Looking for largest number of horses

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Ah ha, technical difficulties have kept me away today but they are all fixed now. Amanda, did you mess with my web settings? LOL

Wow, you really want Belinda to win! :new_shocked: We can do it! It will be worth it making sure these stallions get their bean relief. You guys rock! Woo hoo!

Three grpups are benefitting. Belinda, CMHR, and me. Belinda needs the help and is helping CMHR. I am helping CMHR, Belinda, and my obsession with competitiveness. You guys like your coffee chocolate, and Code Red, and I love to compete where I am able :lol: .

WOW $350 ... :aktion033: :aktion033:

Way to go guys!!!!! :bgrin :bgrin

CMHR has to do this next year at Nat'ls ..i'll even join in on the poop scooping party, i love cleaning stalls ..hooves ..buckets ..horses. Name it and i'll clean it (Sheath Cleaning EXcluded)
oh no!! leanna said the dreaded S word!!! leanna go edit hurry!!! before amanda sees it!!!

Oh, I thought of that first thing, but Belinda is choosing the 2 other jobs so maybe some people need to be offering her some chocolates if we win
: . Maybe she's not as evil as I am
: Or maybe she hates cleaning sheaths as much or more than everyone else. :bgrin By the way my prpxy bid has not been met yet and I'll be watching Sunday night :xbud: .

:new_multi: :new_multi: Oh this looks good, I always need help :aktion033: :aktion033: Just come on by Fran and Kay the Pitch fork is always waiting ! :new_rofl:
Amanda, I will help with the bidding. I am not going but it is for a good cause. Just tell me where to send the money. Do you have paypal? Just let me know where to send the money and I will get it to you asap. Good luck at nationals everyone going.
:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: My reinforcements grow!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

What happened to my competition?

I'm ready for a sneak attack
: .
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Oh, what a great way to start the day! :aktion033: I see you have more reinforcements, Amanda! LOL

Kay, I think as wet as we got with the three horses we will need scuba gear for the 30! LOL That's 30 stalls with 30 horses and 120 hooves. Now if each horse poos, oh lets say 3 pounds, that will be 90 pounds of poo. Thirthy 5 gallon buckets is 150 gallons of water. Oh, wont someone save us! LOL We can do it, I say! Woo hoo! Bring on the work! Belinda, will you have two forks?


Just thought I would add this here as well. In case you have ever wondered, Kay and I are paying 100% of our own plane tickets, lodging, eats and anything else we need while we are there. 100% of all monies brought in goes to the minis that are rescued.
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And just think, if it's stalls and baths that Belinda wants for her 30, there is still one job to go :new_shocked:

You guys had better get out there and exercise WITH your minis to prepare. :lol:
at least belindas taking pity on us with the sheath cleaning lol

hey now wait we could get a last minute bidder you and belinda better stay on your toes LOL

Don't get your hopes up Kay for someone to outbid with fewer horses. I was outbid at the ast minute before on a book when we did the auction for Seven Acres and I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen this time unless they want to give you soooo much that we can't cover it. If that happens though you still get my part whether you have to do 30 stalls or not :bgrin . See, I'm not that evil
: .


My proxy bid is still waiting to be challenged.
:risa_suelos: :risa_suelos: :new_multi: :new_multi:
: :aktion033: :aktion033: :cheeky-smiley-006:

I have help coming , I have help coming !!! Can't wait .. :saludando:
I have been practicing my poo pickin' skills! Stacy and Gini have sent us special attire for this event. Thank you ladies! :aktion033:

Belinda will be singing all the way to Nationals and Amanda will be laughing the whole time we are gone. See, isn't this fun!??!!

Uh Oh, that was a close one!!! :new_shocked: I leave for a little while and come back to find out someone took me up on my dare. They're as bad as me :bgrin . They came so close too within $2.10, but don't worry Belinda. I fixed it cause I know Fran and Kay are so looking forward to 30 stalls.
[SIZE=18pt]Has anyone thought of the extra 2 jobs????[/SIZE]

They may be up for more suggestions since they've nixed sheath cleaning!!!
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Oh, so Gini's evil too? Trailer washing was a suggestion. I said wash and wax interior and exterior. Washing all 30 horses has also been suggested. I'm leaving that part up to Belinda-absolutely whatever she needs
: . I'm sure Belinda might need some suggestions or advice if anyone has any ideas
: .

Other people are getting into it now. You just have to try harder. I caught you Ashley lol.

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You don't have to worry about my proxy bid going to waste. If it's not hit them CMHR will get the remainder anyway :aktion033: .

I'll still be waitng tomorrow evening to make sure there are no sneak attacks :nono: .

:aktion033: Look at what happened last night! The pot grew to $510! WOW! :aktion033: You guys rock!

But the clock is still ticking! Who will be the winner of Kay and me is yet to be known! In less than 14 hours our fates are in the hands of the highest bidder or bidders. :eek: Will we be carried off on stretchers? Will there be coffee and Diet Code Red at then end of the stalls? How will our hair handle the fate that awaits us? Will Belinda still be singing? Will Amanda have a permanent smile? Everyone will have to keep watching to find out how this ends! LOL

I hope we can find someone with internet access so we will be able to keep everyone informed.

Amanda, you will have to be sure to let us know who your reinforcements are so we can thank them proper.


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