Did you watch the debate last night?

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All of that was very interesting, Lowrise Miins. Thanks for the link.

Susan O.
I agree Danielle! People who like Obama think he did great like I do. Sad that because he is trying to give respect to McCain and point out where he thinks he has a good idea, all people can say is he just agreed with him. He will have to be ruder next time and stoop to McCain level.
I don't agree that he should stoop to McCain's level of attack. I was watching on CNN and they had for those of us with HD television sets a really neat feature where the group of people they had (republicans, democrats and undecided) giving of their opinions during the debate and when each candidate spoke whether a thumbs up or down as to what was being said. When McCain came out with attacks and lies the meter went way low. People aren't interested any more with the mud slinging style. Also when McCain went on a tangent and started in again on his records as a war vet the approval rate on the meter went down. It had absolutely nothing to do with what was being asked. People are more intelligent than that. It was okay to mention it early in the campaign but now the people, whatever party you are for want some real answers on the issues and that's a good thing. I think Obama looked good by not pouncing as much as McCain. I found Obama has class, intelligent answers and more centered on the issues without having to resort to attacking the other candidate. That aggresive style of talk won't help in the foreign policy arena. You need srong but you also need some decorum and diplomacy. McCain's style reminds me of Bush, alot, and that is not a good thing for the U.S. on the international front, not if the U.S. wants the respect back as a superpower. If you antagonize other countries before trying to reason with them, it won't be good for the U.S's image or for security of the people. JMHO. Take for example McCain's earlier statement that Spain was a rogue state, hello??? Spain a rogue state??????????????????????????? He said because they wouldn't help in Iraq. That statement is so ludicrous and I don't blame the Spaniards to be really upset about it. Just because a country decides not to follow the U.S. doesn't make them a "rogue state". He went overboard and statements like that are not a good thing for anyone. Fear mongering is not what is needed. We have enough of that coming out of the middleast. We don't want to lower ourselves to those tactics.
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These big CEOs, I have no idea how they sleep at night when they take these buy out packages that are ridiculous amounts when the government bails them out. Shame on them. By the way, three of Obama's advisers -- one headed his vice president search -- took nearly $150 million in golden parachute money from Fannie Mae. (Two are former Fannie Mae CEO's and the third is a former top exec at Fannie Mae.)
I think if you look into the other side you will find similar kind of things as well, What you should be looking at, either side, whether Obama or McCain got direct money into their personal accounts. Obama and McCain are both for a deal (bailout). One is the same as the other on this issue. I have to say I agree, if it's not done then forget recession for the U.S. and say hello to "depression" and it won't be just the U.S. You will be taking the world with you, hence the reason that governments around the world are for this bailout. We all have something to lose. You are willing though to spend $10 million $$ a day for a war that you will never win. I don't care if McCain says we will have victory. That is garbage. Nobody "wins" in a war like this. Look at Vietnam. So keep spending the $10 million a day but keep opposing the bailout which if not done will hurt each and everyone of you for decades. All the analysts have said the same, "we have no choice". I understand that you are all angry and rightly so!!!! But not doing this bailout would be much worse than going ahead with it. The only thing now is to make sure that this NEVER happens ever ever again and make policies and regulations that will make this impossible to happen again.
Are you sure we all watched the same debate here???
My thoughts as well. Although of course everyone sees what they WANT TO SEE.

I was very impressed with Obama and he firmly cemented my vote as he is and plans to take our Country where I feel it should go. After all the talk on here how other countries have no say nor no need to be in our buisness when it comes to our election I am glad someone sees that for the US to continue to be thought of as a super power country we need to get back some of the respect we have lost the past 8 years.
Danielle-the bailout WILL go through, even with public opinion against it. I don't like it either, but you are right. At this point it pretty much has to pass.
What you should be looking at, either side, whether Obama or McCain got direct money into their personal accounts. Should you just look at personal accounts? After Christopher Dodd, Obama received more money from Fannie Mae than anyone else in the Senate.

And I like Obama. I also like it when the truth gets out.
Well, we have been spoonfed that the bailout is a given. Being led again by the media....

I just don't get why the people who have caused this and supported this and made a living by this, are being allowed to keep their jobs. That to me is wrong.

Why can't the problem be lessened for the lenders by setting up a program to help the ones going into default on loans. I think there might be fewer hands in the pot that way and let it trickle down to the lenders rather than buying the bad loans.

Just me....it doesn't sound right with all this rush rush.
Sadly, Yaddox, the truth has been rare in any of the political discussions here on this forum.

I love intelligent, fact-based discussions, which is why, for the most part, I've not participated lately on the Back Porch.

However, since I'm here, I will say that for anyone to suggest that Obama is less than intelligent while they support Bush is ludicrous.
Not speaking to intelligence as I think Obama is one sly something else, though I do wonder if some of his proclaimed supporters are really smart enough to deserve a vote... how about INTEGRITY when it comes to Barack Hussein Obama???

Bill Ayers (current friend / former terrorist), Jeremiah Wright (personal mentor of 20 years / anti-American racist), Acorn (shady leftist group guilty of voter fraud and recipient of significant gov't handouts).

