75 - 125 Kansas Minis "OMG Please help by WRITING!!"

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I would hope that if Mr.Trembly is allowed to keep any of the horses, he is only allowed geldings and not allowed to buy more horses and not allowed to breed. As he ages things will only get worse for him. I do believe for him to keep going he will need a few horses. I fully understand. If an elderly person is left with nothing to look forward to they themselves die. Just look at the nursing homes and not many people stay long if you know what I mean. I myself have spoken harsh words about the man. But, reality says he does need something. But he should only have a few. That way he is not overwhelmed when it comes to farrier work, worming, shots, any grooming he might do and most of all feeding. He does need to have some way to get rid of the trash he generates. I have gone with out to feed my animals. I have also sold my most beloved Standardbred mare when I knew I was not going to have feed for three weeks. I could not face her and say "sorry, I just don't have any feed for you today". It broke my hart to sell her but I knew it was the best thing for her. MR. Trembly needs to realize this too and place, surrender, or sell (and a lot of people would buy) these horses but for a few geldings.
“The other people haven't put 50 years into raising the herd, and they haven't put feed into raising them,” Trembly says. “They haven't done without things like electricity or new cars to whatever to have them. And I don't think they deserve them."

No, that's true I only have 30 years under my belt and I'm pretty sure that good ol' Vern is greatly embellishing this truth as well.

50 years??

I do NOT think so!!!!!

He may have had horses for 50 years, that may well be true- how long has Tony been breeding Miniature Horses????

He hasn't put anything into anything and I have no electricity or runn9ing water at my place either- Boo Hoo- you get on with it, as I do, frozen hose pipes in winter, batteries to foal the mares by- Ha- when did he ever sit up with a foaling mare- well, they do all that on their own, don't they???

This sort of thinking is not acceptable in today's age- before care was available, maybe people got on with it, I do know that a lot of people, myself included, have to do a lot of doctoring and midwifery themselves- we do NOT do it and stay ignorant.

It is obvious to me that this man has learned NOTHING from the years he has been in horses- some people are like that- but there is NO reason why the horses should suffer for his ignorance.

I do not believe he should be allowed to keep any of them, I think we should keep on until every horse is removed from his care and I think he should be banned form owning any more.

I say again- he is a FEW years older than me.

If he is senile he should not be in charge of animals.

If he is not senile, and he does not appear to be, then he should be prosecuted.

I know some of you are trying to stop this sort of thinking but we have started- we might as well keep going.

I will not be happy til we have every single animal out of that heck hole.

We have the resources, we should push this to the limit.
They haven't done without things like electricity or new cars to whatever to have them. "
- - - Well he is right about one thing.... As I say, if you can't afford the gasoline then do NOT buy the car!!!................. Once upon a time his sales may have paid the way & perhaps that is why they received decent care. Now that they are not doesn't mean they deserve less care! The economy & falling sale prices won't do it now. There are OTHER breeders not facing this fact & are letting things get out of hand also & the horses are suffering.............. Lee & I have gone from 23 mini's to 6 horses. And yes I cried when some of those left................ Mr Trembly you are NOT the only horse owner that has had to face reality!! Reality sucks sometimes but if you love them you will let them go!
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IF YOU LOVE something SET IT FREE if it COMES BACK it is YOURS if it DOESN'T then IT NEVER WAS !!!!!

Marty you misunderstood - I didn't mean to come down and fight with me - I meant that we need you to go to Uniontown to see for yourself. It is one thing to form opinions based on photos, the forum and internet postings but it is completely different to get out of your comfort zone and lay your hands on, meet the people and see for yourself. Don't pontificate. Get out and go see. You want to disagree with the observations of the folks that have gotten out - then go see for yourself. I trust their observations and assessments of the situation that is based on personal contact and not assumptions from internet gossip. You have a good eye. Either trust those that are on the ground or go report back to us on where we are wrong. It is not a rumble - it is fact finding. Put your effort where your internet mouth is.
I am headed to Uniontown this morning also. I want to see for myself! I will report the facts.

Perhaps a separate "IN MY OPINION " forum would be the place to release frustrations and anger.

I'm sorry it took me so long to report back to the board on what I saw yesterday when I went out to see Mr. Trembly and his horses. I am very torn about this whole situation.

