How much is this mare worth

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I am sorry your feelings are hurt but now you know dont ask a question like that on the forum or in a public place you will get many opinions and many of them you may not want to hear just yet

Bottom line is you said you are not sellling this mare anyway so really what she is worth is not what matters to anyone but you
I am sorry your feelings are hurt but now you know dont ask a question like that on the forum or in a public place you will get many opinions and many of them you may not want to hear just yet

Bottom line is you said you are not sellling this mare anyway so really what she is worth is not what matters to anyone but you

I agree! My little gelding is probably not worth more than $500 but to me he is worth a million. I'm sorry you took such a beating here, but for what it's worth ... I think she is adorable!
Well, I'll tell you doesn't matter how well a person knows lines and how much they show or how many wins they have had, they can still have produce poor quality animals on thir farm.

As an example here, and even though I won't use use names, there is one famous horse/line in particular that is "hot, hot, hot", with both direct sons/daughters of that horse and generations of decendants, that have many Nationals wins etc. BUT, I have also seen some from that line, and even DIRECT sons and daughters that I feel are only pet quality, but yet sell for anywhere from $15,000 and on UP....WAAAAAAY up, just because of their sire. I have seen some of these that I would not even want to use in my herd even if they were GIVEN to me, yet they get thousands and thousands of $$$$ for them! Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing this line, and in fact I LOVE MANY, MANY horses from this line, but am just using it as an example of how some pet quality horses are sold for tens of thousands of dollars just basically on bloodlines alone, and not on the merit of their conformation.
Well, I'll tell you doesn't matter how well a person knows lines and how much they show or how many wins they have had, they can still have produce poor quality animals on thir farm.

As an example here, and even though I won't use use names, there is one famous horse/line in particular that is "hot, hot, hot", with both direct sons/daughters of that horse and generations of decendants, that have many Nationals wins etc. BUT, I have also seen some from that line, and even DIRECT sons and daughters that I feel are only pet quality, but yet sell for anywhere from $15,000 and on UP....WAAAAAAY up, just because of their sire. I have seen some of these that I would not even want to use in my herd even if they were GIVEN to me, yet they get thousands and thousands of $$$$ for them! Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing this line, and in fact I LOVE MANY, MANY horses from this line, but am just using it as an example of how some pet quality horses are sold for tens of thousands of dollars just basically on bloodlines alone, and not on the merit of their conformation.
OK, WELL I THINK MY GUYS ARE GOOD, I have a two year old mare that they are going to show for me next year so I'll keep my mouth shut until she wins.....


I think my girls and stud are good, not nationals good but good. They are what I want and thats what matters.

: Well yes, actually you DID say how much you paid!
You said...

I would want to get my moneys worth out of her, I paid a thousand for her in bad shape so if someone came by and asked 1500 I would most likely take it. She is 8 months preggo BTW way.
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Anyways, that was not my was not about the money. All I was saying is there are good and bad in ALL bloodlines, no matter how famous they are. If you like yours, that is fine, and that is good, but when you come to a public forum and ask what your mare is worth, the people will give you what they honestly feel is fair for the horse presented before them.
and I see that now, thanks......

Mine are good enough for me and thats it, I asked maybe to see if someone would pay that, I saw some people that would and some that wouldn't. Thats every wher, some people will like some things and pay a bunch, then others will put their noses up at it......
All that does matter is that you like them, however if you ever plan to sell any of them you have to make sure what you have covers as much as the market as possible.

also remember that people put what they think is a fair value on a mare, not what they would pay for her. Plus everybodys market is different. I know what I sell my pet quality horses here for is way less then a pet quality horse sells in other areas. Same as for my good quality. JUst depends where you live.
You know, I really cant understand why people come here and ask questions when they really dont want to hear answers, they dont want advice, they have already chosen a mentor and dont want to hear what people who are currently showing have to say. No one was rude here except you. Mona was being kind. The moderators have been gracious allowing this thread to continue.

Good luck to you and your horses. I look forward to seeing you in the ring next year.

Well when I asked I didn't think I would be called stupid or " not knowing what I'm doing".

I guess the way some people said it, thats what me mad. I took a lot of things and looked at her again but then there was a lot of uncalled for things...
what i don't quite understand is how anybody can put a price or value on ANY horse just by looking at a picture. when i go to look at a horse that i'm considering bringing home, before i even look at the whole visual picture, i handle that horse to make sure he or she is something i can live with. i don't like bad ground manners in a horse and i am not about to spend a dime on a horse that i have to bring home and re-train. i don't have the time nor the inclination. i have walked away from some very nice LOOKING horses because they were either spoiled rotten or downright dangerous.

after i've handled a horse, and i do mean handle, hands all over, picking up and holding feet, brushing, handling ears, if possible even loading and unloading, you name it...only then do i stand back and look at the whole visual picture to determine if this is a horse i could live with.

It's not hard to appraise a horse if you know the market well... from just pictures/show record/size/produce record.

Mostly with miniature horses, they have decent temperaments because of their size are easy to handle. Most people looking for pets are not willing to spend over $1000 for one. And in that case yes, they will go meet their pet and make sure it has a friendly enough temperament.

Now, in pricing those "breeding or show quality animals" that we hope to price over $1,000... the more "good points" the better in getting a better price.

