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I am confused here. I'll admit, I don't pay much attention to the "politics" or either AMHA or AMHR. Am I reading correctly that ALL members of the BOD must own a Shetland? Are they required to own a Miniature or a Show Pony?
Up until about 5 years ago (time line is approx so don't quote me) yes you had to own a ASPC horse to be a director. Now 1/2 of the director seats are reserved for those whose herds are over half ASPC papered. The other 1/2 of the seats are open to either AMHR or ASPC owners.
I am in agreement with changing the amount of Shetland seats. Yes the Shetlands started the registry but, as with everything that grows, things change. I think that rather than having 1/2 our directors Shetland owners it would enable more fair and equal representation if the number of seats correlated to the number of members in each division.
MiLo... I'm not sure how you'd calculate that, especially with the numbers of people who own both types of small equine.

I don't see the problem with having it split. OR, you could make it so ALL have to own BOTH as well as an ASPR or something!

I see nothing wrong with the board seats as they are now. I think the BOD we have now is a very well rounded group--while many of them are "Shetland people" they pretty much all have an interest of some sort in Miniatures--they are not "just" pony people. If they don't own miniatures themselves then they have clients who own/show miniatures, or they have family members who own/show/breed Miniatures...I believe that they do represent all the divisions of this registry in a very fair way. I'm sorry to say that if the BOD seats get changed to the way that Ray Tobin (and some others) want them to be and don't think that the same will be true. Quite obviously from some things that have been written and said on this subject there are those who do not have the best interests at heart for ALL divisions of the registry!
If you were director in an open seat, can you say that you would be objective toward ALL the registries that this association is responsible for (ASPC, AMHR, ASPR, NSPR) - doesn't appear so by your response.....

So much for working together for the good of the association as a whole, embracing the uniqueness of each of the 4 registries and enjoying the small equine of your choice....
It does not appear that the present board can be objective either. I think all the registries should enjoy equal representation, I just don't think you should have to own a certain type to be able to be on the board and that everyone should be able to enjoy the horse of their choice.
If a person really looks, you will see even the shetland "seat" directors usually own at least one miniature and usually many more. There are a lot like myself that own and love both.

I know I sound like a broken record but you really have to go back to the history and why things were set up the way they were.
I think it is fairly easy to go to the registration books, see how many of each breed are being registered and divide the seats accordingly. I personally feel that any Miniature Horse owner/director is equally capable of making as unbiased a decision as any Shetland owner/director is.
keep in mind these things passed thru the mini committee so they still have to pass the Bod meeting today
I think it is fairly easy to go to the registration books, see how many of each breed are being registered and divide the seats accordingly. I personally feel that any Miniature Horse owner/director is equally capable of making as unbiased a decision as any Shetland owner/director is.
Until I purchased a Shetland this past year, I was one of those "die-hard" individuals that thought minis were THE only thing that was important. THEY were the BEST, the BRIGHTEST, and put the most money in the coffers and should be the "future".

Problem is guys; these ponies are just like the minis - maybe not as cute as a whole, however, some are downright gorgeous and every bit as smart and willing to please as a mini. Even hubby who is NOT a horseperson was surprised by how this "big" guy craves attention and is easy to work with. I used to have a QH so we know that size does not affect personality but it can mean that they use that size to be "pushy"! He doesn't!

However, if you carefully listen to the PEOPLE that own Shetlands and the ones that own Minis, you get the distinct difference in how they think. Just look on this forum how the minis people RIP on the Shetlands. Go to the Shetland forum and that's not happening in the reverse. I'm not saying that mini people are rude or difficult but we have been brainwashed, so to speak, from the first start in minis that our horses were special and Shetlands were the "difficult" ones. I was just as insulted when I first started that our money went into the same pot as the Shetlands and that ALL the pictures in the magazine were Shetlands. I didn't understand then about covering different shows like Congress in one issue and Nationals in another.

I'm not so good with the words but we need to be more open. We need to look at things from both perspectives. NO I'M NOT A DEMOCRAT. I'm not a breeder nor trainer. I just LOVE showing! I just feel that if you (we) think that we're the best, we're slighted, we, WE WE....maybe "we" should try a few steps in "their" shoes. The Shetlands really are wonderful, sweet animals and their attendance is down (the economy isn't helpful) and they need support and help. Hmmm, I believe this was how minis got started---- a helping hand and some understanding ...could it really hurt?
The rumors are flying on the internet but be assured most are just that rumors. I have read there is a move to dissolve the board I have heard no such thing from anyone here.

The issue with IA Congress.. we were not give a price not an accurate accounting of the cost of the facility for anything However depsite that I have not yet talked to anyone not one person who things IA is a bad move. The timing is not great for 2 areas and it is easy to say oh well when it is not your area whoses area show is effected but short of that everyone is really more then ok with the IA vote that I have spoken to.

