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[SIZE=14pt]Lyn, Do you know why they have taken this upon there some personal vendetta? Sounds like it is more than one person it a specific group? Of course those of us who aren't in the "know" do wonder what this is all about because you aren't the only person to have given vet type info. [/SIZE]:


lyn_j said:
[SIZE=14pt]The complaints have signatures. I know who the people are and they are NOT vets.[/SIZE]Lyn


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[SIZE=14pt]Buckskin gal the answers to your questions are yes , and yes.If anyone wishes the particulars PM me because I wont give that on the open forum .[/SIZE]

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I remember this topic last year. Where the heck are they getting this money to come after people on this forum that disagree with them?

Lyn, I am very sorry that you are being burdened with defending our civil right of free speech. You have many many friends here, you unselfishly share your experience with us so we can take better care of our horses. We all share this love and passion for our minis and we like to help one another. Is this a crime? NO

I think in the end more than one of our constitutional rights will have been violated.

I am a newbie here and don't know what all of this is over, but I can say that the short time I have been here, I have gotten very good advice and opinions from lots of people. I read all opinions before I make a decision on something. I don't understand how people can be so pathetic especially when we all know this is an OPEN forum and that all we will receive opinions when asked for them. You know this is an open forum and if you are really looking for the advice of a professional, well then go to their place of business and NOT to a public forum where you know you will just get opinions, NOT professional advice. I am so sorry this is happening to you Lyn. I wish you the best!!
I've only read the first page of replies, Lyn, but I'm very sorry you're going through this, too.

What I don't understand in all of this is WHY someone would go to the trouble of laying any sort of charges against a person for comments made on a public forum. I'm referring to this situation in particular, I suppose, but just in general, too. Was the person(s) who started this case against you, Lyn, hurt in any way? What do they stand to gain if they "win"?

I don't get it.
Sunny said:
What do they stand to gain if they "win"? 

Just the satisfaction of knowing they have succeeded in "bullying" yet another person. They make me sick!
Now before too many of you go off the deep end on the freedom of speech issue, I think you might want to do some investigation as to what is covered under the first amendment and what is not. Although many countries have it, it does not mean one can willy nilly voice whatever thing comes to mind without repercussions. Freedom of speech is not some unlimited gift. You'd be surprised just how "freedom of speech" a term so easily bandied about, may not be what you may have thought it was all this time after at all.

As I said before sharing of information is well within our right to freedom of speech, giving medical/veterinary advice (unless one is a medical professional) is NOT. If someone decides to cross that line then they are implying they will take on whatever responsibility and penalty that comes with it disclaimer or not.

Lyn whether you listen to me or not I think you need to let this die down, have this thread deleted and handle the entire subject off line or by PM. Please don't unwittingly give them any more ammunition to use against you.
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Was the person(s) who started this case against you, Lyn, hurt in any way? What do they stand to gain if they "win"?
Judy, that is precisely what the investigator should be looking at and that will give her the answer as to what is really going on here with the added "history" of these individuals on this forum and on other forums where they have also threatened legal action on some of those members as well.
So let's see.... we cannot share our dystocia experiences and perhaps save a life or two. Does outlining what should go in a foaling kit count?? How about red bags?? If you have foaled out over a hundred babies - all that experience counts for **** ?? Forget about resuscitating foals. Screw it - let 'em die. No talk about medications or emergency situations and what to do until the vet arrives... and don't even think about mentioning that you once experienced >>>insert something that has happened to someone's horse<<< and this is what happened and what you should expect. In many threads since the beginning of this forum you see the words CALL THE VET when someone has an emergency or seeks advice. CALL THE VET. GET THE VET TO CHECK IT OUT. Someone please tell me what is wrong with that. What is wrong with sharing experiences for the good of the horses .... and making it very clear you are not a vet and they should be consulted.

And I'll bet the complainers have suggested such things in the past as well. Whatever happened to ... DO NO HARM. Cutting off all these discussions will case more harm than it will prevent. Better hand the complainers the URLs for every other horse message board or email group... they've got a lot of complaining to do to get all of that shut down.

This situation is unbelievable. And even though I am not a vet... I can figure that out. And as I said - it will do more harm than help. But then.... maybe that was the point...
... and I iz just 2 stoooopid 2 unnerstand why....
I put this on a new post - Sample of forum importance - Pass on to investigator

This mare had been at the University hospital for a while , and the doctors did every conceivable test, but could NOT determine why this horse was not eating, lethargic and really dieing in front of their eyes. I posted the symptoms on this forum, and Rita responded. A few of her horses died (vets could not help her) and an autopsy determined a very rare disease common to swine. I passed the information on to the University hospital , where they immediately implimented the medication program provided by Rita. Result, a mare that went home and fully recovered and had a healthy foal, which she sustained during her illness.

Without this forum, this mare and foal would be dead and MORE IMPORTANTLY, there is now a University Hospital in Europe training new doctors that will now be aware and have documented medical material regarding this disease that can kill equines AND also have a CURE for it.
gggrrrrrr I cannot beleive anyone would come after you Lyn..or anyone on this forum!!! When I first signed on..I learned SOOOOOO much from each and every one of DARE someone question that kind of support and how dare someone tarnish the open hearts that shared their own experiences so I can learn.I would have been LOST if not for you and this forum....advice..and I would like to add 'advice' is just take it all in and use what works for your situation..I am not stupid....noone on this forum is stupid, well, maybe a few exceptions ah hem....BUT this forum offers what I could not find anywhere else...and it also offered me support..and a shoulder to cry on when I buried my mare and have someone attack my/our hurtful to each and everyone of us..and especially our horses....because they are why we are here.....

dang...cannot get the type big
[SIZE=14pt]Lyn, so sorry you've had to deal with these people and their complaints.[/SIZE]

I was a bit surprised by some of your email, and the types of topics that were used in the complaint - seems pretty broad as to what us 'non professionals' can comment upon and possibly be considering practicing veterinarian medicine!

