Your Drive Day

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So good news and bad news. The breast collar fits great. Now that I've had the comfy fit on her I can see just how bad my original straight (and much too short) breast collar was. The bad news is my traces are waaaaayyy too long. I tried to hook the sulky up first and that was a big no go. I thought the EE might work but nope, too long for that one too. Has anyone else run into this problem with their comfy fit mini traces? I got a "C" breast collar but the traces just come in "mini". I need to have holes added and have them cut down. I'm thinking make the last hole the new first hole and make 5 holes behind it. Clem is tall but fairly short backed. As I recall, when I got her harness from Ozark the back strap was way to long and I had to have them make a custom one about 8 inches shorter.

Anyway... I hated to get her all tacked up then let her get away with not working so we ground drove. I ground drove her through the neighborhoods we usually drive through. We did a lot of gentle zig zags from one side of the rode to the other to get her to soften up a little and we did a lot of stopping and staring at spooky things till we could calmly walk right past them. Best of all... I made her WALK the whole time. I have let her get bad at going right into a trot and she doesn't want to come down to a sustained walk for me. I would like to show her in a local open show this fall or next so coming down to a walk is something we need to have nailed down.

I also trimmed hooves on Clementine and Major yesterday. I sit on the barn floor with my legs under the horse and the foot in my lap. My husband just laughs at me.
Tweaking a harness is so difficult. I thought if I sent measurements all would be well. Not. I bought a bridle from (I won't say who) and could never get the darn thing to fit the horse. A former member here suggested I do some measuring on it. It was sewn 1/4" differently on each side at the blinders! No wonder it always looked lopsided. The maker made good on it.

The only thing that is original on my harness is the saddle and bridle. Both horses can use the same harness, but each has his own bridle.

I took Rowdy out yesterday. He really is lazy. I am thinking if I had another horse to drive with him that was more lively, he might do better. I'm not complaining, it just gets a little old having to ask him to pick it up out of the jog trot. Even heading for home doesn't hurry him much. He's just out to see the scenery and can't understand why there should be any hurry. Saw a large covey of quail. Their numbers are building back up. First there was coccidiosis in the birds for several years and then a drought. The killdeer birds are so silly, running along in front of us, crying. I see the meadowlarks must have moved on, and so have the redwing blackbirds. There is a purple blooming weed in the ditches I need to identify, and the native grasses are all beautiful now.

So, guess Rowdy has it right--what's the hurry?
Glad you both had nice drives. I have not driven for two weeks due to unrelated life stuff. I did not get to drive Peanut at the last show because we had not driven, and that was a goal I had set for us, but we had a great time other than that. There is always next year. Have not done a thing with Cappy either!

Marsha, we used to have killdeer in our pasture but they are gone. Your post made me nostalgic for them. I hope ours return someday. They were always fun to watch.
Got a drive in today, though not with my mini. My parents are away for 18 months and I'm charged with keeping Dad's Fox Trotter from getting too lazy. Dad bought a ComfyFit Euro Collar while in Illinois and had it shipped out so, while down at the barn soaking another horse's foot and giving antibiotic injections (geeze horses are a lot of work!), I thought I'd try his new collar on. Well once it was on I figured I get a better idea of the fit if his whole harness was on... then it was just a matter of minutes to hitch the meadowbrook so why not??

For a horse that's had almost 5 months off he did really well. Also, I had hubby tack him up while I talked him through it. He's driven the minis a bit but has never tacked and hitched and wanted to learn. Hubby and I took turns driving and we did about 7 miles. Beautiful day for a Sunday drive. We did go by one of those "speed detector" signs and it clocked us at 10 MPH. That was at the top end of his flat "fox trot" walk.

