first mare up

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I've not been watching MareStare, but it seems this mare has tricked you all into thinking she is pregnant.
Freeland, I'd hate to think one that looks like that isn't pregnant!

Seems that the majority of my mares are going to carry long this year.
I've got two that are over 320 days and not even bagging up yet!
I've not been watching MareStare, but it seems this mare has tricked you all into thinking she is pregnant.
Freeland, I'd hate to think one that looks like that isn't pregnant!

Seems that the majority of my mares are going to carry long this year.
I've got two that are over 320 days and not even bagging up yet!

I am having the same problem no bagging up this year?
I had the same thing with my little appy colt mom had no bag till she foaled. I don't normally have foals this early . I think the mares don't really bag up good till they get fresh spring grass. Most of my mares that foal out later have big bags , some so big they have to spread there back legs when they walk and sometimes they go that way for several weeks before foaling.

I can tell you one thing for sure I will never have another baby this early too much to worry about , just trying to keep them warm and comfortable at the same time. I hate to blanket them some moms look at them strange and then I worry they will reject the foal but, I know the foals need the blanket. I also invested in the deluxe Kalglo heater it is 6' , it is suppose to warm only the horses , not the stall, so I think they are safer , if installed properly.
Well, she must have been happy with her outing, she is laying down now napping. Oops, just got up. I had been away from the computer and when I checked and she was laying down, I thought someone had taken her away and put a pot bellied pig in there, LOL

From the angle of the camera, and her legs folded up, that is what it looked like at first glance. Poor girl can hardly find a comfortable spot to lay in she is so fat.

Songcatcher your post made me laugh out loud. If it's a trick, it's a really good one, LOL

ETA- she just left a 'deposit' but no cow pie type. This is pretty funny but I feel weird snooping into someone else's barn without them knowing I'm here, LOL Hiding in the rafters. I feel like this is almost illegal, hahahaha
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I wish she would hurry up and foal!!! I need my baby fix!!! As for bagging we have 3 mares with decent udders already that the earliest 300 days is Feb 28th!
White milk
My mare foaled within hours of her milk changing to white!!!! Be watching- tonight may be the night!!!! for real!!!!!
Hmmmm, must have missed that. All I see is her standing in the same spot like a toad. And where are the kitties? Are they in lock down again?
all the cats, except for the momma are locked up in the well house. lacey is definatly out of character for herself tonite, i am dressed and ready to go! lol
Ok,shut down for the night and this morning? Still no baby. Oh there's a kitty at her water bucket... OH!! There's Lacey charging the kitty with her ears pinned!! The kitty is running for it's life out the door!!

laceys bag at 7:15 my time... come on lacey!

i had to go into the well house to fix the heater that is in there, as the kittens knocked it over and since it got down to 5 degrees last nite the water froze... stinkin cats! i doubt i can catch them again
I just got in from the barn and the first thing I do is check on Lacey - WOW!! with an udder like that she certainly can't go much longer! Her milk definitely looks white!!

I think we will all be ready to

when she finally foals!!
wow, amazing camera to catch that milk streaming like that!

SURELY she has to go today! I asked her to wait till the weekend so I could be online - thank you Lacey!

Will the "alert" be activated when it's really time?
i had a low on her but someone canceld it. i will set a high on her when she is really ready but u need the barn alarm from marestare, or be in chat to hear it on marestare. it will be today!!
yea I check mare stare barn alarm regularly too - so if she's on alert I'll definitely see her. I have Lacey bookmarked on favorites and call her up everytime I get online.

soon as we see her standing in a different place, facing a different way - we'll know! LOL Too funny as she must have 4 foot imprints in the floor of her stall as she never stands any different. ha

Good luck - you may be getting some well deserved sleep soon! LOL
I've keep checking this page to see if she's finally foaled or not!! From the looks of her udder it's definately today!!
Good luck!

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