What's For DINNER Tonight?

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Marinated pork chops last night for dinner. Don't eat a lot of Pork, maybe due to the fact it usually comes out like a dry Boot. HOWEVER I cooked it differently this time. Instead of cooking it in the pan for the entire duration of cooking, I just browned it on both sides then let the oven do the rest. It was juicy and the marinade was really tasty. Boiled Potatos , green beans and peas to go with it.
We don't eat a lot of pork, but I don't like it and hubby's allergic to unprocessed pork (he can eat limited bacon and ham without issue), so not a big loss.
Oven crumbed fish and salad last night, will be takeaway of some description tonight as I need to shop
Made a Spam, potato and egg casserole for supper tonight. Wanted something other than beef and had the ingredients for the casserole. It was pretty good, and the recipe I found was for 2-4 servings, instead of 12, so perfect for just the two of us.
Been away on holidays so haven't cooked a thing for the last 2 weeks

Have some great Indonesian recipes that im looking forward to trying now I am back to reality. Went food shopping on the weekend , brought so much im hoping not to have to go food shopping for the next month. fingers Crossed

Cooked a leg of Lamb with roast vegies for the first night back , was Great
I need to get back to cooking, been eating convenience food the last several days plus a few meals out (we were gone for two days).
Ok, so it's not for supper tonight, but today I made 5 dozen meatballs (BBQ sauce to be added later) and 2 macaroni salads for Friday, we are branding. Maybe I'll have time to make a dessert tomorrow, we are tagging heifers, so not sure how much time I will have. [Now it's time for clean up.]
You have been busy Chanda
best to get it out of the way now seeing as tho you will be so busy Friday. Does it take you all day ? And how many do you have to brand and tag ?

Roast chicken with baked Potato's and salad last night for dinner, followed by cookies and cream icecream
Just 24 replacement heifers to tag, but quite a few more calves to brand. They are already sorted for their pastures, so Shayne and I will brand the smaller bunch tomorrow and the larger bunch with help on Friday.
Called into see Mum on my way home from work and she had Made Pumpkin soup with one of the pumpkins I grew over the summer just gone.

I have always loved mums Pumpkin soup and I was glad I didn't have to cook
Well, I just haven't felt much like cooking lately at all. With hubby's work schedule erratic, it makes it hard. Tonight would have been good, but he showed up late and it got dried out-even with TLC. It WAS hash brown potatoes in a casserole dish, poured chicken broth and milk mixture over and seasonings and dotted with butter, sprinkled shredded cheddar and crumbled bacon over, layed chicken breasts on top and seasoned, and arranged broccoli florets around the sides with their fat little heads down in the sauce. Baked-mmmm-until it all had to sit too long etc.....oh well....I tried.

Lazy lasagna tomorrow night. That should work,,quick and yummy.
Made a massive pot of soup on Friday so have lived on that over the weekend. It was a vegetable / Minestrone soup. plenty of left overs that I was able to freeze for those " cant be bothered cooking nights"

Have my sister , father and his wife coming for dinner tonight. Serving eye fillet steak tonight with roasted vegetables and my sister will take care of dessert
That soup sounds good. The Lazy Lasagna went over well-also 'held' well until H got in.

Had a nice Memorial Day. Went to my niece's home and all the family came over-11 adults and 5 kids. We had a cookout. Rained off and on all the day and night before and in the morning and cleared off about a half hour before we all met there. Everyone brought their own meats and some of us had extras to share. So there was hamburgers, hot dogs (angus beef and turkey), brats, and pork chops. Then corn on the cob (niece melted a stick of salted butter, 1 cup of milk and put in the corn (about 1 doz. ears) and topped it with water to just cover. Simmered for about 5-8 minutes. Wow!
Nice flavor and tender!
Baked beans with bacon, potato salad, macaroni salad, deviled eggs, chips, watermelon, cantelope, strawberries, assorted cookies, sour cream cake and chocolate sheet cake with chocolate icing.
Boy, did we (over)eat!!!
Nice nice day!
Yum Performancemini I am now starving and its 9:15am here Lol Im going to have to try the corn , it sounds great

Ive been sick with the flu so a little couldn't be bothered in the meals department the last two days. Had raisin toast and crumpets for dinner last night. The night before I cooked a mango butterfly chicken. I couldn't taste a thing but apparently it tasted nice.

Not sure what will be on the menu tonight , but after seeing the above post , I know Ill be thinking about it all day.
We had rib steak, scalloped potatoes and green beans. [Home grown beef, but the sides were store bought.]

Ryan, I have to ask, I've heard the term, but have no clue... What are crumpets? TY
I think it is supposed to be a breakfast item but I think they are great all them time

They are great with heaps of butter or with Jam, Honey, peanut butter or any topping. Ive had them with poached eggs on top, baked beans. You could pretty much try anything with them.

They have more of a doughy texture than bread or English muffins do.

Thank you for the information and picture.

The picture looks like what we call an English muffin. [Quite likely an "English muffin" in the states is something entirely different in England.}
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We have "English" muffins in Australia but they are a little different to a crumpet. Both good though

Made a Lasagne Saturday then yesterday I got up and put a beef curry in the slow cooker at 7am Sunday (couldn't sleep) cooked it till 6pm and it was great, the meat just feel apart and about 5 hours to go I dropped about 10-15 small chat potatos into the curry and let them cook in the juices of the curry- So good

In between I cleaned the house and tried to stay warm so I can get rid of this head cold that just doesn't wanna leave me
Cooked a ham steak in brown sugar and mustard sauce, sweet potato fries, green beans and strawberries for dessert. Made coconut choc. chip cookies last night.

Tomorrow night is turkey breast (slocooker all day), mashed potatoes with cream cheese and chives, corn, cranberry sauce (mini holiday meal on a weekday!).