Bentley’s Training

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I just taught Bentley how to ground drive yesterday. This video is only his second time ground driving. Luckily I am able to ground drive him in just a halter 🥳 In another week or so he will be ready to go ground driving out in the neighborhood and in the parks. I think he is doing fantastic, easy to work with and very willing.

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They are getting along really good now, it’s been about a month and a half since I brought Bentley home (March 14). I put out a square hay bale in a net and yes they can all eat that together pretty peacefully. Stormy will move Bentley along sometimes, but that is to be expected. Stormy is a pretty calm leader, he only uses force when Bentley keeps picking and doesn’t listen to him…. but he is still young and learning the ropes. Bentley knows exactly how much he can get away with and he knows when Stormy is serious. The dynamic duo can eat grain together, I separate Bentley because he gets more and they would probably run him off. If Bentley gets too rough/dominate with Breezy then Breezy runs and hides behind Stormy 🤣🤣 they are so funny to watch. I think Bentley will always be the third wheel and I am completely fine with that. Bentley LOVES being in a little herd, I don’t even think he realizes that HE is the third wheel 🤣🤣 they don’t pick on him by any means, Stormy & Breezy are just so bonded.

As far as jealously, mine aren’t really the jealous type. I can feed treats to all three at the same time and everyone behaves themselves nicely and they are pretty patient. I think the key with treats, alfalfa pellets, is to give them so much that their mouths are full and they have to focus on chewing instead of what everyone else is doing and getting 🤣🤣 JK! They are really good about sharing treats 😍
Thank you for responding. My new mini Kingsley is dominate over Mint and my donkey Threatens to kick, Does not like close quarters with the others. I’m trying to decide if Kingsley will be a good fit for Mint and Jeffrey.
Mint is jealous when I am with the other two. She runs around and cry’s. 😀 She is very vocal now. I always greet and love on her first
Maybe they just need more time? Kinda sounds like everyone is still getting use to each other. Hopefully they will settle down for you. Do you take the two away from Mint? Is that why she is running around crying?

You have to remember, I already had an established herd. I had the two and just added a third.… and my third is a baby. So it was two “against” one so to speak. You have created an entire NEW herd with mature equines. It might take several months for everyone to get along how you want. When I had Baby Nova last year, it took about 3 or 4 months before I could even get her into the herd. She was just too small and they picked on her.
Kelly makes great points and reflects my experience with Madelaine.

When Maddie first moved in, she would also throw out a kick once in awhile or even give a little buck if feeling closed in by the others. She lived 11 years with one herd and one human family and we were a huge and probably scary change for her.

It took time but eventually she was able to relax and was able to find her place. I bet Jeffrey will too!
So I should give them more time? When I got Kingsley it was understood if it didn't work out the owner would take him back.

Mint sees me with a halter going towards either of the two and starts nickering and coming to me. I work them in an area that see can fully see us and she runs, bucks and cries. I will try and video it. It's funny. She never acted that way. When I've taken Kingsley on walks away she has settled down since Jeffrey is with her.
I’m sorry HersheyMint, I didn’t read your post correctly, I must have been having donkey brain. 😁

If you enjoy and like Kingsley, it makes sense to give them some more time together but, on the other hand, you and all of your minis need to be safe and content.

I think a question for me would be, “How does this horse add to my/our daily life?”. It sounds very selfish, but if the answer isn’t positive the horse probably isn’t going to thrive either.
I’m sorry HersheyMint, I didn’t read your post correctly, I must have been having donkey brain. 😁

If you enjoy and like Kingsley, it makes sense to give them some more time together but, on the other hand, you and all of your minis need to be safe and content.

I think a question for me would be, “How does this horse add to my/our daily life?”. It sounds very selfish, but if the answer isn’t positive the horse probably isn’t going to thrive either.
Thank you
I think a question for me would be, “How does this horse add to my/our daily life?”. It sounds very selfish, but if the answer isn’t positive the horse probably isn’t going to thrive either.
I agree!! It isn’t selfish, it’s true. If you aren’t having fun then your horse probably isn’t having fun either. I really believe there is a horse out there for everyone. If Kingsley doesn’t work for you, it just means he hasn’t found his person yet.

Haha HM! I love talking horses whether it is yours or mine, I don’t care, I love it 💕💕💕
The Main Park did not disappoint! It was completely packed, of course it is Sunday after all. Bentley’s first time here and he was so calm for me today at this extremely active park. He didn’t mind walking under the loud noisy bridge with cars flying by over head. He didn’t really mind all the people and screaming kids. Bikes, strollers… no problem. He was pretty much fine at the duck pond too. When he got nervous ground driving he froze and had a “I can’t possibly do that” look on his face, then I just led him where i wanted him to go. There was no dancing around like a crazy horse nor bolting like a wild child. I wonder 🤔 did I luck out and get a really cool minded horse?? I sure hope so! I guess time will tell. He isn’t overly confident in his surroundings yet, but we will build on that in due time. The more we get out, the more confident he will become. We got to practice a couple of stairs and looked at so many different objects. We took things nice and slow today. I really think he is enjoying his new on-the-go, adventure seeking lifestyle.



Bentley has gotten really good at loading in the van on his own now. He jumps right in!

I ground drove Bentley at Foster Park. Foster Park is part of the TRT system, it’s a nice quiet little park that connects with miles and miles of trails. He did great today! I’ve been using the surcingle on him just to start getting him use to additional equipment, we will be building and adding more equipment as we go. He wasn’t too sure about walking first by a running river so I took the lead and he was fine. Then later he decided he couldn’t possibly step off the curb onto the street first, so we had to have a small discussion about that, then he finally saw things my way and went first off the curb. Couldn’t ask for a better two year old!


In the photo below he is checking out the running river.
Bentley’s training is going really good. He is pretty calm and tries real hard to please me. He is coming along nicely, I am so excited about him! 💕

Today was a big day for him, his first trailer ride in a tiny trailer (I usually take him in my van). I was very pleased when he went right up the ramp with no questions asked. We went to Trinity Main Park where we encountered so many obstacles. We went over bridges and through water crossings. The loud noises from above overpasses didn’t faze him and he wasn’t bothered with bikers either. He did fantastic! Love him!!!


My other neighbor even noticed yesterday when I was working with him and commented to me that Bentley is really trying hard to please me and that he is very responsive to what I’m asking, AWE💕 Made my day! I really do think he has found his person!! 💕

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