I do not understand how anyone can be behind a man who requires so much explaination and attempts at justification??? You don't hear us explaining away shameful things about McCain yet look at all the baggage that is part of Obama!!!
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Yep! I not only watched it but I taped it.

Obama did not win... Mc Cain did

Do a real poll, like Fox News did. They got more than 90,000 responses by text message, and Obama got 14% to McCains 86% on who won the debate. I saw this on Fox News this morning at about 7:30 AM.

McCain knew all the answers, while Obama gasps at straws to find the answers and even then he didn't know McCains name and gosh he got a bracelate too but didn't know from who.

I loved it when McCain kept saying,"What Obama doesn't understand." He said that many times. Obama just showed that he was mad to many times and spoke loud like he was talking to unruley kids and also sounded like he was preaching!!! Not a good thing.

McCain spoke in a nice soft voice and never got upset and told how he saw things. McCain was awesome!!

If we have Obama as Pres. Then he will surely get a war going on our home land. Something that McCain wants to keep over seas.

911 was just a very small example of how it could be if Obama gets in. I think Obama is throwing caution to the wind and will get the United States in trouble. I for sure don't want a war on our land.
But if Obama gets to be president, Be scared... be very scared.
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Jill, I have a quetion for you. A yes or no answer please. Is Obama a terrorist? Is McCain part of the mafia? Are you aware of the links to the mafia that McCain's wife's father has? It would be a ludicrous for me to say because of those facts that McCain is part of the mafia.
. These kinds of inuendos doesn't help in focusing on what really matters or perhaps you really don't care about the issues? Can you tell me what issues are important to you in this election? or is a republican thing to go for the mud slinging and hope that some of it sticks?

There is mud slinging in our election happening here too, by the conservatives towards the liberals and other parties. It's a real turn off for me when looking at candidates. All candidates have skeletons in their closest. One is no better than an another in that department, as far as I am concerned. Many things have come out about McCain as well but you tend to not acknowledge it but come back with some about Obama. That gets neither side anywhere nor is it productive but I guess when you feel threatened or feel that you are losing ground, desperate measures are warranted?

Being that I work for the Canadian government I basically live politics every day
which can be a real pain, lol.

Well, I am off to dinner, my eldest son turned 31 today BOY, do I feel OLD, lol.
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I don't think it's any secret that I plan to vote for McCain.....However I voted (on another thread) that neither won the debate. I was more impressed with Obama than I expected to be - not that it changes my mind. I just don't feel with all the problems we're facing right now that on-the-job training would be a good thing, and nothing anyone says will change my mind about his association with his "spiritual leader".
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An actual poll only allows you to vote once....

Jill - the guilt by association nonsense works both ways - as I said in another thread. And yet you keep dwelling on that kind of stuff when there are actual issues out there. Is Obama a Muslin? NO. No matter what the latest stir-the-pot email tries to tell you.

I did watch the debate... thought Obama came out slightly ahead. We'll see how the next one goes.

But after watching Sarah Palin fumble her way through her interview with Katie Couric... I am aghast. She is in waaaay over her head. She sounded like that Miss South Carolina who fumbled her way through a pageant question last year... returning to key phrases... saying a lot of nothing...

I felt sorry for her.
Tag and Danielle --

You can keep asking me all the questions about our politics that you want, but please realize that I'm not reading the questions more than a skim if I happen to notice my name.

As you both know, I've said repeatedly that I will not debate our US elections with people who:

1. are not US Citizens

2. do not know what it feels like to be a US Citizen, and

3. are not eligible to vote in our election

Additionally, I'm not the only one annoyed that some people who are not US citizens are so adamant and pushy about who they think we should elect.

I appreciate both of you, your input on other matters. and do like you both -- but I feel as I have repeatedly said I do when it comes to the US elections. Right or wrong, understandable to all or not, this is sincerely how I feel and what I decided some time ago.

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and 3. are not eligible to vote in our election

Additionally, I'm not the only one annoyed that some people who are not US citizens are so adamant and pushy about who they think we should elect.

And I am not the only one annoyed that you should be so outright rude to others in other countries and about as short sighted as McCain on how the world views us and where that puts us as a power country.

It is your right to be that way for sure and you can be as proud of it as you like. It is my right to say have no issues with them adding into our discussion and that their views are important to me. Thankfully my candidate realizes the need to earn back the respect of other countries if we want to ever be considered a power player again!
I'm sorry but I just do not care what people who are not US Citizens and eligible to vote in our election think about our politics enough to personally debate it with them. They cannot have the same perspective as a US citizen and their media is even more biased than our own. They cannot possibly care about it as deeply as someone who is a citizen of this Nation does. It's beyond me why "you" would think I'd care to debate US politics with people who are not qualified to cast a vote in the election.

There's a reason only US Citizens get a say on November 4. It doesn't matter to me if you think that my position is rude. It's funny that those who think it's rude already know what I'll say because I've said it to them a number of times before. If you don't want to be offended by my opinion, stop digging for it and/or give it as much weight as I give yours on this specific subject.

To be perfectly clear, I've never said "they" should not participate in these discussions, only that I am personally not going to debate them. They are free to say anything they want, but I'm also free to not get into a discussion about US politics with them, no matter how many times they call me out to try and do so.
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