75 - 125 Kansas Minis "OMG Please help by WRITING!!"

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This is a man who spent the majority of his life raising horses and has been known to many, and now that he is nearing the end of his life, this is what he is going to be known for
..... Not necessarily - if he is willing to correct the problem & keep the few that he can afford to feed & care for properly he will be known for doing what was best for the animals............. I am not against him keeping some but at his age & financial status how long would they receive this care? Having someone help him daily long term is a BIG committment? Is there anyone locally that is willing to do this? If so, then let him keep what can be managed humanely & properly................ Once he is assured that the ones he is giving up will go to good homes, perhaps he will be willing to give up more.
While I was there yesterday, 2 of Vern's nearby neighbors came out, and stated they are willing to help Vern and his horses.
so let me be clear on this...it's only the deputy's word that the vet was actually called back in August? and the deputy's word that there are feed store receipts? I'm sorry, you're telling us that we shouldn't judge what we haven't seen, yet we are to take as fact these other things which no one but the deputy has seen?

I am surely anxious to hear what Ginny has to say after she visits today.
That is FANTASTIC about the neighbors. However - where in the world were they before? It just makes me nervous to rely on folks that could have been helping all along, to be the people that we rely on now. I sure hope the Kansas rescues that are involved in this continue a relationship with Mr. Trembly.

I also hope that some of those folks can realize that this is something that forum members here have been working on, praying on, worrying over, losing sleep over, for WEEKS. This was brought to light and these horses are being helped in large part because of people here on this forum and the good people at CMHR. Without all of the publicity over this, both good and bad, I don't think those horses would be getting the help they desperately needed NOW.

Please excuse us for our giddiness yesterday when we finally got some good news in this case.
Weeelll..these are certainly two totallt different pictures ..One is the uncaring old liar who couldn't care less..One is a old friendly man who Loves his horses and got overwhelmed . One is a field full of 100 plus horses ..starving to death..One is a portion of the herd skinny, but in good spirits.

ANYWHO..I am not 70 and I have 22 horses..I can not see to have over 100 and NOT have them on the same property where I live. Alone driving there, feeding twice a day, deworming, hoofcare..checking each One every day..NO WAY

I have not seen personally and gotto go with reports.BUT I know that HE and the horses needs help.

I am also VERY grateful for the people that took the time and saw for themselves. Bless you (())
I have to admit, I am confused. :no: I had thought way back after we found out that this wasn't health or money related on Mr. T's part, that this may be a case of an elderly person not wanting to let go of what may be the only thing left from a happier time in his life. I do admit, I am guilty of getting carried away here with bad thoughts also. I just have so many questions, and I'm not sure just what to think anymore. I do feel sorry for Mr. Trembly right now, and can only imagine what he must be feeling going through this. But I do have much sadness for what these minis have had to endure, and feel the numbers do need to be cut way down.

Thank you to the people who are going out there to see this, and for being our eyes and ears. I hope that we can all accomplish what needs to be done here to make a happy ending for everyone, including Mr. Trembly and the minis.
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so let me be clear on this...it's only the deputy's word that the vet was actually called back in August? and the deputy's word that there are feed store receipts? I'm sorry, you're telling us that we shouldn't judge what we haven't seen, yet we are to take as fact these other things which no one but the deputy has seen?

I am surely anxious to hear what Ginny has to say after she visits today.

Yes....and with that said, I am bowing out and going back into lurker mode.

Rest assured, I will be going back out to Mr. Trembly's place and offering any type of assistance I can give him with regards to the horses.
I feel bad for Vern, but I also feel really bad for the horses who are in such bad shape. I understand that he really cares for his horses, but he failed to get them the care they needed in a timely manner. Maybe he was overwhelmed, maybe he rcvd bad veterinary advice, maybe he didn't have the money to properly care for them, maybe he had no one to help him and got in over his head. I don't know. I do know that the horses I saw pictures of needed help and if it took spreading this all over the internet to get them that help, I'm ok with that.

Here here!! :aktion033:
to bad those neighbors didnt seem to feel the need to help him prior to this

Call me jaded but really the one I feel sorry for is the horses that were starving bottom line is they were starving not thin not a bit underweight- not just a bit wormy - not just a couple of weeks on bad pasture

Does he have to many yes, will he end up keeping the majority of them yes, these horses made him a living for years from breeding and selling to pony rides ect and this is the thanks they get in return.