I'm sold on the ComfyFit harnesses. At least their breast collars and euro collars. Red (fox trotter) used to throw himself forward when he would start from a stop and today he did not. He just started pulling nice and even. And from what I could tell from ground driving Clementine with her new Comfy Fit she seems very happy in it. I need to get shorter traces so I can hitch her but I think we'll both be happy with the result.
MajorClem that sounds like a fun drive with the hubby. Mine helps hitch when I drive and has driven Peanut at the end of my drives once in awhile. He's a fairly big guy so he keeps it short and slow. Sometimes I wish we had gotten a pony instead of Cappy so he could drive more as he enjoys it so much. But Cappy needed a home and we had an empty stall.... and it all worked out as he loves "his Cappy."

10 MPH sounds like a pretty good clip, I got a kick out of the speed detector picking you up!
@Squeaks: If I had the means I'd be buying that Misty from you. What a great looking horse!
Thank you, she's a very nice mare and incredibly sweet. Since she has weaned Remi, her disposition has changed tremendously and it would appear my friend is going to pursue purchasing her, but not 100% yet. Pending hubbies approval I believe. Our local Miniature Guru says I'm crazy for getting rid of such a nice mare... but you can't force a relationship with a horse. Her and I just don't mesh and adding her munchkin to the mix... I'm happy with the trio I have at the moment and Misty really needs someone to call her own
However, if she doesn't sell, she might be a good match for my husband lol.

I'm very happy to hear y'all have been enjoying the pictures! I love sharing the adventures
My driving will slow down a little bit over the last week and will continue to briefly. Friday I got on the ATV to go round up the 'lil guys only to step off the ATV (at a complete stop) and my ankle gave out. Giving me a fairly severe sprain. I did pick up an Easy Entry cart from a friend so I should be able to drive still. Day 3 and I'm walking around the house without my crutches, just don't tell the hubby!

@Cayuse - I'm not sure on the harness. The Sterling Silver fittings is a harness my friend bought with her easy entry and the brass (On Misty) is a harness I picked up used from a tack shop. According to our Mini Driving Guru it's an $800 harness new, but mentioned no names. I'm greener than grass on the companies with driving. Everything I've acquired has been fairly second hand and typically brandless (stamp wise) I'm sorry I can't be of more help
I took Rowdy out yesterday. He really is lazy. I am thinking if I had another horse to drive with him that was more lively, he might do better. I'm not complaining, it just gets a little old having to ask him to pick it up out of the jog trot.
I had/have this issue with Mikey. He can definitely be lazy if allowed. When I spoke to my trainer he asked me, on a scale of 1-10, how hard I was using my driving whip when needing the aid. I told him probably a 2, he suggested upping it to a 4. We then went around again with a couple of reinforcements at the higher level. We then sat and chatted for a few minutes and when I started up again and asked for a trot he moved right out with no hesitation. Since then he's starting to understand the difference between a jog and a trot. I'm hoping that our next competition in a few weeks will show a marked improvement.
I agree it is likely a training issue with Rowdy just jogging. I know if we worked on definite, structured maneuvers he would probably improve. I really do not get the sense that he has figured out he has a job yet. He is just going along to get along, and I'm sure it boils down to training. But, I will be doing a lot of my driving giving rides and doing community events, so he will most likely turn out to be perfect. He is very personable and friendly.

When I up it to "4" he is fine with that. No tail switching or ears back. He's "okay okay! but what's the big hurry?"

The last several times we've been out, he has not had a single tantrum. (knock on wood!)

Love my Sierra... She's had four days off from driving after I sprained my ankle Friday. I'm hard headed enough I wasn't going to let my ankle get in the way of me enjoying the horses. Picked up an Easy Entry and a Harness Sunday so I didn't have to worry about being able to step in or out. My other cart is older so you have to step up and in lol.

She had a mild temper tantrum when I asked her stand so I could catch Savannah (our tag along who pulled herself loose). She was like "Really?! We JUST started and I want to GO!" She loves her job.

I tried her "Build-A-Bear" shoes that fit her when she was a yearling. Couldn't believe they still fit. I did lose them somewhere in the yard though...


