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I guess the news reports and photo's of McCain, Bush and Obama were some how faked!!!
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Yeah, I know...

and if McCain had only time to do one interview when his plans changed yesterday -- wow, go figure... He picked Katie Couric over David Letterman
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Maybe McCain should have sent Sarah to do the Letterman interview instead of allowing her to do the one with Curic. Sarah made Ms. South Carolina sound like a genius, I almost expected her to utter the classic U.S. American line.

Come on folks, twice she could not even come up with an answer, not an intelligent answer, but just an answer.

And thats who you want just a heartbeat away from leading this great country?

Surely you do not believe that McCain could have not found someone more qualified to be his running mate.

Looking forward to seeing what happens after the debates, now that it seems like McCain's decided he can be bothered to show up for them
........................ Well it will be McCain that will answer that 3:00 a.m. call. Obama will probably hit the snooze alarm............... McCain saw the need for IMMEDIATE action on a huge problem that needs solving NOW..... We don't need more campaign promises from Obama this week - we need ACTION now & McCain has answered that call......................... Yes I saw what Clinton said about McCain & I was surprised - even Clinton knows what needs to be done NOW.
Maybe McCain should have sent Sarah to do the Letterman interview instead of allowing her to do the one with Curic. Sarah made Ms. South Carolina sound like a genius, I almost expected her to utter the classic U.S. American line.
Come on folks, twice she could not even come up with an answer, not an intelligent answer, but just an answer.

And thats who you want just a heartbeat away from leading this great country?

Surely you do not believe that McCain could have not found someone more qualified to be his running mate.

You gotto be kidding..maybe you have not heard about BIDEN..???

Sarah Balin is a VERY well qualified VP..

There are websites out there..just full of biden bloopers

Looking forward to seeing what happens after the debates, now that it seems like McCain's decided he can be bothered to show up for them
........................ Well it will be McCain that will answer that 3:00 a.m. call. Obama will probably hit the snooze alarm............... McCain saw the need for IMMEDIATE action on a huge problem that needs solving NOW..... We don't need more campaign promises from Obama this week - we need ACTION now & McCain has answered that call......................... Yes I saw what Clinton said about McCain & I was surprised - even Clinton knows what needs to be done NOW.
Heya Cathy..good to see ya..you KNOW the difference..One is a talker and One is a do'er
You gotto be kidding..maybe you have not heard about BIDEN..???

Sarah Balin is a VERY well qualified VP..

There are websites out there..just full of biden bloopers

Unfortunately, Sarah's statements, or lack thereof, were not bloopers. Just an inability to answer fairly simple questions.

Once again, surely you do not believe that Sarah is the most qualified of all people to be VP.

Hiya Christine.

So Obama is whining about the debate being postponed, (not cancelled) because we're on the verge of a national crisis!! Is he afraid that he might forget the info that he has memorized after tomorrow or will his teleprompter go blank after 24 hours? What about the Town Hall meetings that Obama refuses to attend? ---------- If this financial problem is not headed off NOW before it becomes a crisis there will not be a need for more debates.
People will be fighting just to survive - they will NOT want to hear debates and promises........
...... If Obama becomes President I hope he does not get an urgent call during one of his planned events -
heaven help us all!!!!!
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Hiya Christine.
So Obama is whining about the debate being postponed, (not cancelled) because we're on the verge of a national crisis!! Is he afraid that he might forget the info that he has memorized after tomorrow or will his teleprompter go blank after 24 hours? What about the Town Hall meetings that Obama refuses to attend? ---------- If this financial problem is not headed off NOW before it becomes a crisis there will not be a need for more debates.
People will be fighting just to survive - they will NOT want to hear debates and promises........
...... If Obama becomes President I hope he does not get an urgent call during one of his planned events -
heaven help us all!!!!!
Weeelll..in an interview he said..worst crisis ever, economy will fail..oh and if you need me..give me a call
Sad,,, did you not see Obama with Bush and McCain. He is there. BUT he is also following through on his promise to be at the debate. I am sure Mr Economic Miracle Cure McCain can step back and do a debate that he promised to do for a couple hours. I know,,, the world may not go on if he is not holding Bush's hand. And if people hadn't be de-regulators we wouldn't be in this position.
he said..worst crisis ever, economy will fail..oh and if you need me..give me a call
....... Yes I heard Obama's, "if you need me give me a call" ..
...... Well DUH! you HAVE been called and you hit the snooze button!.... No one should have to call you anyway - if you did not realize the urgency of this economical situation, you cannot realize the importance of being the President of our United States Of America!
ANYBODY who compares Bush with McCain does NOT know politics and should first be educating themselfes..I understand its easier listening to campaign speeches..
Surely you do not believe that McCain could have not found someone more qualified to be his running mate.
Gary -- Are you joking? Because Sarah Palin is more qualifed to be President than the Democratic Presdiential Nominee -- Barack Hussein Obama!!!











You know, I can just see Obama pushing the snooze button when Washington is calling at 3am. I had to laugh when I heard Bush called him to the meeting yesterday. Sounds kinda like someone had to make him do his chores. First off he is being paid to be a senator. No one should have had to make him go to work.

ANd BTW, what do you guys think about the democratic senators announcing there was a plan in place when there was not?
ANd BTW, what do you guys think about the democratic senators announcing there was a plan in place when there was not?
More of the same from the Democrats!

The Republicans want to put more of the responsibility of this bailout on Wall Street and not have us mainstreet people pay for these greedy people's crimes. The Democrats don't see it that way - can't do my buddies in syndrome!