I for one am sick of this country coming up with sad sap stories and excuses for parents who neglect, abuse children, fathers who batter there wives in front of the kids or dont pay a penny in child support- people whose ego cant let them do what is right for children or animals those that have no choice but to look to others to take care of them

so perhaps I am a bit to jaded to see this clearly but I am not sure how this went from seeing even 5 -10 horses in that condition(if that is all there was) and being outraged that it was allowed to happen to suddenly being outraged that anyone was outraged and now is out to break this mans heart?????

Where were the neighbors then to help this wonderful elderly man who has done so much for his community? Why did it take WORLD WIDE ATTENTION coming into this to get those in his own backyard to help such a stellar man?

and I guess the bigger question I have which is one that really doesnt need to be answered is how in all of this did those who got something done for the horses be it 10 in bad shape or 100 in bad shape the number doesnt matter how did those who put hours and hours of work, personal time and money in to get something done suddenly become the bad guys?
I accompanied MaryKansas to Mr. Trembly's place yesterday and was there to meet with Kristin and Deputy Gray. I agree wholeheartedly with what they have reported. I love horses. Big, small, young, old. A lot of you know me from my foaling cams and have seen the care the horses receive here, whether they are my horses or a clients'. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for them. I believe that people need as much care and concern as the animals do. Crucifying this man in the media and on the internet isn't going to help those horses or him.

Mary and I have both offered to help Mr. Trembly in any way possible. Maybe those reading this forum that live in the area can all get together on a weekend to see what we can do to help. Brian and I are willing to haul our loader down there and will work to help clean up the place. It really wouldn't take much time if a bunch of us were working together. We have the 27th of October free. Is there anyone else out there willing to spend a day helping? If people befriended this man and offered to give him a hand things could turn around very rapidly at that farm.
I am sure all the animals there are in need one way or another but let us focus on helping them not 2nd guessing. The horses are the most important thing. If Ginny said she saw enough to break her heart I believe her, I also believe what folks are seeing "now" as opposed to then.

My prayers are that those minis still there will be helped and rehomed as well as the goats in need. I know many "senior folks" who own minis and care for them well. I see now that this is national news his place will get cleaned up, he may be able to keep a few favorites if he can afford their care.

Let us not argue amongst ourselves about who is right or wrong. This is a tragic occurance and we have done a wonderful thing by banding together to help..let us proceed and continue to help all those in need and wait to hear from Ginny St P when she arrives, and others who are seeing this with their own eyes. Thankfully now there is food and water and I hope supervision of the administration of it all.

I, for one, thank everyone who has taken the time drive there, to write, to call...look what we can do as a group. I have to thank MaryLou for having such a place as LB. Without it I often wonder what would have happened to these horses. I commend all the rescues involoved for opening their hearts, homes and wallets to the needy. :worshippy:
I accompanied MaryKansas to Mr. Trembly's place yesterday and was there to meet with Kristin and Deputy Gray. I agree wholeheartedly with what they have reported. I love horses. Big, small, young, old. A lot of you know me from my foaling cams and have seen the care the horses receive here, whether they are my horses or a clients'. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for them. I believe that people need as much care and concern as the animals do. Crucifying this man in the media and on the internet isn't going to help those horses or him.
Mary and I have both offered to help Mr. Trembly in any way possible. Maybe those reading this forum that live in the area can all get together on a weekend to see what we can do to help. Brian and I are willing to haul our loader down there and will work to help clean up the place. It really wouldn't take much time if a bunch of us were working together. We have the 27th of October free. Is there anyone else out there willing to spend a day helping? If people befriended this man and offered to give him a hand things could turn around very rapidly at that farm.

If help is needed cleaning up, or anything with the horses, count me in, we also have a skid-loader, and would love to help, With a combined effort it would take no time at all to clean it up. Let me know the 27th is open for me & my hubby!
Does anyone know around what time the KSU vet will be inspecting the herd and giving his recommendation?

I truly feel that we have to step back a bit and take a deep breath. I know I had to do that myself. As I said last night, we need to wait and find out what the medical recommendation will be today and what the eventual decision will be about how many are removed from this site. We here, not having seen the entire herd should truly wait and just be very thankful that our yelling and screaming at least, at the very least, brought about the fact that finally something is being done. I truly feel that probably the majority will be removed but as I said it wouldn't surprise me if some do remain. After it was posted that feed had been purchased all along and what the feed was a "cracked corn mixture" then it started to make more sense, bad teeth, horse can't eat it, worms, horses don't process that feed, they just get real skinny, emaciated, no pasture..... it all spells disaster and that is exactly what has happened. The condition of the hooves and everything else we have been shown up to this point, it all tells all of us that too many horses, bad choices in feed for the situation, lack of time and money.... D I S A S T E R. I do however question the vet that we are being told was helping Mr. Trembly try and rectify the situation. I can't believe that this vet was ever on the property, perhaps this was done over the phone only???

I too sat back and wondered "where were the neighbours in all of this" why didn't someone try to help before it got to this point, someone who was seeing this happen on a daily basis!!!! That is where my anger is at the moment, to those who saw this and did nothing. :no: We can all fight about this or we can now go from this point where we are at or will be at once the vet makes the recommendations. As I said last night I hope that Mr. Trembly and the people who are physically at this location or close by help in ensuring that should any horses remain on the property and goats are in a cleaner environment, with some form of shelter, no it doesn't have to be a barn, etc. etc. I am not saying by giving feed donations either. Mr. Trembly has to come to the realization that depending on his financial means (without having do give up basics that HE needs) that perhaps even more must be rehomed than what the vet recommends. That he just can't financially nor time wise, at his age, be able to sustain perhaps more than less than one handful. That number may be 2, it might be 3. I just think we need to let those that are there, the rescue that is now physically involved in removing the horses, the KSU vet, those are the ones that are in the know by being on site, we have to trust that they will do the right thing in this situation and I believe they will. We can push to have those that need immediate care, those that are emaciated, any mares that are pregnant, etc. They (the rescue on site, the KSU vet) won't abandon the needy ones, please don't think that. They are there to help all concerned and I for one and so happy that finally this will happen.
I am sure all the animals there are in need one way or another but let us focus on helping them not 2nd guessing. The horses are the most important thing. If Ginny said she saw enough to break her heart I believe her, I also believe what folks are seeing "now" as opposed to then.

My prayers are that those minis still there will be helped and rehomed as well as the goats in need. I know many "senior folks" who own minis and care for them well. I see now that this is national news his place will get cleaned up, he may be able to keep a few favorites if he can afford their care.

Let us not argue amongst ourselves about who is right or wrong. This is a tragic occurance and we have done a wonderful thing by banding together to help..let us proceed and continue to help all those in need and wait to hear from Ginny St P when she arrives, and others who are seeing this with their own eyes. Thankfully now there is food and water and I hope supervision of the administration of it all.

I, for one, thank everyone who has taken the time drive there, to write, to call...look what we can do as a group. I have to thank MaryLou for having such a place as LB. Without it I often wonder what would have happened to these horses. I commend all the rescues involoved for opening their hearts, homes and wallets to the needy. :worshippy:
I just don't know what to think right now. I do know that the internet is a scary thing sometimes. Small town rumors and gossips can hurt people and sometimes ruin them but the internet is world wide and we can so easily get carried away with it. I don't know what else to say ... I'm just flabbergasted!
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I do hope that those that are helping Mr. Trembly with his horses don't feel the need to give financial donations to the man.

I'm not saying that to be a big ogre. I have 4 horses, 3 dogs, and 2 cats. I would LOVE to own more - I LOVE them all so much and it's fun - for me, the more the merrier!!

But one of the main reasons I don't have more is because I CAN'T afford it.

We shouldn't subsidize someone to continue to own more animals than they are capable of taking care of themselves.
Regarding a work day on October 27--Lets get this coordinated with Mr. Trembly and the Sheriff's office. Both the sheriff and deputy stated many times they would offer help and ideas, such as implementing County Commissioners and high school students. The cars are worth some money--we need to know where to take them, wher to haul the junk, etc. Plan the work and work the plan!

I am so glad to have met you, Fran, Mary and KSCowgirl, whoever you are. I have long believed the most prayers are answered when you get off your knees and start using your legs.

To answer some questions: The local friends have been helping. They are wonderful, good people, but their sources, too, are limited.

There are ponds on the place and all horses have access to it.

There are several individual pens, but the pasture is not divided. Mr. Trembly said he has pasture rented and will move some of the horses after they have been examined by the K-State veterinarian.

Please PM me and get to work on coordinating this Herculean task!
Well if MaryKansas is right we have an appology to make to Mr. Trembly and the Sheriff..

Now is the time to make this right... The numbers still have to be reduced but this man needs

some help from us as well.. Need scouts and whomever to help get rid of all the garbage.

Needs some help to build some shelters for about a dozen or so geldings that he should be

allowed to keep...He needs the trailer cleaned out so he could spend the night there if needed..

And someone to follow up to make sure the horses he has left are properly taken care of.
I spent nine hours yesterday with Mr. Trembly and his horses. To come in at midnight and read the onslaught against him only added to th pain. It was one of the hardest days I can remember experiencing. Yes, the phone calls to elected officials helped tremendously, but the personal tirade against him is harmful. There are no easy answers here, folks.