Mr. Trembly was on the property when we arrived, and he was very open and honest with us, he invited us in to see the horses for ourselves. I was lead to believe from the postings and from the pictures that "75-100 starving horses" is what I would find....and that simply is NOT the case at all! Yes, there are "thin" horses, just as Mr. Trembly has said, and continued to say when we visited him, he is not in denial, he knows there is a problem. He was working on this with his own vet prior to Ronni's visit and any of this being broacast on the internet. He has a special feeding program in place for the horses, he has also been following the advice of his vet when it comes to a worming program, it wasnt working, so they changed it many times. Food and water were availabel to the horses, as well as plenty of trees for shelter.

Deputy Gray called to check on Mr. Trembly while we were there and I spoke to him as he was on his way to the farm. The Deputy had, in fact, checked with the feed store and vet and what Mr. Trembly is stating about buying feed and getting vet care is true. I know others feel they are being lied to by the Sheriff's Office, but I whole-heartedly believe they are doing what they say they are. The Deputy not only has the horses best interest at heart, he also is trying to do what is best for Mr. Trembly, and for that, I am greatful.

I looked for the "downed" horses, every single horse, mule and goat were able to stand and walk around. The horse with penile cancer, I searched him out also, and did not see one maggot, the cancer is evident, and Mr. Trembly has stated that he was waiting for the KSU vet to see him before he decided what to do. The one eyed horse was there, didnt appear to be in any distress, and was very much full of life.

Granted, there ARE issues on Mr. Trembly's farm that need taken care of, and some of the horses need more one on one care than Mr. Trembly can manage, but in no way does each and every horse need to be taken away from Mr. Trembly. Mr. Trembly needs help, not crusifixtion, which is what I am now feeling is happening to him.

Yes, the place is littered with junk cars, old tires and lots of other things. The Deputy did say that he was going to approach the County Commisioners and see what they could do to help him clean up the place.

Mr. Trembly is a man that for many many years was in the position to help others, and now that he needs help himself, who is there to help him? I'm not talking about taking the horses off his hands, I mean actually going out there and physically helping him? Maybe this is the time to get the High School kids involved, and see if they could go out there and help.

I do feel the whole situation could have been approached much differently, but after all the personal attacks on Mr. Trembly, he is feeling backed into a corner and of course he is going to come out fighting.

I apologized to Mr. Trembly and to the Deputy for any part I played in this whole thing, and today, I will be writing a formal apology letter to the Sheriff's office. I have also asked for my name to be taken off the petition.

This is a man who spent the majority of his life raising horses and has been known to many, and now that he is nearing the end of his life, this is what he is going to be known for. Taking away each and every horse will surely kill this man, and I dont want that to be on my consciense.
Bless you Mary for going out there and seeing for yourself and talking to Mr. Trembly!!!! I always feel you should know the whole story before you ever start passing judgement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so happy he surrendered the ones that needed the most help, I know it took alot for him to do that after everything everyone has said.
I'm sorry it took me so long to report back to the board on what I saw yesterday when I went out to see Mr. Trembly and his horses. I am very torn about this whole situation.

Mr. Trembly was on the property when we arrived, and he was very open and honest with us, he invited us in to see the horses for ourselves. I was lead to believe from the postings and from the pictures that "75-100 starving horses" is what I would find....and that simply is NOT the case at all! Yes, there are "thin" horses, just as Mr. Trembly has said, and continued to say when we visited him, he is not in denial, he knows there is a problem. He was working on this with his own vet prior to Ronni's visit and any of this being broacast on the internet. He has a special feeding program in place for the horses, he has also been following the advice of his vet when it comes to a worming program, it wasnt working, so they changed it many times. Food and water were availabel to the horses, as well as plenty of trees for shelter.

Deputy Gray called to check on Mr. Trembly while we were there and I spoke to him as he was on his way to the farm. The Deputy had, in fact, checked with the feed store and vet and what Mr. Trembly is stating about buying feed and getting vet care is true. I know others feel they are being lied to by the Sheriff's Office, but I whole-heartedly believe they are doing what they say they are. The Deputy not only has the horses best interest at heart, he also is trying to do what is best for Mr. Trembly, and for that, I am greatful.

I looked for the "downed" horses, every single horse, mule and goat were able to stand and walk around. The horse with penile cancer, I searched him out also, and did not see one maggot, the cancer is evident, and Mr. Trembly has stated that he was waiting for the KSU vet to see him before he decided what to do. The one eyed horse was there, didnt appear to be in any distress, and was very much full of life.

Granted, there ARE issues on Mr. Trembly's farm that need taken care of, and some of the horses need more one on one care than Mr. Trembly can manage, but in no way does each and every horse need to be taken away from Mr. Trembly. Mr. Trembly needs help, not crusifixtion, which is what I am now feeling is happening to him.

Yes, the place is littered with junk cars, old tires and lots of other things. The Deputy did say that he was going to approach the County Commisioners and see what they could do to help him clean up the place.

