confession time

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I "shave" my horses' legs more often than I shave my own!
OMG! Me too!! How horrible is that?
Oh god, one more lol.

My mom used my little wahl arco clippers that i use to detail the horses faces, to give my dad a hair cut.

Horse manure doesnt bother me either, as long as its the little hard apples and not the mushy wet new stuff lol.

Okay, here's one more. I honestly have only ever told my sister about this and she about croaked.

One day I decided I wanted an "all over" tan and thought it would be fun to sun bathe naked. So I went to the pasture which was about a 1/2 mile from the house and the house is a 1/2 mile off the road. I was far enough away that I would hear anyone coming long before they got to me and would have time to get clothed quickly (there was only one way into the pasture). Well as I am laying there face up, eyes closed, I hear a hum that get's louder. I open my eyes and look up directly into the window of a low flying airplane that is banking to circle around. I can still see the look on that guys face, mouth hanging open, eyes huge. He was as surprised as I was. Anyway, I got up got dressed and that is the last time I felt the need to tan naked.
These are so funny.

I LOVE to clean stalls and groom horses. It's the most relaxing thing in the world. My husband doesn't understand why. More for me!!

One time we were breeding a small stallion to a tall mare. He just couldn't reach. So my mom stands behind the stallion to try to help pick him up to help him reach. Needless to say, it was a pretty bad show the neighbors got while walking by...

I've not had enough time between classes and had to strip down and change out in the parking lot just outside the ring!!!
my boyfriend thinks Im crazy cuz im sitting at the computer laughing my butt off.

Im soo glad im not the only one. ok I have a couple

-on the realy hot days a have been caught (more than once) wearing nothing but my bikini and knee high

muck boots, cleaning the barn or washing the horses. while dancing to my blaring music
(for some reason people never look at me the same after that)

-I'v been known to have to pick the poop from between my toes before I came in the house.

I dont like shoes

-I have also tasted everything my horses eat, yes I licked the salt block

-I have had many poop fights with my mom and sister.

-nothing that comes out of a horse grosses me out.

-I also would reather pee in a stall than a people potty(people are grosse!)

-I have had a foals whole nose in my mouth(had to revive her, born not breathing)

-have deliverd puppies and ate pizza at the same time.

-I have set my sandwich on top of a horse, but cant eat the food if it tuches the table at a rresturant.

-I use to share rootbeer with my guelding, he knew how to drink out of both a bottle and can!! RIP Fyfy

-I share most of my food with my horses, Olie is realy good at licking ice cream

Im sure ill come up with more. lol
I'm famous for creating multiple nicknames for everyone...I think Keith understood it all when he heard me using one of his cutesy-wutesy nicknames for one of the he willingly shares all of my nam,es for him with the animals.

The hallway in our "tin cabin" is too narrow for two adults to pass. I've caught myself saying "Whoa" and "Back" to him in the exact no-nonsense tone I use for the horses...

When I was little, if another kid didn't like horses I had no use for them...they couldn't be my friend. One of my best friends, Abby, and I would stop by the neighboring farm after Brownies to lick the salt block...better than anything at our meeting! Of course, I won the dare above all dares by eating a snakeskin!
- how MUCH snakeskin did you eat! Boy that one beats all!

Giving me the heebie jeebies Gal-Pal ! ! !


I am going to have nightmares about this one, I can almost guarantee it ! :DOH!
Ugh, that snake story was too much, one I can not relate to
Count me in the nightmares too.

Only good snake is a dead snake, and not for eating. We came back from vacation summer before last and I was out in the barn cleaning up a stall and moved a pile over to the poop cart and under the pile was a small red and yellow snake!
Darn thing wasn't more than 6-8 inches and it took off after me! My husband thinks it's a good thing I don't get mad at him in the barn because I started hollering and slamming it with the poop picker. Killed it dead. Ugh, ugly little thing.
This is great. LOL. No wonder people who donot have much to do with horses look at us like we are from another planet.

