Will Precious EVER Foal??? Finally Has Rock Hard Udders

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2006
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I have been waiting since Father's Day for this foal.

Precious has never gone over 325 days pregnant.

Yes, my dates are correct!

She is a small mare and I would REALLY like this foal out alive and well soon.

I just picture it growing, and growing, and growing !

Your positive thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Extra eyes watching are appreciated as well.

Here is the link to the cam:

Pacific Pintos web cam
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Thanks to karla I have a group of quilting women that watch our cam. I know they have been watching precious too and were taking bets on who would foal first Star or Precious LOL

Sending healthy foal thoughts!
Oh Joanne, sending good thoughts and prayers your way for a safe, uneventful foaling and a healthy little one.
It's the room service!!
She's enjoying it. I'm on the East coast so I often am up and on computer at 5-6AM.....often again at 9-10AM and she's watching sunrise and slinging that big tub around, looking for breakfast
Then early on afternoon (here) I see you (?) and the dog ---------which I orginally thought was the foal
-------- cleaning stalls.

Hey, this gal is in NO hurry to give up all the comforts and service

She's standing calmly right now (12:48 my time) wishing for a little snack!!! Bribe her...
Sending good thoughts your way ! thats along time to be waiting

Like me and my only big mare that foaled this year ! I waited almost a month over her first wax!

Hope I have my computer fixed I missed star lastnight I have Precious up on the cam now

I plan to watch til I get tired !

She is laying there quiet now it looks

and yeah i agree with the whole ROOM SERVICE they love it !
Thanks everyone.

Bess that is funny. We have a 95 pound German Shepherd that lives for ball playing. He "helps" me clean the stalls. He runs in and drops the ball and runs outside waiting for me to throw it. It slows down stall cleaning, but he gets so much fun out of it I can't turn it down!

Walking on eggshells out here......

Kay well Star won the bets !

I do not care the order. Just want a live, healthy foal.
I was just watching you checking her...did you see any movement?
She really is a tiny mare isn't she?
Yes Shelly I see movement and some contractions.

I am on my way out for one more night time check and to turn on the night light. It is 7 pm here now in California.
I sure am sending prayers for that mare. She looks very comfortable and looks like she is doing a little rearranging of her hay. I think she would probaably like some pickles and ice cream too
She's showing some signs of "annoyance" right now, the tail flips, shifting weight, looking around.... looking at sides, not the past Precious --- nothing moved but her ear, on occassion

I'm thinking she'll foal in a couple hrs. Of course, we don't want to TELL her. Yep, my money is on a foal in the weeee hrs of 7/10. Hope Joanne is getting a little nap right now.
WELL!!!!!!!!!! She sure won't need breakfast because she ate all night long!
If there is a scrap of hay left in that stall I'll be surprised. 2AM I went to bed, 6AM, she's still at it.......I'm on E coast so about 3 hrs ahead of her time.
Yep, me too just checked. No baby yet........but a nice little hard belly. Looks like baby has not moved back yet????????????? Gee, but you can't always go by that. She did have her head down and eating, bless her heart. The bucket in there is a big as she is.

Wonder if leaving that big bucket in there is a good idea? Baby could fall in there and not get out, but then you are there and can get "her" out? I worry about everything it seems, sorry!

The bucket is one of those semi soft rubber type and we have had a foal manage to get in there, but they or we are easily able to get them out. It is a bit tall for a newborn to get into, but they occasionally manage to get into trouble (you all know how horses can do this).

I am on my way out to feed her again. I think at this point I should not feed her! I do not want that foal any larger than it is!

You know how they are at the end. They eat their feed, then the straw. They seem to need to keep their mouth busy while waiting. I guess gum chewing is not an option for them
Well she sure isn't in any hurry is she? She doesn't seem overly uncomfortable or restless, and she doesn't have that suddenly slim look yet either, so I hate to say it but I think she still has a few days to go! SORRY-JMO
Still looks the same this morning...maybe if you turned her out with the others for a while? A good romp could get things moving?!? Just a suggestion...
OH MY ! i was sure after I went to bed last night at like 10 that i would get up check her and she would have

4 extra legs but NOPE - Uh Precious come on your killin us here !

I think she goin to wait til tomorrow the 12th -which would be great but i have to go back to work so

I will miss it so yep just wait til tomorrow (or the next day or the next day LOL)

she has to be cookin up a lovely masterpiece ! my fs mare did this to me to kept me waiting and waiting oh the agony


has anything changed - her bag/milk her vulva anything ?????
OK -- time for drastic measures!!

Go hussle in and out of her stall to feed, tell her that you MUST LEAVE the farm for an hr or so...... go start the truck, drive away. Walk back to house and watch the monitor

Hey, we all know the feeling
I was thinking she appeared a bit restless...but I think she is just wanting more food
There are some noticable changes to her today over the past few days. Her sides are more sunken in, more poop in the stall, lots more and she poops and pees a lot. She is pacing, yawning and scratching her butt, and she will lay down and roll to position her foal and get back up.

Won't be long now I bet!