Windy Hill ~Izzie **Colt pics pg 36**

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It's saturday! Finally a day off! AND it's going to be almost 80* today! I am going to catch the new girls and Pippa up today and give them a good brushing. Dye the new girls manes and tails, trim bridle paths, trim feet, and de-worm them all. (its my pet peeve when people say they are going to worm an animal...sounds like they are GIVING them!) While I'm doing that I am going to let Izzie out in the big pasture so she can walk around a bit. When I'm done with all that Im going to get my boy Ferrari out and give him some attention. Poor boy...he's all alone right now. Not even the goat for company...she usually stays right with him, but she is still "visiting" the buck. Here is Izz at about 7am today. Look at how her tummy has dropped even more. Still nothing too exciting in the udder department yall think that she may foal without a full udder? I started worrying about fescue, but I alway buy my hay from the same person and I ALWAYS ask about fescue. I trust him, so I dont think it could be that. (besides my dad and his neighbor are two of his biggest hay customers and I don't think he would chance making them mad by selling me fescue hay!)




What a beautiful little boy!!! Tell him that Auntie Diane says he's VERY handsome -- but I really think he's beautiful!!

I agree -- there's a bit of pink starting to show -- it won't be long now!!!!!
Thank you! I cant believe that he is 6months old today! I say that he is pretty all the time...drives my hubby
Izzie is enjoying her time out in the pasture today! Her tummy looks like it has dropped more everytime i check on her.

wooo hooo Izzie is looking good! Her udder is growing well so I wouldn't be worried about that. I was really nervous about Laney foaling without an udder too because she 'V'ed and showed other signs of being close early on too (she had that same drip thing, hooha and everything). I looked back on all of my photos and chose the photos that looked similar to Izzie and if Izzie were to go exactly like Laney then she will go about the 27th (which happens to be a full moon).. so I am sticking with that guess and see if I get lucky
But of course- Izzie may have her own plans

It is gorgeous outside and you will be busy with your lovely herd. I want to get out and give some baths and such. The ground is wet from rain we had a day ago though so I'm not sure if we will get to.

I can't believe Trevor is 6 months. He has really grown and is so handsome
Izz this afternoon at about 3pm. Udder looks much bigger in the back in person. Her hooha is very relaxed. I saw her rolling a few times this afternoon too. I dont know if she is ready but I sure am!

I didnt do full baths..too windy. Just dyed Duchess and Ferrari's manes and tails and combed everyone elses out. I got everyone done except Magic. She is still a little wont take long for her to learn that I am the keeper of the treats.






Wow! That is relaxed!

I like the photo of your girls together
I agree with Diane - just a little more time to get that udder completely filled and those teats separated!
Sorry about no updates yesterday afternoon. I had the most horrible migraine. I spent all afternoon in bed. Just ran out fast enough to feed and check Izzie. These pics are from this morning about 6:30am. It is cold and rainy today..and my camera battery was dead so using my daughters camera with the wrong date. Her nipples seem to be seperating a little and I noticed her rolling again yesterday when I was coming in from church. Her hooha is still very relaxed with almost no resistance from her tail.

The strangest thing happened saturday and I had to tell you ladies about it. I had finished with everyone's feet and hair do's and had the girls pushed down into the middle pasture and Izzie out in the big pasture. My house is an old farm house (160 yrs old) and sits up on a hill over looking the fields. The pasture that Izz was in is on top of the hill too. Then outside the fence there is a big hay field between the pasture and a 4 lane hwy. So I was standing in the pasture just watching Izzie and she was walking around being a horse when all of a sudden she jerked her head up and looked toward the road. I turned to see what she was looking at just in time to see a huge wreck happen... It was almost like she knew what was going to happen! Crazy....



Izzie is getting that momma's 6th sense.
I had to go to the vet's office for work...and I have to drive right by my house to get there, so i stopped in to check on miss izz. My camera is charged now so i took some better udder shots. Definitely progress there!



pics from 4:30pm. she was yawning almost nonstop until i fed her...then she was too busy eating.


hahahahaha.. food was more important is looking great but definitely making us wait ...come on Izzie we all wanna see your bubba..xx

Look at Izzie's boobies!!!!!

I see DEFINITE progress!!!! Maybe no too long till I can start testing milk!

Also, my hubby watched Kate foaling with me last night and now I think he is FINALLY excited about Izzie foaling!





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