Well, here goes with my "confessions"

-I still like to lick the salt blocks every now and then

-My favorite horse and I have been known to share food and drinks

-I buy groceries for the horses (breads, crackers, peppermints, etc) when our pantry is running low

-I have a hard time sleeping and have been found in the morning curled up with my horse in his stall

- I have been pulled over for speeding on the way home from TSC with a few syringes and needles on the passenger seat

- I have had alfalfa leaves stuck in my teeth from chewing on a stem. Needless to say, that picture is interesting

-My fiance decided to pay me a suprise visit, he found me out in the barn with the horses. I was cleaning sheaths. He walked up behind me while I was bent over with a weenie in one hand and the other hand covered in goop. We had only been dating for a few weeks at the time and he had never been around horses except the one time he had come over before. So you can probably imagine the look of disgust on his face. Especially when he turned around and walked off. Of course I went after him and didn't think about it when I used my goop covered hand to grab his arm. :DOH! Thankfully after 45 minutes of explaning and a call to the vet for them to explain he understood what was going on. (really when I think about it, i'm suprised we are still together. he's such a trooper to put up with me, lord knows i wouldn't put up with me, lol)

And finally....My bathroom window is straight across from one of the pens. And after getting out of the shower I looked out to see one of my guys caught in the fence. I threw on a shirt and ran outside to free him. While I was doing this several cars went by and a few beeped. After being outside for a few minutes I realized the shirt I had on only went to mid butt and I had nothing else on.

I forgot about the vet call stuff!

Let's just say that during any emergency vet call: What happens in the barn - STAYS in the barn! There is no room for modesty and sometimes in the emergency moment our hands end up on anatomy that ISN'T horse! Not to mention the "show" you put on with your clothing or lack thereof

Nuff said :DOH!

Okay, I have to tell on myself too! I was at a show last year coming out of the arena. Someone said "you forgot to shave" and they were laughing. At first I wasnt sure what they thought was so funny until I looked down. I had used a hairy thing to get my horses ears up, I had inadvertantly put it in my waistline of my pants, and you could see the hair coming out of the top of my pants, I had put it too far up front, I bet that one had some people talking, hair coming out in tufts everwhere, LOL!!! That horse sure showed well though, won too!!!Hahaha!

Another time, my class was coming up quickly, so I just changed in the feed room stall at the show and wouldnt you know some man walked up right as I was pulling my pants up, he was red in the face for a few hours!! I told him it only cost a quarter for the peep show, just kidding him, trying to laugh off my embarassment, he was gone a couple of hours after that, LOL! ( He really didnt see much but embarassed himself horribly)

Another time, was using one of my stalls for a restroom, not time to run to the house, and as I was standing back up, the vet was walking right up to the stall, whew, that was close, didnt know he had arrived at the farm, barely got out of that one, although I think we were both a little embarassed, LOL!

I was cleaning a stallions sheath and his equiptment one day and thought no one was around as my son and his friends were only about ten years old and I thought they were up at the house. I looked up and one of his friends was standing there, with his mouth wide open, I could see the huge whites of his eyes and he was speechless. I could tell he was shocked! I just laughed it off and said they need cleaning sometime too. I think he was embarassed for a year or two.

Nothing much bothers me either at the barn, I work there so much, Ive probably inhaled tons of horse hair from clipping numerous horses for each show for so many years! I go to the grocery store or drug store smelling like a horse, stains and all sometimes. What smell, I dont notice anything!!

I guess we all love the horsey smells. I am thrilled more than the horses when our hay comes in, I love the smell of good fresh hay and am comforted on how the horses will enjoy it so much!!!

I love to sit and listen to barn sounds, the horses eating and munching contently, the sound of rain on the barn roof, and watching the babies run and play, those are some of the best things in life!!! Laura
Oh i forgot about the salt blocks :DOH!. Yes, i always taste the salk blocks lol. My friends and I go to TSC and you can always find me over by the salt blocks licking my finger and tasteing the salt blocks

I have also washed my hair at the same time im washing the horses if its hot and im all sweaty from working them. Normaly i just hose off at that time too

Cleaning the sheaths doesnt bother me, i do it 2x a year
. Anyway, from time to time i might pick at the crusty stuff on "it" when its getting near to time to clean. I have some kind of obsession with kicking at things.

Also on the young colts i am always feeling and searching for the "berries" to drop. I normally just walk up and raise the tail and feel if anything has dropped yet. I do it anywhere, in the barn or out in the pasture where onlooking nabors can see. Doesnt really bother me.

LOL one last one
:). Year before last at the Ohio World Show Kays son Kyle was ambasidor (spelling?) and he had to wear this hot suite around. Well kay and fran were off somewhere and Kyle went into the tack stall to change (I find this out in a moment lol), anyway, i figured kay or fran had thrown my purse into the tack stall and i was going to drive into town so i look inside and there is Kyle changing LOL. But, my purse was in the tack stall lol.