The dates are a bit of an issue but the location seems to be one most are really more then ok with

Area shows are important to discount them or say to clubs oh well is not ok An area show is supposed to give htose who can not make it to the National show a place to show that is like Nationals why is it ok to take that away from members?

There should not be a shetland seat and a open one. I do not care what was I care what is all open seats is more then fine lets remember Minis are not the most important however they deserve a voice. I do not have exact numbers in front of me will post when I get home but registration this year... 1000 or so ASPC in all divisions.... Minis close to 5000 huge difference yet many feel we should not be equally represented on the BOD

Why is it minis pay but should not get to play? But that aside..

While some want to paint this horrible registry killing atmostphere.. that is not the case. Last night we all had a great time no matter what side of the issues you were on. I personally sat with many BOD last night until well into the wee hours of the morning - those who were are different sides of issues then me and guess what we all had a great time laughing and talking. As I have done every night since we have been here. This is not a cut the tension with a knife every moment thing we raised alot of money for the youth last night We have great new Royalty and have gotten some good things done here so far.

there is a lot of good and a lot of people having a good time despite trying to get some business done. General meeting set to start here pretty soon but please everyone before you get panties in a bunch... let Convention be over things be decided and know that the majority of us here are having a great time talking ponies and minis

Off to the meeting now will update AFTER the board meeting when things have been decided.
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Until I purchased a Shetland this past year, I was one of those "die-hard" individuals that thought minis were THE only thing that was important. THEY were the BEST, the BRIGHTEST, and put the most money in the coffers and should be the "future".

Problem is guys; these ponies are just like the minis - maybe not as cute as a whole, however, some are downright gorgeous and every bit as smart and willing to please as a mini. Even hubby who is NOT a horseperson was surprised by how this "big" guy craves attention and is easy to work with. I used to have a QH so we know that size does not affect personality but it can mean that they use that size to be "pushy"! He doesn't!

However, if you carefully listen to the PEOPLE that own Shetlands and the ones that own Minis, you get the distinct difference in how they think. Just look on this forum how the minis people RIP on the Shetlands. Go to the Shetland forum and that's not happening in the reverse. I'm not saying that mini people are rude or difficult but we have been brainwashed, so to speak, from the first start in minis that our horses were special and Shetlands were the "difficult" ones. I was just as insulted when I first started that our money went into the same pot as the Shetlands and that ALL the pictures in the magazine were Shetlands. I didn't understand then about covering different shows like Congress in one issue and Nationals in another.

I'm not so good with the words but we need to be more open. We need to look at things from both perspectives. NO I'M NOT A DEMOCRAT. I'm not a breeder nor trainer. I just LOVE showing! I just feel that if you (we) think that we're the best, we're slighted, we, WE WE....maybe "we" should try a few steps in "their" shoes. The Shetlands really are wonderful, sweet animals and their attendance is down (the economy isn't helpful) and they need support and help. Hmmm, I believe this was how minis got started---- a helping hand and some understanding ...could it really hurt?
The rumors are flying on the internet but be assured most are just that rumors. I have read there is a move to dissolve the board I have heard no such thing from anyone here.

The issue with IA Congress.. we were not give a price not an accurate accounting of the cost of the facility for anything However depsite that I have not yet talked to anyone not one person who things IA is a bad move. The timing is not great for 2 areas and it is easy to say oh well when it is not your area whoses area show is effected but short of that everyone is really more then ok with the IA vote that I have spoken to.

The dates are a bit of an issue but the location seems to be one most are really more then ok with

Area shows are important to discount them or say to clubs oh well is not ok An area show is supposed to give htose who can not make it to the National show a place to show that is like Nationals why is it ok to take that away from members?

There should not be a shetland seat and a open one. I do not care what was I care what is all open seats is more then fine lets remember Minis are not the most important however they deserve a voice. I do not have exact numbers in front of me will post when I get home but registration this year... 1000 or so ASPC in all divisions.... Minis close to 5000 huge difference yet many feel we should not be equally represented on the BOD

Why is it minis pay but should not get to play? But that aside..

While some want to paint this horrible registry killing atmostphere.. that is not the case. Last night we all had a great time no matter what side of the issues you were on. I personally sat with many BOD last night until well into the wee hours of the morning - those who were are different sides of issues then me and guess what we all had a great time laughing and talking. As I have done every night since we have been here. This is not a cut the tension with a knife every moment thing we raised alot of money for the youth last night We have great new Royalty and have gotten some good things done here so far.

there is a lot of good and a lot of people having a good time despite trying to get some business done. General meeting set to start here pretty soon but please everyone before you get panties in a bunch... let Convention be over things be decided and know that the majority of us here are having a great time talking ponies and minis

Off to the meeting now will update AFTER the board meeting when things have been decided.
I understand the concern over the dates of Congress and the dilemma that it may and will affect some local and area shows. I also know that area shows (according to rulebook) must be done by Aug. 1.

