McCain - his vice-presidential choice

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I just heard something on CNN and am taking it with a grain of salt at the moment as it could be not accurate at all but the political analyst stated that Palin stance on things are very restrictive in the sense that her belief and stand on abortion is pro-life with "no exception whether it be incest or rape"? Does anyone know this to be true???? I can't imagine lets say a 13 or 14 year old child who is a victim of rape or incest who ends up pregnant to have to have her "rights" dictated by government. I was absolutely shocked when I heard that comment. It's one thing to be anti-abortion, I can respect both sides point of view but with the example given above all I can think of is "draconian" and a major step backwards for womens rights in the case of rape or incest. That makes me very sad.
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Hillary will NOW work even harder to get Obama in the White House as she WANTS to be the first woman in power...........Mccain is smarter than I was giving him credit for.................... NOBAMA
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First I will admit, I am hardcore Conservative Republican, as is my hubby, I will not bash the Democrats simply due to the fact they believe different than I, I will say that I am humored to think that he only picked this WOMAN to sway the votes that would have come for Hillary, when both parties and women in quesiton couldn't be more opposite! Or have more opposite views....I share alot more of her views than I do McCains so I am thankful she is on board.
Danielle, if that is indeed her stand, I agree with her whole-heartedly. Would that be a good situation? Of course not! However, that baby had no control over his or her beginnings. That baby should not be murdered just because he or she began life because of an act of violence. If the mother does not want to keep the baby, fine, she can put it up for adoption. That baby has a "right" to live!
I also do not think he only picked her for the sake of picking a woman. I'm not sure how anyone who knows anything about Palin would think her major selling point is being female. But I do think it's a good strategic move.

CNN. I couldn't be bothered... they lean very <---- (LEFT). I'll stick to Fox News.

I love that this was setting out to be a negative McCain/Palin thread but that so many chimed in with their thumbs up on the ticket.

(Matt, I'd still watch American Dad / Family Guy with you any Sunday!)
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I share alot more of her views than I do McCains so I am thankful she is on board.
I have to find a few of her issue stands before I'm 100% behind her, but right now I'd rather McCain was running for VP, and Palin for President.
He's a bit too liberal for my liking... more conservative would make me happy.
I think the two of them in office would be just what this country needs.
Sarah Palin is a great lady, she turned Alaska around, got rid of the corruption there. I hope she gets the opportunity in Washington too

Can't wait for the debat its gone be fun
I think the debates will be awesome and will possibly change some minds. There's no comparison and McCain is so sharp and decisive. LOVED the "Saddleback Showdown". Obama did better than I thought he would but don't know how anyone could have watched his part and McCain's and not been "wowed" by McCain. It was awesome! I watched it on Fox but think it's also on YouTube here:

but right now I'd rather McCain was running for VP
.. McCain is up there in years so Palin may very well be in the President's seat some day.
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Karla, have you read up on Palin yet? If so what did you think?

I am still on pins and needles with excitement over the McCain/Palin combination. She is so out of the box and all I can see if positive possibilities. Whoop whoop!

I'm not much on politics but I think this is awesome! First off, what a historical election this is going to be regardless of who wins! But....for McCain to pick Palin.....WOW! This is the material that hollywood movies are made of. I think she's perfect and exactly what McCain needs! My husband who's never voted, EVER
, is voting this year.

And to not vote for one candidate or another based on one issue is very short sighted. I am Pro-Choice (and I'm not going to engage in a debate over it) and I realize that Palin is Pro-Life, but she brings so much more than just her opinion on abortion. This country is not going to outlaw a woman's right to choose. It would violate the very meaning of being an American. It's just propaganda to sway voters one way or another.
I LOVE her. I was so disheartened before her announcement that I was seriously thinking of writing in the "Dalai Lama" as my choice lol. I'm so excited now to vote. She's a real person and the fact that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant makes her and her family even more "real".
Her daughter, at 17, is pregnant, and you think this is a good thing for a VP? If she were Obamas choice, you would feel absolutely, completely, 100% differently. Why do people hold one group to one standard and another group at another standard?
:DOH! Can't believe I am going to udder these words! Carin, I couldn't agree more! You hit the jackpot with those comments. You have to see the big picture not one segment of the series!
Well, to me I see Sarah Palin as a breath of fresh air. I am sure as most mothers do she gave her daughter morals but it was up to her daughter to use what her momma gave her. WIth her being 17 she is old enough to know how she got that way and ways of not getting that way. There are a lot of teen age pregnancies but that doesn't mean their momma was a bad momma. That means the child made a mistake in judgement. She is pregnant and they are being responsible about the pregnancy. I am a pro choice person but I have to admire that they stand next to their morals and have not terminated the pregnancy.

I am sure there would be a bunch more come out about Obama if the news media didn't treat him as if he was in a beauty padgeant. I am sure he will have skeletons crawling from his closet too. There was an allegation of him having an affair with a man and doing drugs ( WHICH I WILL ADD THE PERSON ACCUSING HIM FAILED A POLYGRAPH!). I didn't see one person on here (which it was kept pretty quiet) run him into the ground about that.
An unwed pregnant 17 year old is NOT a good thing. It's a terrible thing. But, the biggest issue I have with most politicians is that they all live in ivory towers, clueless to the "real world". Not SP, she lives like the rest of us matter how hard you try, sometimes s**t happens
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:DOH! Can't believe I am going to udder these words! Carin, I couldn't agree more! You hit the jackpot with those comments. You have to see the big picture not one segment of the series!

G A S P! Clutching my chest...
Jennifer is admitting to agreeing with me
! Who would have thought US politics would have brought us together.
All kidding aside, the fact that Palin's daughter is pregnant isn't my problem. It's theirs and they are dealing with it in mature, loving way that will be supportive for all involved. My parents taught me about the dangers of sex and the use of birth control. Did that keep my pants on as a hormonal teenager in love? Nope. Did I get pregnant? Nope, but I took the risk and it was MY risk and MY responsibility. My parents are still wonderful parents.

The issues the Palins, McCains, Obamas, and Bindens have at home do not reflect their political views or agendas. Those are the problems that every family in America faces. I vote for the persons who will best represent this country and who will look out for the best interest of all Americans. We all have crap piling up in our own backyards; it's life.
. There are a lot of teen age pregnancies but that doesn't mean their momma was a bad momma. That means the child made a mistake in judgement. She is pregnant and they are being responsible about the pregnancy. I am a pro choice person but I have to admire that they stand next to their morals and have not terminated the pregnancy.

However what if the scenario was different? No one knows if it was the daughters choice to continue the pregnancy or not. What if just what if it was not? Would you then think of this same woman as wonderful and admirable?

I was in between to be honest not sure where to vote but I am not sure I can ever support in any way someone who does not believe in a womans right to choose. And for the record Carin never say never I will never want to admit being part of something that could lead to the downward spiral of women's rights in this country period! So thanks McCain for making my mind up for me!
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