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Sep 14, 2020
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I love reading the different competition experiences and results that are posted here from time to time, and thank you all for sharing. It is motivating even if you aren’t currently competing!

I did pull up the MN State Fair Horse Show info a few days ago, as they do offer a miniature show, too late for this year, but perhaps next year!

Reading through the rules there were two surprises, one, the FEI rules which, I would imagine that for minis are only applicable at a sanctioned driving events, was the requirement to have an FEI horse ID number and a microchip, plus an additional fee for FEI testing procedures.

The other was specific to the MN State Fair and that was to supply your TIN # and to complete an
IRS W-9 or, IRS W-8BEN with your entry. Failure to do so would stop your entry process. (If you win $600+ you will be given another tax form to report your winnings upon check out.) If I won $600?! 🤣

Competing certainly has become more complex! For those of you that compete in competition driving, if under FEI, after the micro chip and ID #, are the rules pretty typical of showing in general?
And organizations wonder when their entries are low 😕.
I stopped going to a small local show series a few years back as the fee's came to over $100. Entering one halter class cost me $136. This was an open class C show, I forget the exact affiliations, Mass Horseman's Council and something else which slips the mind. Classes at that show never really filled. On the flip side, I went to an unrated show this weekend, spent $29 for 3 classes and had a wonderful time. The show ground was packed full and the classes good sized. Sometimes less is more.
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The other was specific to the MN State Fair and that was to supply your TIN # and to complete an
IRS W-9 or, IRS W-8BEN with your entry. Failure to do so would stop your entry process. (If you win $600+ you will be given another tax form to report your winnings upon check out.) If I won $600?! 🤣
This is very common at all State Fairs and premium shows. I did it all the time when I showed dairy goats if there was prize money involved.
It can be required in other shows too though. For example, you have to fill out a W-9 before futurity at Nationals or World.

AMHR is no longer an affiliate of FEI so seeing those standards is rare. You only see it in ADS Carriage shows.

Just looked at the MN State Fair Premium for the horses and the microchip and FEI ID number are only for the USEF sanctioned events there like the hunter/jumpers. They do not apply to the miniature horse show there as it is AMHR sanctioned.

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