I will think of more ....
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I replied earlier but I thought of another one. Every morning and every and every night my horses feed is prepared in my kitchen. My brother (who lives with me) will come in and has a fit about it. He yells "How long is this stuff going to be in here" (I am soaking my beet pulp). I just tell him when it is ready I will take it out to the horses.
Love reading all the posts

Every one of my coats has either- horse hay, dog treats or double end snaps in them often making thier way into the clothes washer and getting all over everything.

I have parrots and have been know to go into public with bird poop on my shoulder (unknowingly but that still doesn't remind me to check every time).

I've gone to parent teacher meetings right after taking care of horses to find bits of broken glass I've picked up in my pockets and hay in my hair.

Found a chicken egg I put in my glove compartment for safe keeping till I got home that I forgot about but found a week and a half later.

Forgot to change my barn boots and went to the store with people giving me a funny look in the line behind me.

I have horse stuff ALL OVER my house! I have a saddle on the side table in the kitchen, bits in the living room, harnesses and misc in our extra room, Part of a cart in my bird room, lead ropes in the bathroom, two tack trunks in my extra bedroom

I've been known to run out barefoot to the barn.

I try to keep my "horse jackets" in the bathroom but occationally I forget and hang it in the living room which is over the heater- very soon the fragrance of horse is the strongest smell in the house.

Left a syringe on my dashboard of my truck while parked at my daughters school (luckily only for lunch/recess duty!).

Any since I live in the center of town with neighbors on all sides with houses that overlook by paddocks they have gotten used to: hearing me talk to the horses and now my "chickers" (chickens) as I talk to them all the time, that I am not a pervert always sticking my hands between hind legs of horses (checking for pregnancy or to see if a colt has dropped, checking a bag ect), not trying to connect telepathically with the horses because I lean my head on thier sides and back (to listen for gut sounds) and they have all got used to "the nature of breeding horses" even if I have to help!

Not so shocking but more funny than anything!

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LOL, this is the best!
Keep coming back to it, and finally decided to post, I can't help myself anymore.

Lets see, I have dozed off in a messy stall waiting for a mare to foal. Head in it and everything.

I have a 4 1/2 pound papillon who thinks he's a big, hefty farm dog.

I've made a small "fort" in the hay shed, even though I'm slightly allergic (like that ever stops me).

Lesson learned: Bad idea to wear flip flops while washing a horse. Got stepped on last summer at Regionals and now have a big icky, multi-colored bruise under my toenail that my mom thinks may be permanent. :DOH! Oh well.

My friends have picked hay out of my hair once I get to school.

The horses are usually in better shape than I am, the exception being post-show season where they're just the dorky, hairy yaks I happen to love to pieces.
I had to come out of lurking staus for this one. lol I can so identify will all the post on here. Here are some I thought of.

My kids were treated as much or more by the vet than their regular doctor (cheaper too!). They were kept in ex-pens as toddlers at dog shows and horse shows more than the dogs.

One of the most embarassing moments for my kids as teenagers was going to the grocery store with me only to see half way through the store that I had left the Preparation H I used on the horses earlier was still in my back pocket.
I sneak pieces of shredded beet pulp from my horse's feed ...for some reason the nice big chunks of beet pulp in Triple Crown Senior are yummy!!

I like to ride around in my vehicles with my tack hanging from the hooks just to get the leathery smell going in there. (That's my air freshner.)

You can see me and my horse at a quiet moment away from everyone at a show...thats my time to whisper in his/her ear and pow-wow.

Found out the hard way about clearing the pastures/corrals during the cold weather. Was out there on my tractor mulching poop and all of a sudden there are these projectiles pelleting me....
default_new_shocked.gif I am looking all around wondering who is throwing rocks at me....embarassing to find out it was the frozen poop flying up and smacking me. Needless to say I made a hasty retreat...exit stage left......until the ground thaws out.
I have had my cell phone stolen by playful horses.
I have walked the pasture at night with a flashlight looking for same said cell phone.

I sing to the horses. And I'm not talking about a favorite song or a lullabye--I make up full-blown, off-key musicals complete with a little bit of dancing while I'm feeding and working in the barn.

I have stepped on a rake handle and been biffed in the face, just like in the cartoons.
Ditto! Except usually I'm using the cell phone AS a flashlight while I look for lost gloves, halters, whips, or whatever else Kody ran off with.


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