Shasta@ Hidden Pond Farm new pics pg 18 post 171

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afternoon bag pics



ok I have a bale of straw the the strings got cut on, I am going to put it down, NOT because she's foaling now or in the next few hours, but because the blasted chickens and spreading it all over the barn. Rather use it than waste it.
apparently photobucket didnt like the woohaa pic... the others it didn't care about just that one.. huh? I dunno
She's certainly very close - cant go much longer surely???

The chickens are going to be thrilled when you put the extra straw down in her stall - I love watching them scratching about and she doesn't seem to mind, bless her.
Someone suggested putting them in their own private album but the are still link-able so ya'll can still see them they just can't come up if someone searches for something.

tested her milk tonight and it was the exact color of the 6.2 square mustardish, hopefully this means something



5.45am. Down sternal again, but looking - my words for it - a bit 'inward thinking'!! Fingers crossed for a safe foaling if she decides to let us see her little baby soon (I've got to go to town for a 'long' shop! Grrrrrrr!!)
Thanks Renee - I do hate these mundane jobs that take me away from the laptop, often just when the fun is starting!!
me too, my kids will starve unless I go soon
French toast again for lunch today
Woohooo! We'll get to see your baby soon!

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