Trying this again...

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Today is the first day that I've cut out snacking. It's KILLING Me! I love, love, LOVE to snack, so this is torture.

I read a saying today, 'Its time to stop dreaming and start doing.' It had nothing to do with dieting but it sounded so appropriate for my frame of mind right now. I have a LOT of weight to lose, so I know this is not going to be easy. I do fine for two or three days, then I fall right back into my evil ways.

Sorry, I just wanted to bellyache and share my misery. It's horrible how what we eat (or don't eat) affects our mindset.
It's really tough. I survived yesterday but today I'm craving McDonalds. I even refused to go down town with my husband (I always go with him) because I feared I'd cave and bring home fast food. Why, oh why couldn't I have been one of those people born with a perfect body who never worries about weight?
Your not alone! Just know that! I know for me it's not(so much) fast food but sweets that I can't resist. Right now I have no sweets in the house so I'm doing ok, but I'm so tempted to drive to the party store and grab a slice of pizza and a candy bar!!! (yep it's before 8am and I could eat that garbage with out even thinking twice!! LOL!!)

Oh I wanted to add, I'd love to loose some weight before our Florida trip this summer. I'd love to look nice and not like the good year blimp in a swim suit. I still have time if I choose to do this right now!! LOL!!!( I keep thinking that and it gets closer and closer and I still do nothing....)
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My husband came home from shopping with two big bags of chips yesterday. I could have gladly smacked him. He doesn't even like chips, unless he's in the mood fo them. The Destroyer! He ate some for lunch and I had to hide away in the bedroom. When I heard the bag pop open, it was like the sound of the gates of Heaven opening up. I won't begin to describe what having to listen to him crunch on them was like (opposite of Heaven!). Lol. At least he was smart enough to hide them somewhere, but it's taking all of my willpower to not go hunt them down. :/

I have lost almost three pounds in two days, so I just have to remind myself that needless snacking isn't worth it. Oh hum....
That is wonderful you lost 3 pounds! keep it up, you CAN do it. I busted out laughing with your remark about the gates of Heaven!! omg I could hear the music! So jacks'thunder you battle the bulge too?
Yeah... I'm a lazy eater. I love to sit and eat. I have to admit I think my PC has a bad habit connected to it! LOL! Every time I sit at the computer I want to munch!!

I'm tired of feeling fat! I'm done with this! I'm doing something about it starting right now!!! Today no sugar and do something exersizish( I think I'll go stack some wood my hubby has cut! Bending and lifting is good for me!) for at least 45 minutes!! Yep that's my goal!!

(We should make a pact, shake hands, high five, something and support each other everyday!)

KanoasDestiny- 3 pounds in 2 days!!!! Shut up!
That's awesome!!! Could you imagine if you lost like that for 1 month!!
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sounds good! closest thing to high-five==>
I'm trying to base my motivation (this time) on my health but reading others struggles helps because it makes me see how this whole fat thing is not only mine. I feel your pain about the bathing suit...i do NOT wear one..and Sara I feel yours too because my husband has been guilty of sabotaging my diets years ago.
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(We should make a pact, shake hands, high five, something and support each other everyday!)
I think having support outside of our home would help. My husband has heard me say "I'm going to lose weight" every few months for the past thirteen years. At this point he just nods his head and keeps quiet because he knows it's just talk. Of course I do try for a few days, then I get discouraged, and it's bye-bye weight loss. So I do understand his lack of support.

Over the years I've done fad diets, lost tons of weight, but then I gain it all back (plus a lot more) because I don't ultimately focus on my portion sizes, what I eat, and how often I eat. Plus I must be the laziest person ever, which doesn't help.
We can do this ladies!!!!! I'm doing this!!! What I'm going to do is 2 things, cut out the sugar for 4 weeks and work out for 4 a half hour(to an hour) every day!!! Also sense I don't own a scale I'll take a picture of my target area in my favorite jeans and maybe you guys can tell me if you see a difference? Do you think that would work?( nothing crazy, I promise!! LOL! Just my rolls under a shirt that hang out! lol!)

Come on lets do this!!! Make a short term goal and go for it!!!

My total goal 35-50 lbs

Want I'm going to do about it.... No sugar, exercise everyday for 1/2 hr-1 hr every day

I know my body and I'm a "2 week" type of person. What I do right now will show up in 2 weeks. If I choose to make a bunch of cookies and eat them(homemade are the best.. yummmm) 2 weeks from now my pants will be tight, I'll cry, and just feel so low it's horrible. I'm tired of feeling this way!!

Come on lets do this!!! Anyone who wants to... come on!!! We can check in everyday at first and support, tell about our day, and just let each other know they are not alone! And don't worry about what happened before with your weight loss! Start fresh, a new beginning!!!

Let me tell you something funny!! Yesterday I committed to this right?! All day I worked out side sledge hammering logs of wood loose so hubby can split it(oh yeah I'm so sore! LOL!), you would think the last thing I'd think about was something sweet! NOOOOOO one cookie in my house and that's all I could think about! It was a store bought one with m&m's in it
, I kept checking to see if my hubby ate it. Ummm no he was out with me!!! So when my son came home from school I told him to eat it or it's going in the garbage! He said ok but must have forgot because it was still there after night chores. I wanted to eat it soo bad, I was so tired I could barley move but I wanted that cookie. So later I reminded my son and he said oh thanks I forgot about it, and he ate it! Finally!! LOL! So last night, dog tired, feeling good because good work out and no more cookies in the house. Guess what I dream about......Yep you guessed it, that stupid cookie plus his friend, some cherry cobbler stuff!!! SERIOUSLY?!?!
Now when I dream I'm more of a nightmare kind of gal, never food! But in it's own way you could call it an "Evil Nightmare"!! LOL!!

eta: my goal for 1 month would be 7- 10 lbs! But sense I have no scale I'd go for 1/2 a pants size! I'm really going to try!!
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I feel your pain. The chips are still in this house somewhere, and knowing that is driving me NUTS! My husband hasn't pulled them out since the day he bought them, so the thought of them sitting somewhere uneatten is really 'eating' at me.

