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I'm sure the elite few have some very nice horses but get off your "high horse" and realize that others may have nice horses too. You don't have the monopoly on them. GEEEZ!!!

I saw no one on any High Horse. And No One said that others did not have nice horses.... oy.

My head hurts.

And who exactly are these Elite Few, anyway?? :

I wasn't referring to you as "the elite few" so don't get all flattered ..lol. And I will not be naming names. As I said, I am not a breeder nor ever will be but it's the horse ower that has the call to make as to whether to breed or not. I also said, I wish everyone would slack up on breeding. I am all for GELDING, GELDING, GELDING but I can't stop what other people do.
Oh dear, no wonder my head is aching, after reading through these last how many pages.

The problem is, too many people are saying things, or implying things, and then they turn around and say they never said those things, or at least didn't mean those things. I was going to post a couple times, but if no one is saying or meaning what I read them to be saying or thought they might be meaning...I gave up.

The decorder rings of Mary Lou's do look lovely (or not) but I don't know. They don't cost $2000 so are they really worth having? Or does price not matter if they aren't for breeding? Doesn't matter, this week I really can't afford one of them, which I guess means I don't deserve to own one of them. So, I will have to just remain in the dark about what y'alls are really saying. Happily.

In any case, I suspect that a few swigs of tequila would be just as effective as the decoder ring, plus I'd earn Air Miles for my tequila purchase.

The decorder rings of Mary Lou's do look lovely (or not) but I don't know. They don't cost $2000 so are they really worth having? Or does price not matter if they aren't for breeding? Doesn't matter, this week I really can't afford one of them, which I guess means I don't deserve to own one of them. So, I will have to just remain in the dark about what y'alls are really saying. Happily.

In any case, I suspect that a few swigs of tequila would be just as effective as the decoder ring, plus I'd earn Air Miles for my tequila purchase.
Baily's and coffee worked for me but hey you forgot about gelding that ring too for good measure.
It was almost making sense until I passed out and woke up drooling on the keyboard this morning.
But it would be nice to have a decoder ring around for so many other future threads. ML please put me down for a case.
Dad gum! Yalls are good!

I took off for the past 24 hours Christmasin the house up, and looky here, yalls are up to page 12 already.

Just can't seem to figure out what the heck anyone is talking about


They pretty much lost me too.
Though the Decoder rings look pretty cool!! <LOL>
We are selling these SPECIAL Decoder Rings for a small price of $99.95 per ring + $19.95 shipping. All profits go to ME.

BUT wait, if you order your ring today and pay by PayPal, you get it at half price of $49.95 and we will ship FREE!

How many you want??
After "reading" this thread I'll take 10. You know......one for each finger. Anyone out there want to argue about the number of fingers.........OOOPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSS! Sorry........8 fingers and 2 thumbs. Must be precise so someone doesn't have a meltdown.

Ordering thru Pay Pal.............Please hurry.........My brain is fried.
Oh l'm so glad you caught and corrected yourself because in my book people have always had 8 fingers and 2 thumbs...the thumbs don't and shouldn't really be rated as fingers...JMO
Tag along, you obviously have no idea what it takes to make a good driving horse. The sport of driving is not meant for the "rest" (those not good enough for halter classes, as you insinuate) it takes a lot of athleticism to be a great driving horse and some of the best world champion halter horses don't have it.

Your one example of a driving horse who isn't reproducing is not enough to prove the point your trying to make.

A top driving horse has just as much a chance to reproduce his driving qualities as a halter horse has at reproducing their halter qualities.

The best halter conformation doesnt make the best performance conformation. For example, perfectly straight hind legs is actually a disadvantage in the jumper ring, as the angles of cow hocks gives the horse more of a foundation and better use of its hind end power. Reiners prefer sickle hocked horses because they are better able to get those sliding stops and quick pivots. It works the same way for the various sports involved in miniatures(driving and performance).

And though there will always be ignorant people, there are plenty of experienced people who DO know the difference between cute and quality. Not being a show prospect, doesnt make a horse poor quality.

Breeding shouldn't be for EVERYONE, but it shouldn't just be for those of you who have top show horses either. There is a middle ground. There are experienced, and informed people who dont show, dont have top show horses, and do want to breed. And I think that is a great experience for those people, who can do it with the horses best health and safety interest in mind.

And luckily, many of those people are not intimidated and they have their minds of their own, so they will continue to enjoy their horses and their hobby, and breed if they choose, while those who think they are too good for "pet quality" whine about it.
Thanks for that load of codswallop dressed up Matt it has given me the first real laugh of the day.

I actually laughed out loud!!

Marylou I'll take eight of those rings (one for each finger I do not wear thumb rings- does that make me elitist???

Do they translate or do I need a separate ring for translating rubbish into understandable English??
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I can't believe that a person can not express an opinion with out being laughed at.
Shame on you all for making a joke out of an opinion just because it isn't your own.
I'm probably not good enough to be elitist, but I will wear my decoder.

My show horses are pets and my pets are show horses.

They are interchangeable and I'd like to think the quality of my herd ranges from mediocre to very nice quality.

I have a mare that's somewhat mediocre-poor, but her foals are so much nicer than herself. Even so, I've decided not to breed her anymore, maybe ever, but for now, I am only breeding my nicer quality mare.

The thing is that better quality pets are a good thing. Who needs to breed only for poor or mediocre quality? Breed for the best and our best keep getting better. The benefit is that the "pets" will be nicer to look at, sounder and more desirable overall.

A true horseman would have it no other way, rather than getting offended because nobody wants to give away their good quality horses as pets only.

No worries Katiean....... I am happy with my opinion, my horse, my choices, actions, beliefs, and opinions. I am secure in my experience and knowledge.

And I don't have to try to make others opinions look "stupid" to express my own.

My "codswallop" has earned me plenty of opportunities, recognition, and awards, and I certainly am not out to prove myself on this board.

Rabbitsfizz has chosen to focus her attention on bashing other's opinions rather than trying to express her own, weather that is because she doesn't know how to express her own, or because she actually WANTS to portray herself in that childish manner, I don't know, and frankly, don't care.... In trying to make me look , um, "misinformed" she has showed that she is an expert at arguing like a 3 year old.
Do you actually read this Forum???

I can be accused of a number of things but not being able to express an opinion.......

I have to say I have never heard that one before!!

Matt, you stick you your own opinions, that way you can be safe and sure that no-one will ever change your mind.

I shall stick to my decoder ring- I sure need it in this thread, I can tell you.
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My "codswallop" has earned me plenty of opportunities, recognition, and awards, and I certainly am not out to prove myself on this board.

I just had my coffee come out of my nose :DOH! .

First off I read the initial post that started this "comedy" and I said from the get go "WHAT THE #$%^ is that all about. One minute saying something, next sentence mitigating what was just said

You sound like some people I have know in the past, many of us here knew in the past....

Can I ask what the intent was of your initital post? It's certainly not clear to me at all

Mary Lou, can I order a bushel of those rings and I will pass them around to whoever wants to read this thread?

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. No need to get into the Christmas eggnog

I am happy with my opinion, my horse, my choices, actions, beliefs, and opinions. I am secure in my experience and knowledge
Good for you, can I than ask sincerely what is the point of your post? because your initial post sounds extremely defensive, condescending and I have no clue why, and on top of that not much of makes sense after the initial sentences. It's a work of contradictions JMHO and it went downhill pretty darn fast from there.
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Matt... just a suggestion - you sneer at the experience of others - and yet pat yourself on the back for your expertise. You are still young as I recall (?)... and with experience comes some degree of humility. A bit of that would serve you well - and I am saying that kindly. You seem to care very little for the opinions of others - unless they agree with you wholeheartedly. This is a message board - all opinions matter, all opinions count. ALL OF THEM. That is what makes a discussion - and that is how we all learn. It might help in such instances to avoid resorting to the condescension, sneering, contempt and outright insults.

A true horseman never stops learning... and listening. And after 20 years of working "backstage" ... I am still learning. You should never be so "secure" in your knowledge and experience (as you said) that you summarily dismiss anything. That is a very elitist (seeing as that word gets tossed around so airily) outlook... and poor horsemanship.

And I don't have to try to make others opinions look "stupid" to express my own.
But you have....

You already haughtily deduced (incorrectly) that I was clueless about driving horses, dressage etc. ....
yep - you said it was obvious... I had to smile.

