Trying this again...

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I am too but add lazy eater to that list! LOL! I like to relax, have a snack, put my give up on life pants on,(then for sure I do NOTHING!!!)get under the heating blanket, then take a nap. I hate winter and will do anything in my power to avoid it! Now mind you that's not every day or even more then once a week for that matter
but I admit it, it does happen!

I was soooo bad yesterday!! I had Taco Bell for breakfast(10 am when they opened!!), a Twix (those super big ones with 4 in a pack!) then pizza for lunch and dinner.

I'll start fresh again this morning!! LOL!
I had to polish off the rest of the donuts yesterday, but today was my weigh-in and I still woke up to a four-pound weight loss (in a week). I am officially at a plateu though, it's so hard to get past where I am right now. This week will be extremely challanging, especially since I think I'm getting sick. Being sick makes me want all kinds of bad foods because nothing else has much flavor and I don't feel like making meals.

I just have to keep repeating, 'I can do this, I can do this'.
Just checking in to see how you guys are doing. I'm weak. I feel like a failure. We had a really long day on Saturday and I didn't feel like cooking. I asked my hubby to order pizza, and he ended up ordering the biggest pizza the place had (22 inches - 16 slices). I've been eating pizza for three days now, and let's just say that I don't think I'll be wanting it again for a while. Not to mention, I've been fighting a sore throat, so I've been eating icecream and drinking soda too.

Hope you guys are having better luck then I am!
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That is wonderful you lost 4 pounds!!! how have I done? I just got done eating supper, some leftovers from last night...ham and cabbage and potatoes...I was a swelled up water retaining blob this morning and yes BUTTER was on the potatos, so what did I do? ate it again tonight. OMG it was good but I should not have eaten the amount I did.

Tomorrow is another day and I'll keep trying but you know what? I'm getting older and running out of those "another days". I just really wish I would not eat so much. Maybe you guys will now want Ham because now I want Donuts and Pizza.
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Hahahaha! Actually ham sounds great!!

I bought cheese cake, yep, actually I bought 3 of them
They were on sale, regular price 13.99 on sale for 3.50! Thats too good of a deal to pass up, we all love cheese cake over here.
We are pitiful!!! and yes I've now added cheesecake to the donuts and pizza... Cream filled donuts.

Ok if we're going to motivate each other we need to think of something we can do together. Something that's not drastic but will be a needed change that maybe we could try sticking to for at least a week.

Maybe we could each come up with something we feel we need to do, we could then all agree on doing one of the suggestions. Then we could plan to meet back here on a certain day and time of the week?
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Gosh you guys, we're all off to a great start. Lol.

I have realized that I absolutely can not give something up. I sat here and obsessed over those stupid hidden chips, and that made me start craving other junk food to satisfy the feeling that I was fighting against.
Starting today, I'm going to be keeping a food journal where I will write down every tiny little thing I eat. I used to keep one but then counting calories got to be too much for me. So this time I'm counting ounces. We'll see how it goes. I just need to commit myself to something long enough for it to become a habit. Hmmm...I have three and a half weeks until I get Spring Break. I wonder if I can make it to then...
What do you guys think is the biggest factor in your struggles? Portion control, the type of food you eat, eatting too often (snacking),.....?
All I can do is laugh!!!
I sit here giggling about how week I am!! Really, really week! I love food and don't know what else to do.

Sara, I think, for me, it's because I'm home and stuck in the house. If I'm able to do outside things I'm ok. I'm trying to keep busy but you can only do so much house work, seriously, how clean does my house need to be!! Hehehehe!

Debby, lets do it! I'm here everyday, so any day and time is good for me!
I think my biggest factor would have to be portion control...AND I'm sorry I can't wrap my head around official portion sizes....I mean come on, a steak the size of a deck of cards?
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Mine is a combination of portion sizes and eating through out the entire day. I have been doing better with portions - no seconds, cutting down the size of the plate, etc - but I just can't seem to get a handle on snacking. I did recently hear a story about a woman named Anita Mills who lost over two hundred pounds by eating 8ounces or less every three hours, and cutting out all sugary drinks. She said it didn't matter what you ate, it was about the size. She also said that as she started seeing more and more progress, she started exercising and picking better foods.

I'm up for a weekly meet! I'm available everyday.
OK so lets decide on one thing we'd all like to do for one week and then in 7 days we'll spill the beans about how we did with it. Lets say meet next Friday afternoon at 2pm.? Maybe if we focus on one thing it will help, plus knowing we have to weigh in (not really) will keep it in our minds.

This will give us a extra day to decide what to do.

Some ideas I'd try are: no eating after a certain time, no seconds, eat a salad before supper or a cup of broth...I heard that helps. Maybe some others have ideas.
Ok, Friday works for me.
But 2pm in what time zone? I'm located in California, so I'm on Pacific.

