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[SIZE=14pt]For Crying out Loud if these are the people I think they are, I honestly can't believe they are still at it after all this time. [/SIZE]

I have been a member of this forum for about 3 years now, but for the most part quit posting on the main board, but I am still a frequent Lurker.

Lyn, Good luck with this, I really believe that in the end, the law is going to realize that these people are just seeking revenge.

You are a great person with good intentions, and i do believe freedom of speech applies to you here.

If nobody was allowed to talk about anything unless they were licensed, nobody would be talking!! And lets remember that veteranarians are not infallible!! I have been a veterinary Technician for 2 years and I have found that PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE is a major supplemet TO veterinary medicine, because an owner that has a base knowledge of what is going on can have information and preliminary care READY when the vet arrives!!

And if we do not Share this information, how are people going to learn it??

To you sorry excuses for horse people that are doing this to Lyn, NObody is shoving anything down your throat or telling you that you have to do things their way. This is an open forum, if you ask for an opinion you dang better believe you are going to get one!!

If you dont like it, then by all means do not heed the advice! It is a simple concept.
Gee, do you think I should press charges on my mother for telling me how pleasurable child birth is? Or maybe the man at Kroger's meat section for telling me his way of cooking a certain meat? After all, he isn't a chef.

They are just trying to silence you from voicing your opinion/concerns of a certain thing they hope to capitalize on. Free is never free. But petty is always petty.

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