Mr. Trembly is a man that for many many years was in the position to help others, and now that he needs help himself, who is there to help him? I'm not talking about taking the horses off his hands, I mean actually going out there and physically helping him? Maybe this is the time to get the High School kids involved, and see if they could go out there and help.

I do feel the whole situation could have been approached much differently, but after all the personal attacks on Mr. Trembly, he is feeling backed into a corner and of course he is going to come out fighting.

I apologized to Mr. Trembly and to the Deputy for any part I played in this whole thing, and today, I will be writing a formal apology letter to the Sheriff's office. I have also asked for my name to be taken off the petition.

This is a man who spent the majority of his life raising horses and has been known to many, and now that he is nearing the end of his life, this is what he is going to be known for. Taking away each and every horse will surely kill this man, and I dont want that to be on my consciense.
Thanks Mary! I really feel that you have gotten to the core of things. Especially the last paragraph gets to me. That said I am still ready to help reduce his herd or pets down to a manageable size. I hope I will have the one on one time with him that you did because I think that did as much or more good than all the "other stuff" for lack of time.

Out the door to Uniontown- now.
I spent nine hours yesterday with Mr. Trembly and his horses. To come in at midnight and read the onslaught against him only added to th pain. It was one of the hardest days I can remember experiencing. Yes, the phone calls to elected officials helped tremendously, but the personal tirade against him is harmful. There are no easy answers here, folks.

Go there and see for yourselves? I wish you wouldn't if you can't conduct yourself professionally. It isn't easy to see the numbers and see the conditions of many of them. It isn't easy to witness the effect this whole thing has had on Mr. Trembly. As rescuers and horse lovers, we carry an obligation to see to the care of the them, but we can't forget our fellow man.

I explained to Mr. Tembly who feels, as you can imagine, like he is being terrorized, that there is no bad guy here. People's actions and words stem from a love of horses. When I came home and read the comments on the forum, I had to rethink that. Was it a love of horses that caused members to make fun of the refrigerator and the cars on his place? What will words like those possibly accomplish? On a public forum, they will resonate longer even the spoken word. They will only hurt the efforts of the people who continue to further their efforts.

It is essential that Mr. Trembly cuts down his numbers, that the ones that remain in his care receive better and more feed, regular worming, etc. There are just too many. As in any herd situation, some are in good condition and others are heartbreakinly thin. There are veterinary issues that he simply can't address. I can't deny the place is a junkyard.

I'm not a psychologist and I can't pretend I know what in Mr. Trembly's pysche caused this to happen. Is he a hoarder? Is he senile? I have my thoughts, but they are an unqualified opinion. I do know and I can tell you one thing--he is not an evil man. He is a man with a life and a past like all of us. It is a very unfortunate situation here and there are no easy solutions. Everyone on this forum wants the same thing--to see the horses cared for, and I hope all of you can reach into yourselves and ask what you can do to help--even if it is keeping some of your words and opinions off the public domain. They are cross-productive to the common end we want to see.

Every person acting on the behalf of the minis conducted themselves with professionalism and compassion. Mr. Trembly was completely cooperative and aided in getting the horses caught to load. His emotional trauma was evident, and still he continued to help. I commend everyone who was there and believe me, this includes Sheriff Coleman and Deputy Gray. MaryKansas and her friend were there in the morning and their kindness and concern were awesome. They offered tangible help. The representatives from Southern Winds --what can I say--they rock! This was a sensitive situation and they handled it capably and professionally, while showing the utmost of respect for Mr. Trembly and concern for the horses.

Lets not forget our own humanity in the quest to get these horses taken care of, whatever that solution may be.

Kristin Chambers

Winding Road Equine Rescue and Retirement
so Mary I want to be clear on what you are saying

you are saying that the horses in the picture did not seem to be or match the horses on the site?

That none looked quite that bad and the issue is or was blown way out of proportion? That those not thin but horrific underweight horses pictured were not there on site?

That his vet stepped up to the sheriff and told them hey all this is is a worming issue that go out of hand?

I guess I am confused wasnt Virginia out there before anyone?
I spent nine hours yesterday with Mr. Trembly and his horses. To come in at midnight and read the onslaught against him only added to th pain. It was one of the hardest days I can remember experiencing. Yes, the phone calls to elected officials helped tremendously, but the personal tirade against him is harmful. There are no easy answers here, folks.
Go there and see for yourselves? I wish you wouldn't if you can't conduct yourself professionally. It isn't easy to see the numbers and see the conditions of many of them. It isn't easy to witness the effect this whole thing has had on Mr. Trembly. As rescuers and horse lovers, we carry an obligation to see to the care of the them, but we can't forget our fellow man.

I explained to Mr. Tembly who feels, as you can imagine, like he is being terrorized, that there is no bad guy here. People's actions and words stem from a love of horses. When I came home and read the comments on the forum, I had to rethink that. Was it a love of horses that caused members to make fun of the refrigerator and the cars on his place? What will words like those possibly accomplish? On a public forum, they will resonate longer even the spoken word. They will only hurt the efforts of the people who continue to further their efforts.

It is essential that Mr. Trembly cuts down his numbers, that the ones that remain in his care receive better and more feed, regular worming, etc. There are just too many. As in any herd situation, some are in good condition and others are heartbreakinly thin. There are veterinary issues that he simply can't address. I can't deny the place is a junkyard.

I'm not a psychologist and I can't pretend I know what in Mr. Trembly's pysche caused this to happen. Is he a hoarder? Is he senile? I have my thoughts, but they are an unqualified opinion. I do know and I can tell you one thing--he is not an evil man. He is a man with a life and a past like all of us. It is a very unfortunate situation here and there are no easy solutions. Everyone on this forum wants the same thing--to see the horses cared for, and I hope all of you can reach into yourselves and ask what you can do to help--even if it is keeping some of your words and opinions off the public domain. They are cross-productive to the common end we want to see.

Every person acting on the behalf of the minis conducted themselves with professionalism and compassion. Mr. Trembly was completely cooperative and aided in getting the horses caught to load. His emotional trauma was evident, and still he continued to help. I commend everyone who was there and believe me, this includes Sheriff Coleman and Deputy Gray. MaryKansas and her friend were there in the morning and their kindness and concern were awesome. They offered tangible help. The representatives from Southern Winds --what can I say--they rock! This was a sensitive situation and they handled it capably and professionally, while showing the utmost of respect for Mr. Trembly and concern for the horses.

Lets not forget our own humanity in the quest to get these horses taken care of, whatever that solution may be.

Kristin Chambers

Winding Road Equine Rescue and Retirement

Thank you Kristin, I am glad to hear that this was handled with PROFESSIONALISM.....everyone cares for these thin horses, and it is one thing to want help for them, but to bash someone publicly or personally, without knowing all the facts, is pretty sad.
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I guess one thing that keeps coming into my mind right now is if this man is allowed to keep some of these horses, which I'm not entirely against, it would be GREAT if some of those people that are now befriending him would stick around - for his sake and the horses sake.

It would be REALLY great if this man does indeed own various properties if he could sell some of them and consolidate into ONE place where he LIVES on the same property with his remaining horses. Having horses go without water for long periods of time is NOT acceptable. I'm hearing there is a pond on this property, which is good news, however it doesn't sound like all of the animals there have access to this pond. And Marty makes a good point about wintertime. If Vern can't get there every day, how are these animals being fed/watered? I highly doubt it was just a random, isolated incident when Ginny showed up there this past weekend to see that the horses were incredibly thirsty and there was no GOOD food available to them.

I'm hearing that there were not nearly as many starving animals there as we thought. I'm HAPPY to hear that, however - there were still SEVERAL starved, incredibly wormy animals in those pictures, with hooves that were in BAD condition. That is NOT acceptable. I've had several very aged equines at this point - and they DON'T look like that. They WOULD have, if I wasn't there to assist them and make sure they had the things they needed.

I just want to reiterate, it would be GREAT if some of those people befriending him would stay in the picture.
Linda Wagar: (in pasture with horses) when you think of miniture horses, you think of adorable 3' high pets with braids and bows in their hair. You don't think of missing eyes and gaping wounds, but that's what one woman says she saw.

Ronni Fulden: so I was in tears.

Linda: Ronni Fulden says that was her reaction when she saw the minature horses on this suburban county kansas farm. She even took pictures.

Ronni: Some of them have pasture rott all over their backs. Some of them are... you know, there was one little on that was bleeding. Um. This last time I went out one of them was missing an eye. It's pitiful.

Linda: So pitiful that Fulden called her rescue group to try and save the lives of nearly 100 horses. That group put the information on its website and urged members to contact the local sheriff. (photo of website)

He sent out veterinarian Yolanda Grey to take a look.

Yolanda: I can say that I think there are some concerns there.

Linda: But that was several weeks ago, that Dr.Grey paid a visit. And Ronni Fulden is concerned that nothing else has been done. So we decided to take a look.

Vern Trembly: I'm just a crude old country boy.

Linda: That's how owner Vern Trembly explains the discarded tires and abandoned vehicles his miniture horses share their space with. He insists he cares more for these little horses than life itself.

Vern: I've had them for so many years they're part of me. It's that simple.

Linda: He says they never lack for food or clean water. Thou he admits that some of them don't look well.

Vern: Some of them are thin. Some of them are thin. That's why I was concerned about them.

Linda: He's asked a vet from Kansas State to examine them Tuesday. Although he's not sure how he'll pay if the care they need is expensive.

Linda: (in studio) Now the miniture horse rescue group says it remains concerned that Trembly just has more horses than he can care for, and something needs to be done. The Sheriffs department tells us it is monitoring the situation- carefully.
Was this just this past Tuesday the 9th that he asked the Kansas State vet out? Wasn't there a vet at his place last month when this all came about?

Sorry if this has already been asked.

I feel bad for Vern, but I also feel really bad for the horses who are in such bad shape. I understand that he really cares for his horses, but he failed to get them the care they needed in a timely manner. Maybe he was overwhelmed, maybe he rcvd bad veterinary advice, maybe he didn't have the money to properly care for them, maybe he had no one to help him and got in over his head. I don't know. I do know that the horses I saw pictures of needed help and if it took spreading this all over the internet to get them that help, I'm ok with that.
I'm puzzled, I guess. If these horses are being well fed and watered....why did Ginny see only one bale of weedy "hay" there on Friday? Why were all of the water tubs empty when she visited? If there is a pond & the horses have access to it, why were the horses thirsty when Ginny filled the tubs?

If there are pastures available for rotation...why are the pastures not being rotated right along. Vern says he will put the horses out on these pastures if the vet says that's what they need? why hasn't he been using these pastures all along if pasturing is what he's always done & believes in?

The horses have hay now. What kind of hay? Is it good quality horse feed, or is it something other than that? If these horses have been fed right along....where is all the manure in the pictures?

I have a hard time believing that sheriff has been truthful through all of this. He told someone that Vern has money, money is not an issue. Yet now we hear that he has been going without electricity in order to pay for stuff for the horses? Those two things contradict each other. That's just one example of contradiction...
so Mary I want to be clear on what you are saying

you are saying that the horses in the picture did not seem to be or match the horses on the site?

That none looked quite that bad and the issue is or was blown way out of proportion? That those not thin but horrific underweight horses pictured were not there on site?

That his vet stepped up to the sheriff and told them hey all this is is a worming issue that go out of hand?

I guess I am confused wasnt Virginia out there before anyone?
Lisa...that is not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is that by the title of this thread, I was lead to believe ALL the horses are starving, and that simply is not the case. The horses in the pictures were on sight, some of the horses looked extremely bad, others did not. I used the word "thin" becasue that is how Mr. Trembly has descibed them. The Deputy has checked with Mr. Trembly's vet and verified that he was trying to get them the help they need.
This is a man who spent the majority of his life raising horses and has been known to many, and now that he is nearing the end of his life, this is what he is going to be known for
..... Not necessarily - if he is willing to correct the problem & keep the few that he can afford to feed & care for properly he will be known for doing what was best for the animals............. I am not against him keeping some but at his age & financial status how long would they receive this care? Having someone help him daily long term is a BIG committment? Is there anyone locally that is willing to do this? If so, then let him keep what can be managed humanely & properly................ Once he is assured that the ones he is giving up will go to good homes, perhaps he will be willing to give up more.
I seem to remember a post WAAAY back that Gini visited and cried because the horses were in such bad shape.I'm with Marty I am not feeling sorry for this senior citizen.I am very close to Mr.Trembly's age and have had Minis for almost 20 years.I am now in the process of reducing my herd due to the fact that because of some medical issues it is becoming more difficult to care for them.I am doing what is best for them because they have no voice.I cry when they leave, but I know it has to be done.Winter is coming in KANSAS-they need to be out of there.I will be very anxious to hear what Gini has to report.I truly feel that when all the bad publicity goes away any horses that are left in Mr.trembly's care will be back to the same fate.Ask yourself honestly, how in the world does 1 older man worm almost 100 horses?How would he even know which ones were wormed and which ones not when there are so many in 1 field?Those horses did not get like that just from worms.There is lack of food there and in a herd situation the agressive and stronger horses get the most food.I also suspect that if the goats were in the same field with the horses the goats got their share.(Had some experience with goats in my fields&no longer have the goats)Again I can't wait to hear Gini's report.Marty, I feel the same way as you and I don't feel like a meanie.I'm just telling it like I see it.
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