Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

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Really?! Yay! She is stubborn with her udders that's for sure. You guys have any due date guesses?
Not me. She's moving ahead, and until that udder starts developing, I'm without a guess!
Agree, wouldn't hazard a guess with one being so stubborn! When udders don't develop you end up having to go with other signs, like belly changes which again your girl seems to do small!

The other things like behaviour, temperature... all those "acting foolish" signs as I often say right before a foal announcement don't really come across in an imagine.

So basically you are on your own with this one
That's my thought these days. I don't even know if she will have it this year the way she's going! Yesterday I went to look at the color of her milk (yellow whitish) and when she tried to walk away from me

But when she did she was lifting her leg to go over my arm??! And kept looking back at me and nudging my arm.. Her hoohaw was much more red than its been..?!
Better time or worse time? Like sooner or later do you think? At this point I am thinking that she will be pregnant for another 20 or so YEARS!!
Thoughts? I am going to call the vet I think. She has me really worried that she hasn't foaled yet.






The latest date I know for sure was march. Do you think she might have slipped the baby?
Have you been feeding her more for the pregnancy? She just reminds me an awful lot like my Bindi who progressed to get bigger at the normal steady pace but nudda udders just like Penny and I eventually got her probed by the vet and she was empty. The size was from the steady weight gain from lovely feed I was giving her. She was gutted when she realised her game was up haha
Well, if you're saying March, then she could also just be moving ahead nicely, and just not due yet. With the last possible breeding date in March, adding 11 months to that, she just might be right on schedule since she wouldn't be due until late January or February depending on dates. I think her 'figure' has changed and she's looking as if she's growing -- but have the vet check her if you're concerned,
Not really, she gets maybe a cup of grain once a week because she already fat, my vet told me not to go overboard with grain as for she is in good shape. The vet did come out and probe her and confirmed in foal in July. The vet said when he came out that the baby is too big to be for that early though. I will call him today, maybe he can probe her again and see what he thinks.
I'll know on Wednesday! He is coming out in the afternoon, I am hoping that the baby is fine, but I am ready for the worst. Wish me luck aunties! I am going to need it.
I always felt that if in foal, she looked more likely to be due early next year judging by her tummy size. It was that she had small udder showing that bothered me, but perhaps she always has this small udder?? I know you said that her previous owners stated that she always carries her foals 'up high', but in my opinion a mare that has had several foals must show more of a drop in her tummy if she was this close to foaling. Whereas, for an 'up tight' mare, Penny looks about right, size wise, for a Jan/Feb foaling.

Not too sure what your vet meant by a big foal last July, but if indeed he/she could feel a reasonable foal then I think it unlikely that Penny could have lost it without you noticing. So hold on to your hopes and we will see what your vet reports on Wednesday.
I'm really just thinking she's not quite ready yet. I won't be surprised to hear that yes, she is in foal, and that when she gets around to doing some more udder development then we'll really know she's only 4-6 weeks away from your surprise.
That figures, if she still is pregnant that she would foal during the coldest time of year! Honestly, part of me says no need to get the vet out a pay a $100 extra to tell me it's still there, but on the other hand do I take that risk?
I was the same but honestly, knowing that Sweety had three months to go and not three weeks was a huge relief. Depends how worked up you get tho, I was probably a bit over paranoid and watchful during the nights

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