I've been pretty well though since Friday. I've decided not to deprive myself of anything - I just don't want it in the house trying to tempt me into eating it. This way I have to decide if driving ten miles (one way) is worth satisfying my craving. I've already shared how lazy I am, so thats a bonus in this case. Lol.

So here's what I'm doing...I'm eating three small meals a day (my plate is 7" or a 12-ounce bowl), with no seconds. I bought a food scale and try to make sure my meals don't go over 8-ounces. On workdays, I eat a granola bar between breakfast and lunch so I won't scare the children with sounds of my stomach trying to raveage itself. I also allow myself a small dessert if I want it. But so far, hard candy has become my new best friend. Lol.
I don't know why it posted twice, but I guess I'll share something else I'm doing. I created a FaceBook Group, where I can hopefully track my progress. I started off with my beginning weight and a current picture of myself. I plan to weigh-in weekly and maybe share any thoughts/frustrations that I have along the way.

My first goal is to lose 28 pounds. After that, I'll set a new weight to reach, but each one holds a "special meaning" to me.
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I feel your pain. The chips are still in this house somewhere, and knowing that is driving me NUTS! My husband hasn't pulled them out since the day he bought them, so the thought of them sitting somewhere uneatten is really 'eating' at me.

I've been pretty well though since Friday. I've decided not to deprive myself of anything - I just don't want it in the house trying to tempt me into eating it. This way I have to decide if driving ten miles (one way) is worth satisfying my craving. I've already shared how lazy I am, so thats a bonus in this case. Lol.

So here's what I'm doing...I'm eating three small meals a day (my plate is 7" or a 12-ounce bowl), with no seconds. I bought a food scale and try to make sure my meals don't go over 8-ounces. On workdays, I eat a granola bar between breakfast and lunch so I won't scare the children with sounds of my stomach trying to raveage itself. I also allow myself a small dessert if I want it. But so far, hard candy has become my new best friend. Lol.
That's so funny! My stomach growls sooo loud!! And always when it's quiet and people look at me look at me like I'm crazy! I always say Yep I need to eat!! LOL!

Nope I'm not going to deprive my self either! But I KNOW I don't NEED cookies, and sometimes that how I feel. I'm going to try my hardest though!!

Good for you for not hunting those suckers down!!
:yeah If you happen across them tell hubby to eat them then leave the room!! LOL!!
I must be the laziest person ever, which doesn't help.
I thought I was the laziest person ever, I don't do more than I have to. While not great my eating habits aren't horrible; but living out in the country is not conducive to eating fresh veggies on a regular basis (hard to keep them fresh when you only shop every couple weeks), besides those fattening snack foods out of a bag taste better.
I have not stuck to my walking I planned to do this year but I am walking some. I have managed to cut down almost completely the use of butter. I've been using Olive or Coconut oil and have a sprayer to put it on toast and on my ss pan when I cook. Also switched my bread to no fat, no sodium, live's a good thing I do not eat much bread because it's NO anything and although I like the chewyness it tastes like crap. Next time I'll buy the one that doesn't say no sodium.

I LOVE to cook but I cook old time southern food, season it with bacon grease and fat meat...I LOVE most boiled meat. I'm not a sweet eater, no pops, no sugar in any of my beverages...choice of that is WATER! so I'm not one who needs to up water intake or cut out sugar. My big problem is I Love potatoes -fried, pasta or rice with butter on it, chile loaded with crackers and anything I can put gravy on....I wish I had a cook.
I also drink nothing but water, with the occassional coke if we go out to eat. I did cheat a bit today though. I feel horrible! But man, was it good! A co-worker asked me out to lunch, so we went to a restuarant. I only ate half of my food, and brought the other half home for my husband's dinner. I was craving something sweet, so we stopped and bought a dozen donuts. I ate two, and three donut holes. I feel so bad but tomorrow I'm getting back on it full force. ;)
It's really hard, but I have been good so far. After I eat dinner(or just eat in general! LOL!) I really crave something sweet! That's my really bad time.

I do not drink a lot of water. We have well water that's heavy in iron and I think it's horrible. Hubby will drink it out of the barn faucet, he thinks it taste's, not so much sunshine! LOL! So I go to my moms house and fill up gallon jugs. Pain in the behind!!! But if I buy bottled water I'll drink 3-4 a day no problem, but I buy it more in the summer. I'm a diet coke drinker, or diet mt. dew if I need a change. I have to have the caffeine!!!
I used to drink a lot of soda. Then about three months ago, I just decided to quit one day. It was hard the first few days, especially the caffeine withdrawal, but once I got used to it, it became a lot easier. I just wish cutting out snacks was going that easy. I'm stuck home alone for most of the day, so it's easy to obsess over food. I am definately a 'bored, emotional eater'.

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