Will Precious EVER Foal??? Finally Has Rock Hard Udders

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Okay forget the chocolate by now you need alcohol LOL

Sending more good thoughts!
Believe me I cannot believe it either. I received a call from Kathy (a LB member in Kentucky) this morning at 6 am saying Precious was foaling. I flew to my house monitor but she was up and just walking around by then.

You have to worry that the baby is not O.K. at this point. I keep checking for movement. Precious is having contractions from time to time, but not progressing.

I take her out every morning for a few hours in to a pen by the barn where she can graze and walk around. The Breeder Alert works from there and I can see her while I am working.

I sincerely appreciate you all watching her.

As you can imagine I am more than anxious.
I checked a while ago and she was standing in her food bowl
so maybe she is cleaning it out for her baby girl?
That is interesting! No one has called the sex.

I am just going for a live foal!
I'm going to guess she'll foal today as I keep seeing her look at her sides....and just for fun I'll guess it's going to be a colt. Good luck. I'm still keeping my eyes open.
WOW - She still holding her baby!... hehe!!

I will go crazy and red eyes, sleepy head...

Our cat was watching her on the cam.


Hopefully she will have her baby SOON!!.....
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She looks a lot different this morning (smaller)! She also seems a bit less "normal." (of course as soon as I typed that she started looking for something to eat...sigh.) I hope all goes well. I am going to say today based on the amount of poo in the stall and the fact that she looks grumpy. Good thoughts and wishes for a good outcome from Washington state.
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She has been up at down since 3 pm PDT. Maybe soon ????

Wish me luck!

Karrie From Rockin S Miniatures sent me this today.

This is her cat watching Precious. Too incredible not to share with you.

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I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!!! I was sure she would foal while I was out for dinner with family after seeing her up and down several times in just a half hours time...GEEZ
This is going to be one spectacular FILLY!!!
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I LOVE the photo of the cat watching! Even my husband (who's not a horse person) keeps asking me "Has that mini had her baby yet??"

Sending good thoughts your way for a safe and smooth foaling.
Time to check on Precious - oh my - still NO BABY!!! She looks soooo ready! I wonder how many forum people get up during the night to check on her - I know I do!!

The cat watching Precious is just precious!!
Wow, I love that picture of the cat on mare stare! I hope she foals for you soon.
What no baby. I think you need to pull the plug on this one
so to speak....mmmm DON"T make me come out there!
Between 3 and 4 pm Friday PDT she was up and down. I got my husband's attention (he was on his beloved Kabota tractor) and I said I think she will go any minute. Panting, up and down, kicking at her belly, stretching her head skyward etc. I stayed outside her stall for over an hour...... nothing.

Got a few phone calls from people watching her that thought she was going to foal soon too and wanted to make sure I was there. Thank you so much. I know you cannot see me if I am outside of the stall. I would rather have the call and run to the barn then miss this birth. Often you can see her restless before my halter alarm goes off and I would rather be in the barn at the start of this birth if possible in case I need to reposition the foal.

I thought she would surely foal by morning! This mare is making a liar out of me!!!!!!!

I bet everyone will have given up on my predictions and she and I will be left home alone when she FINALLY foals!
Between 3 and 4 pm Friday PDT she was up and down. I got my husband's attention (he was on his beloved Kabota tractor) and I said I think she will go any minute. Panting, up and down, kicking at her belly, stretching her head skyward etc. I stayed outside her stall for over an hour...... nothing.I thought she would surely foal by morning! This mare is making a liar out of me!!!!!!!

I bet everyone will have given up on my predictions and she and I will be left home alone when she FINALLY foals!
I think she's waiting for you to give up on her Joanne!!
I was watching one like a hawk...sure she was going to foal during the night. Next morning I put my hubby in charge of watching her while I took an hour nap. When I got up she had foaled and hubby hadn't even noticed!
Luckily foal was fine. Good luck......sounds like it's any time now!
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