Goodbye To Ruthie 1983-2006

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Wonderful tribute to your mare - makes me smile at the pictures it evokes. I know you will treasure her memory.

: You were both blessed during her time at your ranch! Salty, wise old mares have so much to impart, mostly a twisted sense of humor.

Bless you, Angie, for taking in an elderly mare to live out her life in wonderful surroundings. Most important, enjoying her last hurrah, which you'll lovingly keep in your heart. Lovingly "being there" as she passed from this earth is the ultimate respect the 'ol girl deserved.

May your heart begin to heal.

Angie, I have not been to the Forum for several days now, and came here to find this. I am so very sorry...I know how you loved old "Right Ruthie". I remember on one of my trips to your place with Jodie, you telling me about the opportunity you had to get Right Ruthie, and how happy you were to add her to your mares! My deepest condolences. (((HUGS)))
Sorry Shirl, I know you will miss the old girl, but I keept thinking of us in the old folks home and you getting loose. " Run like the wind old woman." Hope we have it as good as old Ruthie did in our last years. LaVern
Oh my gosh !!!! Now THAT brings a smile to the face....let's, Shirl, me, running around in the nursing home...and Jodie trying to get us under control (aint gonna happen).

I am sorry to read about Ruthie here. Ruthie was truly a mare years ahead of her time. My many trips to the ranch, I walk through the pastures of mares in admiration, and Ruthie has always been at the top of my list. Its hard to let go, but boy what a way to go! In the hands of others she would have been gone years ago. She won't have to put up with the Minnesota winters any more! I'm sure gonna miss seeing her.

And I agree with Lavern, if you girls have it half as good as Ruthie has had it in your last years, well life will be pretty good!!! All I know is I am going to have my hands full trying to keep all of you women tied down in your wheeled chairs and medicated! LOL! Take care and talk to you later! Cary, Ventura Minis
After reading this Angie, I feel like I missed out on something when I visited you. I never got to help chase Ruthie! I'm sure we would have had as much fun as she would, enjoying the chase
: She was a pretty old mare and sure had it good in her last day! At least she went out with a bang!! I hope to go that way myself
: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: GO RUTHIE!

If I wasn't so blasted jet lagged still I'd probably jump in the truck and drive over and give you a huge hug myself! What an incredibly touching story! What an incredible little mare who is going to be greatly missed but oh what a legacy she's left!

You honored your mare well with your tribute and I'm sorry this was her time to leave you.

Joyce with tears in her eyes
Sorry Shirl, I know you will miss the old girl, but I keept thinking of us in the old folks home and you getting loose. " Run like the wind old woman." Hope we have it as good as old Ruthie did in our last years. LaVern
Oh my gosh !!!! Now THAT brings a smile to the face....let's, Shirl, me, running around in the nursing home...and Jodie trying to get us under control (aint gonna happen).

OMG you two - LMAO!! I'll be out in front of ya all ...... with my fancy smanchy turbo boosted wheelchair! The Ol' NY Honarary Broodmare leading the herd!
: :bgrin


(I know I'm :eek:fftopic: but already sent my condolances.)

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