Active Member
I didn't see an introduction thread where new members go to introduce themselves, so please move this thread if need be.
Long story short, we have a special needs daughter that is 7 years old. Like any 7 year old girl she loves horses. We have been trying to find a hobby that would suit her needs and keep her interested. We have looked in to 4H and thus started our path looking at horses. She is still too young to show any animals, but we thought it might be a good idea to get a mini horse and allow her to start working with it now. We would like her to halter show and maybe even ride them (daughter only weighs 37 lbs) and possibly some day get a cart and drive them.
We have been in contact with a local club and have joined. We went to a "fun show" last weekend and were able to observe and meet a lot of horses and their handlers. We were so warmly received. We didn't know anything about horses until we have most recently started researching it. We are in love and are looking forward to getting our first mini or two.
So, we have looked at a stallion in Missouri that is triple registered. We know his name and his registration number. Can you tell me if there is somewhere I can go to look up his heritage/history? We are buying him from a couple that didn't change his registration to their names when they purchased him in November 2013. Will this mess anything up?
I know we shouldn't start with a stallion, but we have gone and met him and he is cool, calm and collected. He came right over to us and the kids and didn't think twice about us touching him anywhere and everywhere. We opened his mouth and we messed with his ears. We even lifted his feet as if to clean them and he didn't mind at all. There is something about this little guy. Can't explain it. We have never had a horse before, large or mini, but this seems to be out of the normal behavior for a stallion.
So is there a way to look up his AMHR, AMHA and his World Class Miniature Horse Registry? We have been told he has champion blood lines and was shown by his previous owner. We don't know what his training is like either. I would love to get ahold of the previous owner and get some more history on him. The people we would purchase him from had no interest in showing him or driving him. He was just going to be a pet. They are an older couple and have unexpectedly had some big health issues come up and are no longer able to care for them.
Also, if we are able to determine his history, champion or not, how do we find out what a good price would be? Min horses seem to be all over the place in price.
AMHR Registration 302057A
Star G Dakota Spirit
THANKS for all your help. I am sure I will be on here quite a bit bugging you all and asking lots of questions. This is a new venture for us and we are looking forward to it.
P.S. We are on an acreage and have a barn that we can put them in. We have already started building stalls and we have some pasture that we can turn them out to occassionally for exercise. We know they can't be out there all the time.
Long story short, we have a special needs daughter that is 7 years old. Like any 7 year old girl she loves horses. We have been trying to find a hobby that would suit her needs and keep her interested. We have looked in to 4H and thus started our path looking at horses. She is still too young to show any animals, but we thought it might be a good idea to get a mini horse and allow her to start working with it now. We would like her to halter show and maybe even ride them (daughter only weighs 37 lbs) and possibly some day get a cart and drive them.
We have been in contact with a local club and have joined. We went to a "fun show" last weekend and were able to observe and meet a lot of horses and their handlers. We were so warmly received. We didn't know anything about horses until we have most recently started researching it. We are in love and are looking forward to getting our first mini or two.

So, we have looked at a stallion in Missouri that is triple registered. We know his name and his registration number. Can you tell me if there is somewhere I can go to look up his heritage/history? We are buying him from a couple that didn't change his registration to their names when they purchased him in November 2013. Will this mess anything up?
I know we shouldn't start with a stallion, but we have gone and met him and he is cool, calm and collected. He came right over to us and the kids and didn't think twice about us touching him anywhere and everywhere. We opened his mouth and we messed with his ears. We even lifted his feet as if to clean them and he didn't mind at all. There is something about this little guy. Can't explain it. We have never had a horse before, large or mini, but this seems to be out of the normal behavior for a stallion.
So is there a way to look up his AMHR, AMHA and his World Class Miniature Horse Registry? We have been told he has champion blood lines and was shown by his previous owner. We don't know what his training is like either. I would love to get ahold of the previous owner and get some more history on him. The people we would purchase him from had no interest in showing him or driving him. He was just going to be a pet. They are an older couple and have unexpectedly had some big health issues come up and are no longer able to care for them.
Also, if we are able to determine his history, champion or not, how do we find out what a good price would be? Min horses seem to be all over the place in price.
AMHR Registration 302057A
Star G Dakota Spirit
THANKS for all your help. I am sure I will be on here quite a bit bugging you all and asking lots of questions. This is a new venture for us and we are looking forward to it.
P.S. We are on an acreage and have a barn that we can put them in. We have already started building stalls and we have some pasture that we can turn them out to occassionally for exercise. We know they can't be out there all the time.