My show horses are pets and my pets are show horses.They are interchangeable and I'd like to think the quality of my herd ranges from mediocre to very nice quality.

I have a mare that's somewhat mediocre-poor, but her foals are so much nicer than herself.
Same here, nootka. The show horses become pets and the pets go show. The grandest show horse on the farm is now the biggest pet.
We have some mediocre "pet" pasture art. Some good quality. Some outstanding. A mix. And we have "pets" out there in happy homes who were not only affordable - even by Matt's standards - but some were free. Selling them for $$$$$$$ was not the issue - but placing them in a good home was. They are sound. Healthy. Happy. And not poor quality... or anywhere close to it...

Off to do that stall cleaning thing ... this elitist life is so grand and all...

Would you shop with the "elite" breeders if they had something in your price range, or would you skip them, since they breed for show and you are looking for a pet?
I'll take a swing at this from the breeder's side of things. This is a small herd. We do not advertise. And we have had many high quality show horsesover the years. And yet many people seek us out for pets - and have found one here... often a horse off the show string has caught their eye - and they end up buying that horse... and I usually deliver it after things have checked out. For pet prices - not the "show price"... so in our experience, yes - people do come here shopping for pets... and I do the follow up... stay in touch... answer questions... visit to make sure that all is well... etc.
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So those looking for the sound pet horses, does seeing a horse advertised as a show horse make you not even look twice? Would you shop with the "elite" breeders if they had something in your price range, or would you skip them, since they breed for show and you are looking for a pet?
I have to say that if I'm horse shopping--regardless of what I'm shopping for I don't put a whole lot of stock in what a horse is advertised as. I've seen so many "show prospect" or "show potential" or "born to show" horses that are so NOT what I consider a show horse. I've even seen some show ring winners (even some big titles) that I've looked at and wondered how on earth that horse won anything.
I don't generally shop for pets (they just seem to pop up & be so irrisitable that I bring one home even though that wasn't what I was looking for!) and so I don't actually look at ads that say "pet quality".

what do I look for? A pretty horse that has the conformation that I like--good sound conformation that is functionally strong--a horse that looks like it can move, and then proves that yes, it actually CAN move (and many show horses, even the winning ones, cannot move--another reason I do not look specifically for show horses)--a horse that will drive, and drive well...a good using horse.

And yes, I do believe that Minis can be using horses, and should be bred for "using". Then there would be more market for geldings as driving horses.... I don't go along with the idea that since Minis are too small to ride they should be bred to be perfect halter show horses. That thinking leads to structural weaknesses in the breed.
LOL! I want a purple decoder ring too- I must have dropped my other one down the drain or something- can't find it anywhere! I stopped a few pages ago- you guys are all too funny.

Vertical Limit, find out who is dealing out the crack and call the DEA!

I think, if you read my first post, the point of it is not that hard to conclude, though I agree that several other posts here, including some of my own, have digressed. This seems to be the nature of many threads on this board, so I am not sure where the dramatic gasps and such are coming from.

And tagalong, had you actually read my entire post, and other posts, instead of summarizing it to suit you, I have stated several times that I am always interested in learning more, talking to more people about their knowledge. My security keeps me from worrying about people thinking they have all the right answers, but doesn't block me from learning more from someone I feel is worth learning from. And while it is clear that many people on this board have a lot of knowledge, I value that which comes from people with a little humility, openness, and those that share their knowledge with the goal of sharing it, not expecting that someone will take it because they know what a "true horseman" is or what the "only" goal is. So yes, I am secure.

If it makes you feel better, when the miniature horse breed takes over the world, because there are too many of them, or whatever the fear is, you can blame me! Ill be in Maine, enjoying my own horses, enjoying the company of my neighbors who are enjoying their horses, and not worrying about how the person down the street is destroying "MY" breed, OH, and I'll be ringless.
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Okay, somebody pass me the "advil" I must have a major hangover because Matt your last post makes absolutely no logical sense at all, it's an "oxymorong". NOW don't go thinking I called you a moron, please

oxymoron >noun a figure of speech or expressed idea in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. bittersweet).

-DERIVATIVES oxymoronic >adjective.

-ORIGIN from Greek oxumMros 'pointedly foolish'.
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