Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

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She also has one on her left side...very faint near the bottom of the white spot. It almost looks like a stain. The one on her righy side is near her wither I just always assumed they where "paw prints" or other pinto markings...but maybe....


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Thanks for the info! She is a taller girl at almost 36". My new mare is a Cottontails appy girl and I have a friend who has several Cottontails appys. Maybe there is some on her dams side...would make me super happy. But if not then she is still a pretty girl! My aunt owned her years ago (in 2003). She owned her for several years and trained her to drive. She has been thru two different owners since then but is still registered in my aunts name! I have alot of paperwork that I have to update. I am planning to do it all when my income taxes come in because between three registries and some hardshipping from A to R it will be almost $1000!
I have been researching Stouts Mister Pride. Everything that I see shows him as solid or pinto, but in the few fuzzy pics that I have found he looks to have a lacy blanket or at least some roaning on his rump??? So was he actually a pintaloosa?
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Crazy day yesterday...I got pics but didnt have time to post and today I forgot my memory card reader at home.
Will post some pics this afternoon....Izz looks exactly the same tho.
I know the feeling, Kates the same too. little bit up little bit down. Ph same.


joining you in head banging.
Just comparing (it helps me to see them side by side)

fist pic 1/5/13 at around 4-4:30p second pic 1/8/13 at around the same time.


I have somehow managed to loose my camera. I have been using my daughters camera. It doesnt take great pics and I cant figure out how to change the date on it. Here is Izz today...maybe a little fuller in the front??? I dont know.I feel like she looks ready everywhere except her udder. Her hooha is looking very relaxed, her butt jiggles like jello when she walks, and her flanks and rump are looking different (cant explain it, just different) I tried to take pics of all that this morning, but there isnt much light that early and it is going to storm for the next several days so that made it even worse. They just didnt turn out very good.

On a good note I scored some awesome stiff bristled brushes today. They are about 5 inches wide and two feet long. They are actually the head for bristled push brooms. I got 6 of them for free...I am going to put a wood fence post out in the pasture then screw these things into it on all sides...either that or just screw them into the posts of their run in shelters where they rub all the time anyway. I think the horses will LOVE them!

This is Izzie this morning about 6:30am. Her tummy doesnt looked V'd now. Her udder is slightly fuller and teats have seperated a tiny bit. Her sides look flat and I think she is loosing her mucus plug (light pinkish color). She was NOT having me look inside her hooha, but I did get some pics. I found my camera so pics are slightly better. I took pics of her from every angle I could think of... what do yall think??? Getting close or still got a while yet?








Wow looks exciting... somethings definitely happening but I am a newbie so I am not sure but good luck and keep an eye on her...xx..sending you happy thoughts for a healthy foal and mumma..xx
Im going to make a guess that Izzie will foal a beautiful bay pintaloosa filly on the 27th

Are you still having trouble with the video stream
I really hope it works for you!
Megan I cant get the computer to recognize the camera now....still working on it.

I just ran by the house to check on her. I sat and watched her for about 20min. Lots of tail lifting/swishing, belly kicks, and belly nudges. It was rainy last night and supposed to rain/storm here for the next several days.
she really looks like she is starting to slab side out to me, and although her udder is not compleately ffilled or nipples separated she looks to me like she could go at any time, especially from the hooha shots. I'd watch her carefully. This from a crazy old lady that once watched a mare for over thirty days saying any time now! Some mares will deliver without a full udder just an FYI. You might also try to see if she starts squirreling her tail, that is up and down motion, or yawning.
Teats are seperating!!! WOOHOO! Of course I know it could still be a while, but its a step in the right direction! Her hooha is looking very relaxed and her tail head is starting to show. The top of her tail looks HORRIBLE from all the butt rubbing...all in all my girl looks rough!

And just for fun my little Trevor chilling on the bed with me last night watching Greys Anatomy.






wow Jess, I think you are definitely going to be having a delivery soon...Little pink bits sneaking out, teats are definitely on themove and boy that belly has dropped... Heres hoping for a new bubba soon...xx

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