Please help me!!! Dreamer is having a pelvic nerve lock

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Just the mare in the stall now, but they're nearby...

She looks uncomfortable, but is eating some hay...
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I can't get the player to load, any new news?
Try checking ... i think it's They have help pages to try to fix it so the cams will load.

So far no news. Everyone has left the stall, and Momma mare edged over to eat. Still really hasn't moved much, even though they've been leaving the stall door open.
I have sciatica my PT has a stretch I can do to unpinch it immediately, it usually affects both my legs however my right more than my left.

I wonder if an equine chiropractor could help?

Mare just doesn't want to put weight on that leg, seems like a muscle relaxer would help to relieve pain so she could move and maybe free up that nerve?

She really wants to move forward and is eating her hay.

Rainsong: My PT had me sit up and cross my right over my left above the knee and then raise my left leg to bend at the knee. Have NO idea how you would get the same effect in a horse but I bet a equine chiropractor would know.

Not sure where Gary Fleur is right now but he adjusted my horses when he did teeth and did a fantastic job at both.

You can tell that mare is TIRED of standing in one place! Did you see her paw like I'm peeved why doesn't that leg work? I wonder if they gave her a Cortizone‏ shot?
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I suspect they are letting the shot take effect before they go in again. Sending more prayers!
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I have sciatica my PT has a stretch I can do to unpinch it immediately, it usually affects both my legs however my right more than my left.
I have it too- but it very rarely affects my left. It's absolutely AWFUL in my right though o.o PT helped a lot when I could get it.


Looks like the vet is writing a prescrip. or directions?

Momma mare is getting a bit antsy too off and on. She did hesitantly move that back foot forward to move, but then moved it back to where it had been. She hasn't gone back down though, she's eating, she's alert...


Oh! I think REO may be there now?! I could be wrong too o_O - Naw, I don't think it was her I saw.
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Does anyone know why this mare hasn't been loaded up and taken in for emergency treatment? I've been watching since last night. I can't imagine the pain and distress she must be in. I'm not being critical, just curious.
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Oh I hope something is gonna be done for her. I wondered about the C section too??

I am so on edge watching and waiting and praying it goes well for them...

Mama is swaying back and forth alittle, eating alittle.

Her backend is off as she kinda pivots alittle her front legs and doesnt really move her back legs. I;m sure the nerve thing is wearing on her...

Mama bobs her head up and down too., they are outside the stall now watching her...
All I can say is

She just laid down again.

It seems she's ok in one back leg but doesn't trust/feel well in the other?? It's just sorta stiff, not really moving unless she swings it forward? Or am I just seeing things...
I agree she isnt moving the one back leg at all...She does move her head around sometimes...
I think she has pain in both back legs. She needs at least one pain free back leg to stay upright and a horse stays upright unless they cannot. So I think its effecting both legs.
Sending more prayers their way. Hoping for the best. Seems like maybe they decided to induce some contractions as she is kind of acting like a mare starting labor. Head tossing a bit, biting/looking at her back-end and sides, tail swishing. Just trying to get the foal delivered.

Keep the prayers coming everyone.
She does keep looking back at her butt or back legs...Now she layed her face down, seems more relaxed..
Really looking forward to an update on her, I sure hope she's going to be ok!!
I think she has pain in both back legs. She needs at least one pain free back leg to stay upright and a horse stays upright unless they cannot. So I think its effecting both legs.
Yeah- I think it's pain in the backend, period, but one leg seems worse.
Just got off the phone with Theresa again - Vet is pretty certain this is a dislocated hip - they are having a chiropractor come and take a look at her. Continued prayers please. Just wanted to update all that are watching so closely. You all are so wonderful. Theresa needs the support. I feel so bad for her.

I did ask her permission to post this as I sure wouldn't do that without her ok.

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