My goal for the week if to faithfully log my meals in my food journal. (Not as easy as it sounds.)
Friday is good, I'm in! My goal, no sugar! Yep I'm trying it again! I can do this!!!! And No eating after 6pm! I'll have a nice big old drink of water!

I really do think portion control is key. My MIL is on the Nutri system where they send you the food and from looking at it it was about size/ portion control. She said it was good tasting and that there was only one thing so far that she did not care for. Each little dinner was small like a tv dinner or sm frozen stoffers. The cerial was in little cups, which I saw at 2 different grocery store here, so portion control must be getting more popular... and the snacks were mostly little pudding cups or granola type snack. Now that's all the stuff she picked out her self, she said there was a lot of options. I could never afford to do that but the idea is there for the taking!! If you guys want me to measure the main dish sizes let me know...or any info from her. I'm going to Joann Fabrics with her today and I'll ask her what she's lost so far and how it going for her. I do think she eats like 5 or 6 times a day though! I'll find out!

Now on a side note! My goal is to lose some pounds before we go on Vacation in July. I called my mom who were taking with us and I asked how she was and watcha doin? She said she was doing sit ups!!! I said WHAT!!!!! She said yep so I can look good when we go on vacation! I thought that was so good for her!! Shes 71!

You know what my brain JUST started working!!! Just now!! LOL! Were taking my mom and MIL I'd bet a million bucks that why shes doing Nutri System,,, DUHHHH! LOL! I need to get my butt in gear! These ladies are going to pass me up!!! LOL!!!
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Nutri System is one I never tried but I did do Medi-Fast and lost about 110 pounds. They ALL work, the problem I've found is that depriving myself of anything does not work in the long run.

For this first week I'm going with no eating after 6 pm.

Are we all going to do the same thing or? I'm on Eastern Time so how is that for y'all? will it work or do we need to change it?
I'm in!

yep, she said it worked and is happy with the results. She lost 18lb in 2 months and went down a size and a half in her pants. She has stopped because it's to expensive and is trying it on her own. She did say it is truly all about portion control and yet eating often enough so your not feeling like your starving. She has also done Weight Watchers and lost on it. But she always gains it back.
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I suck at time zones, but I believe Eastern is 3 or 4 hours ahead of me. Like right now, it's only 10:50am here (not sure what time it says my post is being posted on your computer?). I work until noon here, so depending on the time difference, that would be 3:00 or 4:00 your time.

I think we should set individual goals, because I for one can't give up sugar or butter. Lol. I did try NutriSystem once, and I hated it. I could buy my own food for much cheaper and it would taste better. The program was about teaching portion sizes, and how many times you should eat daily. I did SlimFast for a while and gained weight on it (starvation mode). Herbalife worked really good but it was expensive and it made me drink gross shakes twice a day. Then they prevented the sale of ephedra, the main ingredient.

It's such a tough balance to find something that works and will keep the weight off after.
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Oh gosh, I might as well give up now. I went to the doctor's today because the blood vessels in the white part of my eye are getting really noticeable. I've always had "bloodshot eyes" because I think I need glasses. But two weeks ago, I got a huge snowflake in my eye and it burned. The next morning I woke up and my eyelid was extremely swollen and painful. Felt like a huge sty. The swelling lasted for almost five days, then went away. But half of my eye has been red since then.

The doctor checked for debris and scratches, and there were none. However, she told me that my eye is swollen and said it could be an eye infection. But if it's not, then it could be something more permanent. I'm freaking out over it! I have this fear that I'm going to end up going blind in that eye, and the stress has been giving me headaches almost daily. After I left the doctor's, I went to McDonalds and got a small cheeseburger, a medium fry, and a medium coke. It helped to calm my nerves (that's my story and I'm sticking to it, lol).

I have an appointment with an optometrist in a week, but I was given medicated eye drops until then. It is going to be an extremely long week. Why does life always have to get in the way when I try to make a good decision for myself?
Oh no Sara! take care of that eye. Those eyedrops should work. I'll say a prayer for you too.

On time zone question your post above says it was 1:50 so you are 3 hours behind me.

Do y'all think sat. or sun would be better?

I wanted to tell you guys that Dr. Oz had a really good show today about weight loss, hormones and etc. If you can catch today's episode on his Web site, it has some really good tips and info.
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Thank you Debbie. I'm hoping the drops will work. It would sure ease my mind.

I weigh in every Friday morning (before hubby's home for the weekend and I tend to cook more). This morning made 6.3 pounds that I've lost in 15 days. I'm ok with a slow weightloss, as long as I continue to see a drop. It's when I get on the scale and see a gain that I get discouraged and fall off the wagon. I'm sure it would have been more without the pizza, donuts, chips, and McDonalds this week. Eek! Now that I said all of that together, is it any wonder that I'm fat?!? To see any drop at all was a miracle!

I'll be back on here a 12:30pm my time (3:30 eastern). If anyone's on, hopefully I'll catch you then.

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