sounds like a lot of work especially w/the sizes of your fields/pastures. Luckily for me ..not so much for the horses my pastures are not that big so round up isnt a big deal. I just cant wait for a couple chilly mornings...I get so much more work done when Im not sweating by noon everyday!!
hope everything continues to go well for both of you with your gorgeous foals I still have all that fun to have
when Suzie's babe finally arrives hehe
That sounds like hard work Anna Im always wishing i had alot more land but I guess it does have it downfalls when you have to go get them in the rain n wind im sure..I only have to shout at mine and they come running along with the pigs that are so incerdibly noisey at feeding time
Dinky thinks its fun to play im not going in the stable with mum game now
she stands just outside and when i get close off she scoots little monster..I was laughing so much yesterday at her little game..she really is such a character..if its naughty Dinky loves it..

shes very dark bay on her face now Heidi..I will try hard to upload some pictures just been a bit crazy around here last few days..Im still waiting to see more Cam pics too
its great theyr so close together and I love reading your storys of how hes coming along..Im way behind with the headcollar though

You wait Cassie boy are you going to have some fun with your little one..but as crazy as they are and all the worry they give us..we do love them to bits eh
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Cam does the same thing...hes always making it a big chore to come into the stall. He just seems to have a little more exploring to do...and its always just a tad out of my reach!! Can you imagine if the went to the first day of school together...good lordy...I think they would each spend 1/2 the day in the principals office. you and I would be attending every teachers conference to discusse our unruly "kids"....disturbing the class!!
The halter experience really can vary from one foal to another. Last year I had 2 colts 2 weeks apart from each other. Dipinto was an angel and a real pro, I showed him the halter and he tried to eat it immediately. Each day I would sit in the field with them both and play whilst holding the halter in the hand I was using to scratch them. After a week I took Dipinto by the chest, threw a leg over his butt so I was standing over him and slipped the halter on, first at the top and then I closed the nose part. I stood back next to him and he kept turning round to look at his back as If to say "what did you do back there" and he didn't even notice the halter.

I repeated the same thing with Chip and it was a totally different story,
It was much harder to close the halter as he kept wiggling and then when I let him go he took off like a rocket and then threw himself on the floor as though I had just skinned him

Gosh i so wish that Matteo had been there to video his tantrum bc it was hilarious.

He was difficult with anything that was new yet Dipinto takes everything in his stride, clipping, bathing, feet trims he is better than some of the older mares.

I guess Dinky is going to be a pest
but it makes it more fun
I wonder what Cam will be like???