What should I do with Josie and what is happening

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Oh she's so cute - such a pretty little girl, no wonder you are so thrilled with her!!

How soon can you let this little one out? Is the weather suitable for her to have at least a couple of hours outside? She's a good strong little lady and needs to exercise those legs, not to mention her heart and lungs. Give her as much space as you can and she will use up some of her excess energy scampering around while Missy wanders about grazing. There is also the danger that if a mare is kept stabled for too long when she normally has plenty of ouside time, she will race around being so pleased to get out again, and this tires the poor baby out. Mares need to be kept quiet and relaxed and babies need to take plenty of exercise at their own rate. Also being free to run around outside will probably mean that your little one will be less inclind to play and kick at you or her Momma - incidently, it is perfectly natural for a lot of foals to be 'busy' kicking at everyone and everything during play, must admit that I never bother about it at this early age, and most grow out of it once they are getting plenty of outside playtime.

Anyway, we are all looking forward to seeing new pics of her outside and maybe another video, she is such a delight to watch!
Yeah, the only problem we have with putting her outside, is all we have at the moment for just the two is our sand filled roundpen and I think the foal might be able to get out! We are in the process of building them their own fence, so when we do, they will for sure be outside and inside during the night! I just love her, words just can't explain it!
She can go out tomorrow, since my mom and I will be home all day! We might just put the donkeys in the barn and put them in them in mommas old pen to run around. The fencing is hog panels, so better for the baby since it would be impossible for her to get out, plus there is grass in there for mamma. The pen isn't very big its about 60x60ft, so the same as our roundpen, but we are going to get the fencing today to build their new fence!
It is fun to watch them outside for the first few times! Smokey is so fun to watch. He bounces and "flies" in the air. Its amazing! What joy these horses bring!
I am excited to see her outside. The way she acts inside should make it even funnier!!! I will take some pictures and a video!
I might just have to name her lucifer the way she backs up to me and tries to kick me! Ha ha. I keep telling her no, and she is getting better but we still have some work to do! She was running at only 20 minutes old, so she is a strong little girl. She is so sweet, if you make kissing sounds, she will put her nose up and give you a kiss!
I brushed her for the first time today, and she loved it! I have been rubbing her ears and all over her body and picking up her feet, holding them, and tapping them. She is cominig along nicely, but we are still trying to get a halter for her. Once we do, we will be able to do alot more with her.
It sounds as though she is coming along beautifully Kay. She certainly is a little pistol, isn't she.

I noticed on your website, you are offering riding lessons on your mare, once the baby is weaned, for those 100 lbs or less. Do please, think twice about this. I think your nice mare is only 34/5", if I remember correctly. She should not have anyone of that weight on her back. I'm not much in favour, of anyone riding Minis really. There is so much more one can do with them.

Keep up the good work.

Ha ha yeah she is a little pistol! She runs around and bucks and plays. It has been so hard though trying to get her outside. The weather has been awful and cold. Today it is raining and snowing and windy and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The little girl who trained her was 105lb. We aren't going to give many lessons on her maybe 3 a year because there aren't many kids in our town and the only ones who would take lessons on her would be under 40lb so I think she will be fine. She is 35" but I would ever give lessons on her to alot of kids and especially ones over 50lb.
Your horse your call, I personally would never give a lesson on a mini. My son (30lbs) will sit on one from the gate to the barn but that is it.

How about some new pics of the little pistol
Yeah our town is so small I doubt that we will give a single lesson on her but we will see what happens! I am out of town again so I will post more pics when I get home!
Until I get a halter for her what can I do for training? I have been picking up her feet and rubbing her all over, but I feel like I should be doing more!
I personally don't do much with my babies at this stage other than watch them and scratch them, I let them just be babies until they are about 4-5 months. So I am not much help sorry
Ok!! Sounds good!! Do you recommend weaning them at 4-6 months old? We don't have enough space to seperate them and not let them see or hear each other! Could she just wean by herself?
Ok, finally we have decided on names for Missy and her foal!!!!! We renamed Jasmine to Missy thinking we would name the foal Magic, but she is way too girly for that name, so we changed it back to Jasmine and her foal's name is now Josie. We might adjust the spelling on Josie but you get the idea!

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