[SIZE=14pt]Shirley is right. Free Speech is there to protect as well as to be used. It is NOT the freedom to say anything and everything you like without anyone having a comeback. The point is that what Lyn said is the truth, therefore she should be protected under the Freedom of Speech Act. I have seen, and many of you must have seen, Newspapers sued for MILLIONS because one of their editorials has annoyed someone rich enough to sue them. Freedom of Speech only works if you have money, I'm afraid. It does allow you to stand on a soapbox on a street corner and shout about the government without getting shot dead....unless you are Black, or Gay or some other group that has annoyed people rich enough to hire someone to shoot you. If you say something about me which is not true, and injures me, I can sue you. If you are rich and I am not you will be able to take the whole matter so far into the bowels of the legal system that I will not have the money to pursue it, and I will have to let it drop, and you will go unpunished, and I will remain injured. Freedom of Speech is a phrase, nothing more. Do not be so sure the law alone will protect you. I know it will not. Now, that being said, when this whole thing erupted in the first place, the "thing about which we cannot talk" I jumped up and down and begged them to sue me. Seems they are not quite so willing to take on International Law. They dropped the case they were pursuing in Europe, too, and the man involved speaks freely on the Internet about it, in spite of their trying to gag him!!![/SIZE]

This is my opinion, if you do not like it........SUE ME
I was so thankful when I found this forum!! I have learned so much and greatly appreciate those who take the time to help and advise. I would hate it if this forum turned into only a pretty pony show with everyone too afraid to voice their opinions and advice. We all need support at one time or another and I am extremely grateful that all of you are here freely offering your experience and knowledge.

Lyn....I am so very sorry this is happening to you!!!!
Lyn, I am so sorry that you were singled out in these peoples' "quest". This has nothing to do with vets..and, it is NOT against the law to treat your own horses or give them shots. If it was, think about all the folks who would be sitting in jail for giving themselves insulin!!!!! LOL!! Or people who have had to deliver their own babies!! This is a stupid suit!

This is about getting even..plain and simple.

And, I hope that you all are remembering the webpage that they had up (I DO HOPE SOMEONE MADE A COPY OF THAT!! ) saying how much they hated Miniature Horse breeders!! Hmmmm *I* am a breeder..perhaps I should follow their lead and sue them for loss of sales due to that webpage!!!

To the people in question: You people need to find another "hobby"...
[SIZE=14pt]Triggy, I will not have this deleated nor will I ask for it to be closed. You have not been targeted. 12 of the rest of us have. I want the investigator and the board memebers that she reports to to see this thread and realize how the other forum members feel about postings here. That they all realize that Vets should be called but when there isnt one available or someone has a question about conformation which an experienced breeder can help with that people can feel free to come here for support and information. Thats what this board was meant to do. I dont send lawyers and police men to your door ordering you not to post her or send me private e mails that I disagree with... I tell you myself when Im upset and we handle it.[/SIZE]

These people cant handle a difference of opinion because It wont benefit them financially or enhance their noteriety.

If we silence this thread , we silence this forum and then they win. I have not visited their sites in over a year but I too remember when they were blasting breeders for being breeders and then they listed as their main supporter one of the biggest breeders producing dwarfs in the industry.

The investigator asked me why it has to be them and us..... I told her we have tried to let them alone but they refuse to leave us alone. It is no longer about differing ideas it has now become revenge on their part. I am not the only one targeted. I am just the vocal one. You see, when one sense or ability is taken away from you your others, like hearing and speach or freedom of speach become stronger. On that I stand!

Thanks to all of you for supporting not only me but the future of this forum community.
(sort of feels like the 60s again doesnt it?

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Feels like the 60s again? Youbetcha! Where are my ell bottoms and mini skirts! Oh Lord...I'm 50 sratch that...I wave my banners here instead.
I'll be the first one to say that we have had more than one vet make a wrong call on one of our horses. What use was their training & license to me when I'm crying over my dead horse? One ulcerated eye because the vet gave us ear mite medicine instead of eye ointment.. One horse died because of the wrong treatment.......... I will say again that a horse owner's experiences are worth more than a vets sometimes & are worth listening to.................................................................. I have been to the big horse forums & those posters give just as much if not more vet advice than we do here. Perhaps we should ask for their help in fighting this? If I report them, will they be investigated also?
We should remind ourselves that all of us ran into a situation for the first time. For some who have been in the mini world for decades, the experiences have often been repeated , which newbies have not experienced. The important thing is, I believe that a very high percentage of the solutions we put forward or experienced, were first recommended or administered by a vet. If somebody recommends a certain dosage, its because thats likely what a vet told her when she had a similar situation.

They dropped the case they were pursuing in Europe, too, and the man involved speaks freely on the Internet about it, in spite of their trying to gag him!!
Rabbitsfizz, you have a pm
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