Might be doing a trail drive Saturday! :D
I agree it is likely a training issue with Rowdy just jogging. I know if we worked on definite, structured maneuvers he would probably improve. I really do not get the sense that he has figured out he has a job yet. He is just going along to get along, and I'm sure it boils down to training. But, I will be doing a lot of my driving giving rides and doing community events, so he will most likely turn out to be perfect. He is very personable and friendly.

When I up it to "4" he is fine with that. No tail switching or ears back. He's "okay okay! but what's the big hurry?"

The last several times we've been out, he has not had a single tantrum. (knock on wood!)
I think Rowdy's got the right idea. Now that Mikey knows that I mean it when I ask, most of the time we take our time and enjoy the scenery!
We did a small, well, it was supposed to be a "small" and ended up being about an hour and a half long. Girls were a champ... At least until the Miniature Horse eating roundbale around the corner startled Sierra. I had no clue a mini could turn so sharp/quick in a cart lol!! Did a handful of trotting and a couple strips of cantering (for hill easement).


What a great place to drive! That's one thing I haven't found a lot of around here (at least in Western WA) open places without lots of gates to maneuver around with the cart.

It looks like you had wonderful weather, too.
Was a warmish day, but a beautiful drive! It's a Wildlife Management area that we get to ride/drive on

Squeaks,in your first picture, you have a strap from the crupper to the shaft. (On the silver black horse on the right.) What is that strap please?
Kicking strap
Misty is a very quiet driver, but she went through a very mild bucking up phase when we drove away from home, literally one episode. We introduced the strap whilst in the ring and took one attempt for her to buck up and she hasn't done it since. It's loose enough to catch her and allow her to canter. She hasn't offered the sassitude again :p
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Was a warmish day, but a beautiful drive! It's a Wildlife Management area that we get to ride/drive on

Kicking strap
Misty is a very quiet driver, but she went through a very mild bucking up phase when we drove away from home, literally one episode. We introduced the strap whilst in the ring and took one attempt for her to buck up and she hasn't done it since. It's loose enough to catch her and allow her to canter. She hasn't offered the sassitude again :p
My trainer recommended using a kicking strap if only because of the damage a horse can do to itself and the cart IF they have any issues. I am a firm believer in it is better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
Peanut is very good looking boy, helped a lot by his neat and clean appearance and well fitting harness. thanks for sharing.
Thank you! Sorry the picture is sideways. I did wipe down the harness just yesterday,lol. It's so dusty here because of the drought that it gets everywhere. The minis got introduced to the vacuum this weekend as I just could not take brushing the dust out of them. It was endless. Peanut was dubious about it but tolerated it with some bribing and Cappy loved it.
Love the picture, Cayuse!

Took Coal out today... Who hasn't been really worked at all lately and did what I loathe. I let him choose the pace (politely).

My friend from Texas was visiting and I decided to plan a quick trail ride with her and the hubby. With a two horse trailer I decided to take Coal out and see the trails. Especially since he supposedly loves trail driving... Love a gross understatement.

He couldn't hardly wait for me to to kiss and ask him to walk on. Once we got on the trail he asked to trot and I let him. He starts to poke his nose out and pick up the pace and with some reluctance... I let him go. He picks up a canter (in his brief defense it was a hill) Well, the canter up the hill turned into a fairly lengthy canter in various forms of terrain and elevations. The two big horses being ridden by hubby and my friend were none too pleased with the Mini and the cart, thus kept their distance. Which was fine, Coal left them without so much of a glance back. He'd rein back in when asked, but kept asking to trot/canter. It isn't often I smudge the line of proper conditioning and/or behavior, but he was just generally happy to be out and about. I still am none too happy about letting him do what he pleased by the fact he'll probably be sore as the dickens tomorrow... but he seemed very content and happy after the drive.

We almost drove 4 miles in various terrain and elevations:

I'm flabbergasted and he was quite satisfied with himself after the drive. I have a pony harness enroute to him, so forgive his up-snug breeching and dirty booty!



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