This mornings news.

" McCain's leadership in the negotiations "is to try to stop us from yelling at each other, announcing deals that don't exist, to actually talk to the House and the Senate and get agreement and then go to the press," Graham said. "Try to create organization out of chaos. Three days ago (Sen.) Harry Reid said there'll be no deal without John McCain's support. Nothing happened for three days. John comes back to town, now he's being criticized for coming back."Shelby, however, said he has a letter from some 200 economists saying the plan as structured by Paulson "is a mistake and won't work."

"I say this will not solve the problem," he said on ABC's "Good Morning America.:"

See the rest of the story here.


"We're going to spend close to a trillion dollars, we're going to borrow it, I say we can do better," Shelby said.
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Well I am getting dizzy...
in a nutshell..

Bush and Obama agree..republicans blow their stacks and stand up for taxpayers..clinton praises McCain..the people who brought us into this mess are now the same that tell US how to get out oif it.. :DOH!
Speaking of the Democrats , they agreed to let the ban on oil shale drilling expire because they did not want to be blamed for high fuel prices during this election year.............. We have been forewarned though - after the election is over with the Democrats will seek to ban it again.............. So you folks voting the Democrats back in, be prepared to keep paying high fuel prices.

Approximately 800 billion to 2 trillion barrels of oil are estimated to be located there.

The congressional ban on offshore drilling and shale exploration is set to expire on September 30. Conservative proponents of domestic energy exploration have declared October 1 “Energy Freedom Day” to celebrate the ban’s termination.

Republicans celebrated last week when Democrats signaled they would let the bans naturally expire over recess. The Democrats’ concession came amid concerns their party would be faulted for high gas prices in the November election.

Sen. Reids move to reinstate the ban on oil shale energy production is an insult to the American people and yet another example of Democrats acting to make energy more expensive for working families and small businesses," the Republican leader said in a statement. "At a time when our economy is struggling, it's outrageous that Sen. Reid would attempt to block efforts to open up responsible oil shale development, which would create good-paying jobs and help lower energy costs."


I think we need to start a new thread - this one has gone astray!
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She could not answer a simple question about her own foreign policy experience in dealing with Russia.

I would think that someone, whether a republican or democrat, should be able to answer specific questions about their own experiences.

I have seen, as I'm sure you have, many politicians not answer the specific question asked, while often going off on some tirade not at all connected to the original question at all. But, she could not come up with ANY answer.

To me that raises a red flag meaning she cannot either think quickly on her feet or her lack of knowledge, both being important traits for such a high office.

I wish that, especially in political discussions, one could defend their or their parties positions without derogatory comments about the other party or candidate.

My original comment on this thread was that I personally am not comfortable with Sarah Palin as VP. I did not say anything about Biden, or for that matter Obama, or McCain.

I truly believe there are better qualified individuals to be McCains running mate. Our own govenor of Florida, Charlie Crist, would be one of many,altough he probably would not bring many Hillary supporters into the fold.

From what I know about Sarah, she seems to be a nice, ambitious, strong willed woman. However, I'm still not convinced that she would make a good VP, or god forbid a President.

I have never understood, or probably never will, how someone can support ALL of their parties candidates blindly. It would indeed be a rare occurance for me if I truly thought EVERY candidate, for either party, was the most qualified for the job.

I'm sure that most reading this and my previous post think I am simply trying to slam Palin. However, McCains choice of Palin to be his running mate may very well cost him my vote. If you notice I have not said anything in support of her opposition either, as he also leaves a lot to be desired.

It bothers me that in this great country, filled with intellegent, forward thinking, individuals that we sometimes have to choose between the lessor of evils, instead of someone who would truly do a GREAT job leading our nation.

It is my hope that sometime in the near future decisions would be made on what is best for the country and its citizens and not on what is best for a particular party or a candidates future aspirations.

Gary --

Thank you for your post.

We have different perspectives and I do think that Palin is an excellent choice as McCain's running mate. I am truly enthusiastic about both of them and am proud to support them.

While I don't blindly follow the Republican party (I feel I am pretty well informed and make an effort to remain so), there is just too much of the Democratic platform that I, as a business owner and as a citizen, cannot support. Therefore, it would be very hard for me at this time to get behind any Democratic nominee.

People talk about those who blindly follow a party... maybe some do? But there are solid reasons that I am a Republican, and reasons why I am proud and happy with our 2008 ticket.



Did not mean to insinuate that you, as an individual, blindly follow a particular party. Probably a poor choice of words on my part. I would not argue with anyone with well thought out ideas and reasons for being a member of any party, but don't have much use for those that vote for a candidate on one single issue. Seems very narrow minded to me.

I am also a small business owner, unfortunatly in the construction industry, and may times the Republician party and their policies benefit my business and my family. However, through Ruth's job as a high school guidance conselor and our volunteer work in our community we see so much need, especially with children. So I know there is a hugh need for social programs, which the democrats tend to love, but I realize that costs tax dollars and opens doors to fraud and the like.

I would like a candidate that would realize that we must take care of our countries businesses, especially small business, but at the same time realize their is a HUGH need for well run social programs, especially in these tough economic times.

This could very well be the most important election in our countries history, in light of the incredible economic difficulties we face. I'm not convinced that either candidate is well equipped to handle the challenges that lie ahead. Hopefully, both parties can put partician politics to a rest and work for the good of the country and all social and economic classes.

BTW, I like reading your posts and your sometimes unique perspectives. My typical client and yours are probably very similar, so I don't often discuss politics with them. LOL


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