McCain - his vice-presidential choice

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I found it quite interesting this morning when a woman was interviewed and she was mentioning that she was a Hillary supporter and of course the next question by the reporter was will you be voting for Obama and she said "no" she would be voting for McCain because of Palin. The reporter than said well their is quite a difference between Hillary's policies and stances on issues and Palin's and she said "yes, I know.... but I am dissapointed by Obama didn't take women seriously in this country and bring Hillary in as VP.
I thought the point of elections was to vote for the best person, whoever, based on your beliefs and the polciies you wish to see implemented not based on your anger because a woman was or wasn't brought into the mix and vice versa, if would men in this situation wouldn't vote for a woman just because or because of sexist views (they run both ways) or race, or religion or....

i guess what is most important to me in elections is to vote for a candidate that represents the policies I want brought into force.

As far as Palin's daughtger it should have absolutely NO BEARING on this at all and I pray they leave her alone, people and media. It is none of anyones business that she is pregnant and what her decisions are. This is a "family" matter not a public circus as is happening. How sad.
Sadly, this sounds typical of most "Hilary supporters" I've encountered...they're only basis of support for her was because SHE was a woman too. Nothing to do with any of her policies at all. A scarey reality.

I "Ditto" your sentiments though...

i guess what is most important to me in elections is to vote for a candidate that represents the policies I want brought into force.
If only that were a similar thought process of the American Public in general. Fortunately, it IS for most...still though, there are those few where a candidate's stand on policies are blindly of no concern for some. Or only choose their candidates based on a "tunnel visioned" criteria such as solely on whether or not the candidate is a female, or solely on whether or not they are Rebublican or Democrat, or solely on whether or not they are pro life or pro choice, and so on. Those are the ones with a dangeorus, yet priviledged, power to cast a vote ... should they even bother.

I guess it's fair to also point out that this is not just a problem in "American Public" type elections. But, in ANY country, where public voting from it's citizenship is a protocol. It's not just an "American" fault. Moreso a "Human" fault....some care enough to actually get informed of their matters priviledged to vote upon, some just cast a vote "because they can", and have that "tunnel visioned" self interest at stake. With little to no regard to the broader scale of how those votes will have impact. Yes, even in smaller realms...such as politics in "Horse Registries" even.
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Somone just asked this question privately, and I felt I should post a repsonse to better clarify my previous statement here....

"Are you stating that as a Christian it is tunnel vision to vote for a candidate that is pro life even though one may like some of his policies less than the pro choice candidate that votes for partical birth abortions."

Thanks so much for asking this. Actually, NO, I wasn't stating that as a "Tunnel visioned Christian" at all. Just was giving examples of someone who bases their vote with tunnel vision, in that, they only base their reason of "for or against" someone with regard to only one issue at stake, as opposed ALL that a person has to offer or lack of.

Thanks so much for bringing that to my attention, and allowing me an opportunity to try to better clarify what I was trying to actually say.

Warmest appreciations,

If only that were a similar thought process of the American Public in general. Fortunately, it IS for most...still though, there are those few where a candidate's stand on policies are blindly of no concern for some. Or only choose their candidates based on a "tunnel visioned" criteria such as solely on whether or not the candidate is a female, or solely on whether or not they are Rebublican or Democrat, or solely on whether or not they are pro life or pro choice, and so on. Those are the ones with a dangeorus, yet priviledged, power to cast a vote ... should they even bother.

Wow perhaps what is deemed unimportant to you might be the very issue that is most important to someone else.

But yet in your opinion why should they bother to vote they are dangerous when voting?

If only that were a similar thought process of the American Public in general. Fortunately, it IS for most...still though, there are those few where a candidate's stand on policies are blindly of no concern for some. Or only choose their candidates based on a "tunnel visioned" criteria such as solely on whether or not the candidate is a female, or solely on whether or not they are Rebublican or Democrat, or solely on whether or not they are pro life or pro choice, and so on. Those are the ones with a dangeorus, yet priviledged, power to cast a vote ... should they even bother.

Wow perhaps what is deemed unimportant to you might be the very issue that is most important to someone else.

But yet in your opinion why should they bother to vote they are dangerous when voting?

Bingo??? Yes, in my opinion anyone who casts a vote based solely on the "one and only thing" most important to them, is pretty selfish of them to do so, when there are a vast diversity of issues that warrant such an important and heavily impactful decision to make, in the context of voting for a candidate who would potentially be charged with RUNNING AN ENTIRE NATION, of heavily impactful issues, foreign and domestic. In my opinion, yes, I do feel that would be a dangerous way to cast such a vote as this...whether it was based on any given issue that "I" would happen to agree with or disagree with personally.

All I'm saying is, for anyone to vote for someone just because (for example) they were a woman, as it is their one and only issue most important to them, to live to see the day a woman become President (in Hilary's case) or VP (In Palin's case) in the White a pretty selfish and dangerous way to cast such an important vote. Paying no mind nor concern to the FULL EXTENT of content of what either would have to offer of themselves to such a position...other than the fact that they are of a person's preferred gender.
That's a DANGEROUSLY TUNNELED VISION way to cast such an important vote as this.

Not in any way saying that anyones personal convictions are any less meaningful or valid than the next persons...just that if they are going to cast a vote, I can only HOPE they would do so out of concern for our country as a whole, and do so with basis of a broader scale of concern than any one single "personal conviction".
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As far as Palin's daughtger it should have absolutely NO BEARING on this at all and I pray they leave her alone, people and media. It is none of anyones business that she is pregnant and what her decisions are. This is a "family" matter not a public circus as is happening. How sad.
Thank you for saying that! This type of politics I can live without and it just solidifies my views. I really do not think it helps out the democratic stance either. Obama's mother was 18 when he was born.
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I keep thinking, how many other families have had an umarried, pregnant young daughter in their family??? My hubby's family and my family also. Its not all that uncommon now a days.
Tanya, the reason I wouldn't be for Condelezza would be because we need here right where she is. She's one of a kind and needs to stay put I think becauase she does an amazing job and knows her job.