I think a lot of people here buy or sell enough horses that they feel they can make a fair appraisal.

I have purchased THE MAJORITY of my horses and ponies online, with pictures only... and in shopping I have been able to create a fair appraisal of not only what I sell, but what I buy, too.

I see plenty that is "not my type" such as the mare up for appraisal here, that I mentally file similar prices away in my head. I come across many horses that are not my type but I see what the prices are for them and use to compare to horses that are my type.

People are not trying to put down horses when they appraise, but try to justify their appraisal.

When you get an item or horse appraised, you need to understand the market for similar items, what makes an item worth more or less, and only then can you get a market value from it.

Sometimes it's hard for people to accept a fair appraisal if they have some sentimental value attached to it. They get defensive because their item has more PERCEIVED value than ACTUAL value. And the people trying to make a fair appraisal get frustrated sometimes, because it is so hard to see beyond those sentiments.

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yes andrea, i see what you mean. i suppose i was referring more to horses i was looking at as prospective mounts for myself.
Wow, how did this end up such a big fat mess??? All she asked in her original post was what folks thought the mare might be worth and once again it appears that someone got beat up over it. There are nice ways of giving a critique without being so harsh and overbearing.

She never asked anyone if she should sell them and start over, or anything else. She is happy with the horses she has- she is not looking for National show quality stock. I saw other pics of her horses and they are happy and very healthy looking animals. They all had nice heads and correct legs from what I could see. Are they National quality? Probably not but I have seen MUCH worse, but that is not what was being asked either.

It's not that she didnt want folks to help her out here or she would not have asked, it's the way some of the replies come across as just being blunt and rude and some trying to read more into the conversation than was originally stated.

She has had to come to the defense of her horses now due to the way she has been made to feel by some. Insulting people or putting them in the position to become that defensive certainly is not any way to welcome new friends into the Mini world.

Everyone has different taste and style in what they like to see in the Minis- some breed for halter, some for performance, etc.....

I'll get off the soapbox now- flame away- I have my asbestos underwear on today.
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She asked what her horse was worth for selling purposes, there for she opened it up for a huge amount of answers.
what i don't quite understand is how anybody can put a price or value on ANY horse just by looking at a picture. when i go to look at a horse that i'm considering bringing home, before i even look at the whole visual picture, i handle that horse to make sure he or she is something i can live with....after i've handled a horse, and i do mean handle, hands all over, picking up and holding feet, brushing, handling ears, if possible even loading and unloading, you name it...only then do i stand back and look at the whole visual picture to determine if this is a horse i could live with.
see, everyone is different. I have to like the overall look of the horse before I will even want to look further. If I look at photos of a horse and see that it's too heavy boned, or has some poor conformation traits, or the wrong type--I won't even look any further. I don't really care what the personality is like if I just can't live with the look of the horse.
I'll buy a wild colt that has style and the right conformation long before I'll by a nice quiet easy to handle horse with terrible conformation. Likewise, I want a nice pedigree but the fanciest pedigree in the world means nothing too me if the horse has major conformation faults.

Everyone should keep in mind that the best of farms may have some wonderful show ring winners, but that doesn't automatically mean that every last one of the horses they raise is national championship calibre. I've seen some real dogs with big name prefixes and even fancy pedigrees. I've looked at a horse that was a full sibling to a national champion....and thought to myself that the national champion sibling was surely much nicer than the horse I was looking at, because the horse I was looking at sure wouldn't have got too far in the show ring.

It's all fine to be breeding for what you like; I myself do the same thing. However, in the process it also pays to not be barn blind. Just because I am raising what I personally like doesn't mean that every person out there will agree with what I'm doing. I know the faults my horses have; they are faults I can live with, but I know others may not be able to live with those same faults. Anyone that is breeding owes it to their horses to be able to see what faults are there, and to know how those faults will affect the horse's future in term of soundness and even marketability.
i suppose i should qualify my previous statement. of course i look at the horse but my initial "look" is cursory. if i like what i see, then i do the hands-on, see-what-this-horse-is-really-like thing. after i decide if he has the type of personality i like, then i go into more detail about conformation. of course, it's entirely different with minis. i haven't seen one yet that i wouldn't bring home in a heartbeat! oh to have more room!!! :eek:
Wow, how did this end up such a big fat mess??? All she asked in her original post was what folks thought the mare might be worth and once again it appears that someone got beat up over it. There are nice ways of giving a critique without being so harsh and overbearing.
She never asked anyone if she should sell them and start over, or anything else. She is happy with the horses she has- she is not looking for National show quality stock. I saw other pics of her horses and they are happy and very healthy looking animals. They all had nice heads and correct legs from what I could see. Are they National quality? Probably not but I have seen MUCH worse, but that is not what was being asked either.

It's not that she didnt want folks to help her out here or she would not have asked, it's the way some of the replies come across as just being blunt and rude and some trying to read more into the conversation than was originally stated.

She has had to come to the defense of her horses now due to the way she has been made to feel by some. Insulting people or putting them in the position to become that defensive certainly is not any way to welcome new friends into the Mini world.

Everyone has different taste and style in what they like to see in the Minis- some breed for halter, some for performance, etc.....

I'll get off the soapbox now- flame away- I have my asbestos underwear on today.
AMEN! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: