Yeah! Jewel has foaled a 'fool day' filly 4.1.13

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Jewels udder is finally looking a bit bigger. Today.. I saw Jewel snatch a wad of Creeping Charlie up in her mouth through the fence trying to get at the good stuff in the fenced off area. Ahhh.. Weeds are growing everywhere here making me so very nervous. The goats have hunted every new pale green starthistle sprout and have completely eliminated them along with poison oak, vetches, and the burrs. I dont think they eat the creeping charlie or vetch but they have stomped them out enough to eliminate them.

I sure hope Jewel foals out soon. No real big changes going on. Yes.. her tumming is not hanging so much,, yes, her udder is filling more, but no.. she is still pale pink in the back area. No, she isnt restless or cranky but happy. I havent seen her rolling too much. It is very warm here and the flies are a problem so the horses have their masks on.

I am worried about the creeping charlie and the clover coming up. We are quickly trying to eliminate this.
I just read your complete thread. Your Jewel is gorgeous. I cann ot believe that v belly. and you sound like such a good momma. Soon it will bebaby time. Its a scarey time for us newbies..but awful exciting too. will keep an eye on your posts. Thanks for sharing your journey
Oooooo things are dark pink now and udder teats are pointed more straight down. Yep.. real close .. She has a ravenous appetite.
Keep us updated.
Sounds promising!! Good luck and safe foaling - if she says 'now it's time'!!
Nope.. things are seeming to move backwards. No serious signs that would make me think she is going to foal out today. Maybe tonight.
She has been such a sweet horse lately. She has finally decided to completely trust me. She is a nervous horse and will startle easy but that is all different now that she trust me. She comes up to me to have her fly mask on.. She let me clean her udder up and her tail without any issues. Such a different horse from a few months ago.
She is looking good!

I'm a little lost on the clover, tho. Is it poisonous to horses (my ignorance showing!)? I always thought that it was OK...tho with some that are white (face, lower legs) - it can create extra photo sensitivity and make them sunburn...

I know that ours hunt up all sorts of clover!


Well.. evidently the clover we have growing out there is ok. I checked it out and it is not the aslike clover type. It is some sort of California Bur clover. Our goats love it and cleaned most of it out of their pen. I went to the little area we plan on putting Jewel and her newborn foal and have been pulling the bad creeping charlie weeds. We will just have to do that as plowing it or poisoning it at this late will not work. It is a small pen. I am close to getting all of the bad weeds out of there now but mostly the creeping charlie weed. The clover is fine.
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Sounds like Jewel is settling in nicely. She is such a pretty girl! They say that slow and steady wins the race, but it can sure drive you crazy checking...and waiting...and checking some more!
But it will all be worth it!!
Oh no. Just checked on Jewel for the night. She is acting like she is in a lot of pain. Looks like a colic situation. She has been licking her lips a lot.. for about 10 minutes. She has also been having trouble getting up after laying down lately. I don't think this is labor. Her belly even looks bloated out on the sides. Her udder is the same ..not much bigger from last week. Just not sure what to do. Last time she like the probios paste and ate it in her bowel .. I tried to give her some and she didnt want it. Should I be giving her something for her tummy..? She is still nibbling on her hay a bit.
well.. guess she is going to be ok. She is still eating her hay.. ate a tiny bit of alfalfa pellets mixed with her probios paste after all. She just may have had a piece of straw stuck in her mouth wrong but I just wasnt sure what she was doing licking her lips for that long. I will keep checking on her but she is settling down now.. standing and starting to relax.
Aww bless her - hope she is feeling better now? Maybe it was the foal being in an uncomfortable position. Worrying for you though.

Keep us posted.
I am glad she is feeling better, that must have been frightening for you
Glad jewel has settled down. Horses can scare the dickens out of us sometimes....I am thinking maybe she is just getting uncomfortable with all that baby pressure? maybe its time she just pushed it out into the world? Think you will see your baby first. JJ just seems to be in a holding pattern. Getting very bossy with the other horses..but no signs we are going to have a baby anytime soon.
Oh.. much better today. We ended up going out very early 'cause we couldnt see her in her yardpen.. we forgot to latch the gate and Sparkles probably lifted it and let Jewel out in her area. Maybe it was best as I am sure Jewel was able to walk more of her discomfort off .. silly horse closed the gate behind her so when I went in to find her.. she was not there! She was hiding in Sparkles hut hovering quietly. She is happy now and feeling much better today. I am glad she ate the probios paste as it may have helped her discomfort some. No runny poops... more on the harder side so I was concerned on that but she is passing things normal now with more. She is still holding to no change in her udder. It just has not done anything different at all.. not shrinking... not getting bigger either. She is not looking very ready at all. At least this morning she is better and she came out to greet me as if to say.. "Here I am.. don't worry.. I'm in Sparkles shed!" I was worried looking all over calling her.

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