But as a possible solution to this . . . has anyone suggested that the BOD pass an exception to allow area shows to happen after Aug. 1 since ponies don't have to qualify to Congress anyway for 2011 only?
Until I purchased a Shetland this past year, I was one of those "die-hard" individuals that thought minis were THE only thing that was important. THEY were the BEST, the BRIGHTEST, and put the most money in the coffers and should be the "future".

Problem is guys; these ponies are just like the minis - maybe not as cute as a whole, however, some are downright gorgeous and every bit as smart and willing to please as a mini. Even hubby who is NOT a horseperson was surprised by how this "big" guy craves attention and is easy to work with. I used to have a QH so we know that size does not affect personality but it can mean that they use that size to be "pushy"! He doesn't!

However, if you carefully listen to the PEOPLE that own Shetlands and the ones that own Minis, you get the distinct difference in how they think. Just look on this forum how the minis people RIP on the Shetlands. Go to the Shetland forum and that's not happening in the reverse. I'm not saying that mini people are rude or difficult but we have been brainwashed, so to speak, from the first start in minis that our horses were special and Shetlands were the "difficult" ones. I was just as insulted when I first started that our money went into the same pot as the Shetlands and that ALL the pictures in the magazine were Shetlands. I didn't understand then about covering different shows like Congress in one issue and Nationals in another.

I'm not so good with the words but we need to be more open. We need to look at things from both perspectives. NO I'M NOT A DEMOCRAT. I'm not a breeder nor trainer. I just LOVE showing! I just feel that if you (we) think that we're the best, we're slighted, we, WE WE....maybe "we" should try a few steps in "their" shoes. The Shetlands really are wonderful, sweet animals and their attendance is down (the economy isn't helpful) and they need support and help. Hmmm, I believe this was how minis got started---- a helping hand and some understanding ...could it really hurt?
I agree this whole shetland vs miniature debate has gotten old. I rather see us together and decide on issues thats best for the club itself and as far as Congress location and dates if that helps it to succeed then so be it. It will be tough on a couple of Area shows, but Congress outweighs them.

Has anyone heard of the Area locations yet? I will be curious to know what happens after this morning.
The area 2 show will be in Greenville

area iv will be gordyville

area 5 will be ada oklahmoma

shoot im too tired to find my list and I am coming down with a cold.

I have had a great time here at convention!!
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Area I - Harrington DE (July 1-3)

Area II - Greenville, OH (June 24-26)

Area III - Shelbyville, TN (June 24-26)

Area IV - Ronatouille, IL (Gordyville) (June 17-19)

Area V - Ada, OK (June 24-26)

Area VI - Winona, MN (July 1-3)

Area VII- Burbank, CA (June 24-26)

Area VIII - Spanaway, WA (July 8-10) This is the only show that has not changed its dates or location.

2011 Convention - Portland, OR

2012 Convention - Branson, MO

Thankfully Dissension was squashed. Folks this is a great organization and a lot people make it up, but only a percentage makes the decisions - my advice - try to make it to Convention and help the Organization make the decisions!!!

Also - look for the Articles and By Laws - this was tabled until we can get a better understanding of what is the old articles and bylaws, what is proposed, the intent of the new article and bylaw(s) and whether legally it reflects the articles of incorporation of IL and if the bylaws are the right thing to do for our organization. Everyone who is a member is effected by this. If you haven't been to the ByLaw website, go there, voice your opinion. If you haven't seen what is proposed - get a hold of a copy of what is proposed. Its a lot to digest!

Read it - BE INFORMED!

Also - We can have a mail out ballot done on the articles and bylaws changes - so tell you BOD members you want it.
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So excited to see 2011 Convention in my neck of the woods . . . Portland, Oregon!!

I want to invite all of you to plan to head west next November. Lots of farms close by to visit, great shopping (Lloyd Center, Pearl District, Washington Square, Woodburn Company Stores), major airport and wonderful mass transit system to get around easily, Mt. Hood within an hour's drive to the east and the beach within two hours to the west. The Pendleton Woolen Mills where the famous Pendleton blankets are made is across the Columbia River.

Have I wet your appetite yet?

Judy Howard
Cool, will see about going to Ada. But I got to ask, and you know I shouldn't really complain because Branson is like less the 2hrs from me. But why Branson again? I thought it rotates around the country? Again not complaining just wondering.
it was asked why we are going back to branson so soon but there wasnt really an answer.

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