I'm thrilled with Sara Palin! I think she's enough to blow Obama right out of the water.

She's my kind of lady and I loved how she sold the jet on ebay. This is a woman that knows how to budget! I think she should run for President!
This is a woman that knows how to budget! I think she should run for President!
She sure does! From this link, posted in another thread:

"The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration

weren’t enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed

money was needed, too. She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it

with indebtedness of over $22 million. What did Mayor Palin encourage

the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said

she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? or a

new library? No. $1m for a park. $15m-plus for construction of a

multi-use sports complex which she rushed through to build on a piece

of property that the City didn’t even have clear title to, that was

still in litigation 7 yrs later--to the delight of the lawyers

involved! The sports complex itself is a nice addition to the

community but a huge money pit, not the profit-generator she claimed it

would be. She also supported bonds for $5.5m for road projects that

could have been done in 5-7 yrs without any borrowing."
Hello all

I'm not really adding much to the discussion here so apologies!

I am finding this discussion very interesting as an outsider who won't be voting so it must be even better if you are.

I just wanted to add that it is so good to see such discussion as opposed to the apathy amongst voters here in the UK. Here we often have people who aren't bothered at all to vote and often if they are they vote for a party on one issue (as was commented on earlier) or because they've always voted for them or their parents voted for them etc. Do you find much of that happening in the US?

It's great to read your views and not just those of our biased media, thanks.
I just wanted to add that it is so good to see such discussion as opposed to the apathy amongst voters here in the UK. Here we often have people who aren't bothered at all to vote and often if they are they vote for a party on one issue (as was commented on earlier) or because they've always voted for them or their parents voted for them etc. Do you find much of that happening in the US?
There are a lot of people who consistently vote on partly lines -- but I don't really feel many do it blindly. I feel they do support what their party stands for -- but that there is a big potential to be mislead by the media. Part of how a person feels about politics is of course how you were raised, but dispite our best efforts, my little sister is a Democrat

I myself do always vote Republican and feel passionate about why it's important to do so. It's because overall, I am a believer and supporter of the Republican ideals and values. Not on everything, but on the things most important to me, the Republican Party has the vision with which I align. I support McCain's defense, energy and fiscal agendas

However, I am more of a liberal Republican than a conservative Republican. For example, I would be in favor of gay marriage as a right for those who are gay and want to be married

In the current times, it honestly worries me deeply for our Nation if we end up with the Democratic nominee in office

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I LOVED Sarah Palin's speech last night! She was brilliant and held her own with everything that is being lashed out at her.

Here is a you tube link for those of you that did not get to see her. SARAH PALIN SPEECH I can not wait to see her go head to head with Biden!

I also thought she gave a very good speech. She sure had the audience with her. And I'm sure all, if not most , of America right with her. I absolutely loved it when her daughter Piper licked on her hand and smoothed Trigs hair to slick it down.
Did you see that? It was precious. They will laugh at that for years to come. I think she is an ordinary family and will do us proud because she knows how to live an ordinary life. Can't wait to hear McCains speech tonight. Go MaCain/Palin
I'm registered as an "independent" because I absolutely feel that votes should be made based on the candidate not the party. I watched the speeches last night and I know who I'm voting for.

I thoroughly enjoyed Guiliani's comments and Palin impressed me. I especially liked the comment she made about not going to Washington to win the favor of the media. Like many of you, I too disagree with her stand on the abortion issue but common sense tell us that a VP hardly has the power to change laws by themselves.

As far as John McCain is concerned, as a 20 year military veteran, I'm behind him all the way. He's lived through horrors that the majority of us can only imagine.....and walked away with his integrity intact. If he could retain his integrity through the torture he endured in Viet Nam there's no doubt in my mind that he can handle the issues facing him as President.
Like many of you, I too disagree with her stand on the abortion issue but common sense tell us that a VP hardly has the power to change laws by themselves.
As far as John McCain is concerned, as a 20 year military veteran, I'm behind him all the way. He's lived through horrors that the majority of us can only imagine.....and walked away with his integrity intact. If he could retain his integrity through the torture he endured in Viet Nam there's no doubt in my mind that he can handle the issues facing him as President.
All the repealing of Roe V. Wade would take is about 2 new supreme court justices and that IS possible under a McCain/Palin (or just Palin) presidency. I absolutely respect and admire John McCain for his service to this country and consider him a true American hero, but in my opinion that has nothing to do with his suitablility for the Presidency. I know that there are many that disagree with me on this, but that's OK. In the US we get to disagree
What I loved most about Palin's speech last night was you could tell that SHE wrote that speech herself. That was her with her words and boy did she have me eating out of her hand. She's real and that's what we need. Someone who's real, who's living our lives, who understands middle america, and who's got the balls to talk straight. I bet we see record numbers of voters this year.
What I loved most about Palin's speech last night was you could tell that SHE wrote that speech herself. That was her with her words and boy did she have me eating out of her hand. She's real and that's what we need. Someone who's real, who's living our lives, who understands middle america, and who's got the balls to talk straight. I bet we see record numbers of voters this year.
I hope she did write it. It was reported on CCN this morning that Bush's speechwriters wrote the majority of the speech before the selection for VP was even made.
I hope she did write it. It was reported on CCN this morning that Bush's speechwriters wrote the majority of the speech before the selection for VP was even made.

I realize CNN is never wrong. Look, they said Big Foot was real while Fox News laughed about it.
I would doubt any politician that claims to have written their own speeches. No matter what party they are with.
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