Snowball foaling thread - maiden - 5/13 colt*

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I love it!! Hubby did a great job. He's a keeper.
Kara I love the new view
Thanks hubby, she can't hide now

2.40am she is eating her hay
Thanks! He really is great! I am having a dilema. I am going to a wedding about an hour and a half away, I think I might leave Snowball in to watch her, not sure, I dont want any problems. Im going to snap some pics in a bit and let you guys see what you think.....
Maybe she'll have a Kentucky Derby Day baby?
Ok, so here are the pics from this afternoon. to me she doesnt look quite ready. But since I am going to be far away and gone for awhile what do you all think? I need to leave here in about 30 minutes.




She certainly looks close but I dont think she will foal today, so you should be safe to go.

But I wouldn't stay too long if possible! Babies seem to be popping out everywhere this weekend. LOL!!
ok, thanks! I was thinking the same thing. I put her back in her stall, so any extra eyes would be appreciated! Thanks to everyone!
My mare looked like that and her udder didn't fill completely until a few hours before she foaled. She didn't even have any milk until then either!
Me too!! Just relax Snowball, keep breathing gently - and KEEP THOSE LEGS CROSSED!!
Ok guys im on my way home! Im getting worried, I had my friend check on her, and she doesnt see anything. I hop and pray baby is not breech or this is a dystocia. Im trying to get there as fast as possible! Should be about 30 more minutes.
Praying for a safe foaling for you and Snowball! She's really pacing and pawing the ground.
Ok so no sign of foal or sack yet, how long should I let her be until we go in and see if the foal is in the right position? I dont want to cause infection.... We r home when people get around her she!
Glad you made it home! I would just stay back and watch, kind of out of sight, if possible. When she is in full labor, she 'should' lay out flat and start pushing, with her legs out straight.
ok girl we are home, so you can foal. How long do I let her do this until i get concerned about positioning problem?
Ok, so now what? Did she stop her labor? Trying to decide if we should go out and feed everyone and go to bed or keep waiting......? Anyone?
Im going to have to get some sleep. Is there any night crew friends out there? Hubby and I have to teach the kindergarten Sunday school class in the morning.....?

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