On Target Miniatures - foal updates December 2014

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heheheeee someone is addicted to potato chips
Oh, it would be a sin to let Luna go! She is simply stunning -- and a gorgeous carry-over for your program! Just sensational! I had no idea you were considering letting her go! I whole-heartedly think she should stay!
oh I'm so glad! the only place Luna should ever go to besides being at yours is for her to come to me!!!! (insert evil laugh)

soooo glad your thinking about keeping her! Jake is gorgeous and I love him to pieces... one hunky stud muffin lol but Luna has absoloutley stolen my heart! (she would be my dream mini lol ) but I think you already knew that

love both this years babies Mary!
keep the piccies coming! you know how attached we are to you and your babies!
Oh yes Mary - if Luna cant come over here to the UK (sorry Cassie!) then you certainly should keep her!!

Please keep the pictures coming, we really cant get enough of your beautiful chips.
hey I had her first! lol I'm sure she would love the UK Anna, but seeing as we can't decide who should have her... I guess she better stay with Mary lol only if she must.
I guess we have to keep Luna so you Aunties don't fight over her. Busy day today - work a few hours, clip 2 minis and then 4-Hers from 4:30-6 PM where we practice showmanship, trail and ground driving for a show on Sunday. If I do get any pics I wont have time to download or post!
Oh, the show on Sunday: we are taking 4 horses, the most that will fit on our trailer- Princess, Rusty, Taffy, and Bunny plus at least five 4-Hers, including one with special needs. I will be showing Princess (4 classes) and Bunny (colts and fillies halter) and the kids will be showing everyone except Bunny in usually 2 classes each.. Taffy still needs to be clipped and a 4-Her is coming tomorrow to do that. Three harnesses and one cart to get ready...legs and heads to clip. busy week.
Can't wait to hear more about it and hopefully see some pictures of the even when it happens!!

And thank you for solving the problem with the Aunties trying to figure out who gets Luna. I think Luna will be very happy just staying where she is!!
I saw these lovely photos on facebook Mary. Sorry Cass and Anna but I am only a few hours from Mary, if you decide to part with her I would more than love to add her to my barn and show string
Luna has always been my favorite as well, just something special about her!!
Home from the show and exhausted, but it went great!! We took our 9 year old show mare Princess, plus two 3 year olds (Rusty & Taffy) and yearling Bunny. All did great! We ended up with 6 4-Hers showing the 3 "older" minis, plus I showed Bunny in halter and trail! A friend took over 250 photos on my camera which will take me days to go through, but here are a couple of Bunny from her halter and trail class.

Oh, and we had a major breakthrough with the mares and foals last Friday!! The foals are 4 weeks old, but really hadn't had a chance to play together because Dancer preferred to stay near the barn or in her stall. Because our turnout for them leads to narrow entry to an overhang area and single stall, we didn't dare just turn them all out together until they called a truce. So they were mostly turned out in adjoining areas. But suddenly last Friday morning the mares figured things out, and we have been turning them out together ever since. It is very distracting because of course now the babies can play together, but we have been so busy we haven't been able to get photos.


Congrats on you fabulous weekend, Bunny looks wonderful and I can't wait to see the others
I am so glad the mares have sorted things out, it makes things so much better for the babies but I agree the will be such time wasters.
great pics Mary...sure looks like it was a fun day. BTW if you took out all the things around Bunny that give height ( on the last pic ) away you would think bunny was a full size horse...and a pretty darn nice looking one at that!!! Simply beautiful and I could so picture her with a beautiful English Saddle and proper English rider then I could look again and see a fancy schmanzy Western saddle on her going around the ring in a Western pleasure class with a low head set and her to die for tail and mane!! She is beautiful!!

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