Go there and see for yourselves? I wish you wouldn't if you can't conduct yourself professionally. It isn't easy to see the numbers and see the conditions of many of them. It isn't easy to witness the effect this whole thing has had on Mr. Trembly. As rescuers and horse lovers, we carry an obligation to see to the care of the them, but we can't forget our fellow man.

I explained to Mr. Tembly who feels, as you can imagine, like he is being terrorized, that there is no bad guy here. People's actions and words stem from a love of horses. When I came home and read the comments on the forum, I had to rethink that. Was it a love of horses that caused members to make fun of the refrigerator and the cars on his place? What will words like those possibly accomplish? On a public forum, they will resonate longer even the spoken word. They will only hurt the efforts of the people who continue to further their efforts.

It is essential that Mr. Trembly cuts down his numbers, that the ones that remain in his care receive better and more feed, regular worming, etc. There are just too many. As in any herd situation, some are in good condition and others are heartbreakinly thin. There are veterinary issues that he simply can't address. I can't deny the place is a junkyard.

I'm not a psychologist and I can't pretend I know what in Mr. Trembly's pysche caused this to happen. Is he a hoarder? Is he senile? I have my thoughts, but they are an unqualified opinion. I do know and I can tell you one thing--he is not an evil man. He is a man with a life and a past like all of us. It is a very unfortunate situation here and there are no easy solutions. Everyone on this forum wants the same thing--to see the horses cared for, and I hope all of you can reach into yourselves and ask what you can do to help--even if it is keeping some of your words and opinions off the public domain. They are cross-productive to the common end we want to see.

Every person acting on the behalf of the minis conducted themselves with professionalism and compassion. Mr. Trembly was completely cooperative and aided in getting the horses caught to load. His emotional trauma was evident, and still he continued to help. I commend everyone who was there and believe me, this includes Sheriff Coleman and Deputy Gray. MaryKansas and her friend were there in the morning and their kindness and concern were awesome. They offered tangible help. The representatives from Southern Winds --what can I say--they rock! This was a sensitive situation and they handled it capably and professionally, while showing the utmost of respect for Mr. Trembly and concern for the horses.

Lets not forget our own humanity in the quest to get these horses taken care of, whatever that solution may be.

Kristin Chambers

Winding Road Equine Rescue and Retirement

I see it happen over and over and over again in these cases... The person is made out to be 100x worse than they are....without one iota of someone from 1000 miles away knowing the persons heart. How could someone know 50 years of a mans heart. The situation was bad but perhaps Mr. Trembly needed a hand, some counseling, etc. I have come to learn you can't believe even a fraction of the stuff that turns up online in these cases...I have investigated dozens of these cases being told one thing in online emails, only to get involved and find out it was in error. The horses needed helped no doubt...and maybe the campaign was needed to wake Mr. Trembly up...but give the man a break and a chance. This situation will be monitored from now on, and us from affar should take the advice of people on the ground, that is the only way.
I just don't know what to think right now. I do know that the internet is a scary thing sometimes. Small town rumors and gossips can hurt people and sometimes ruin them but the internet is world wide and we can so easily get carried away with it. I don't know what else to say ... I'm just fladdergasted!

The internet can be a scary thing, that's why I don't believe lots of what I read on the internet. I don't foward things on or act on them unless I know the source of where they are coming from.

But I do believe the president and other members of CMHR. Nope, I've never met them, but still to me they are not strangers. I've seen other good work they've been involved in. They are not vicious people that are out to destroy this man. They didn't go in this for the glory of CMHR. From the beginning, they said they didn't think they had the resources to handle this rescue but they sure wanted all of us to do whatever we could to get these animals some help. I believe Virginia saw the awful things that she told us about, and I believe those pictures of those horses were from that farm and were not doctored in any way.

That is enough for me to know that we did the right thing here in getting the horses help as fast as we could.

You know, a lot of people on this forum and other forums did say not so nice things about Mr. Trembly. But the news coverage itself was pretty fair and non-biased and allowed Mr. Trembly to present his side of the story. For people outside of this forum, the news coverage is probably what is going to stick in their heads about this case, if anything sticks in their heads at all about it.
Ginny let me say here and say publically I apologize to YOU for the turn this thread has taken not to Mr Trembly

I am glad that despite what happens you are still willing to be out there fighting for the rights and fair treatment of the horses

guess now I can understand why (not agree with) neighbors and those close by chose to not do anything
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