SOS Sale

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"Dirt Cheap" was Webster City, IA last June, $10 broodmares, $35 stallions........less than the catalog fee!
Thanks Adam. I knew one of you would come through once you got back into the swing of things.

Well, like it was said about the same as last fall. At least they are getting bids, but sure would like to see a sign that prices would go up.

I guess we do what Lonnie said, and we have on a couple
Take advantage of the market and buy the quality horses now while the prices are low. Hopefully it will turn around and we will be proud of our bargain buys. In the mean time I will breed with caution and wait it out till then.
This is Lonnie with the SOS sale. Prices were not dirt cheap and not way high. LOTS of new potental buyers out there.
Remember your Wall Street stock is only as good as the day you sell it!

IF you plan on staying in the horse market, plan ahead. There are a lot of AFFORDABLE pedigree horses out there right NOW for sale.

If yours are not the quality you want, TRADE UP NOW at these prices. STOP whining and take advantage.

Lonnie Sharping.
Lonnie is right, now is the time to buy if you want to improve your stock, and if you want to see sale prices improve we all need to focus on the positive, not the negative. Perception is 90% of marketing and if the participants in the industry project a poor picture of the market then potential buyers and especially new people perceive the market and the product it represents as poor or cheap. Once they have this perception it is hard to change it and they figure the mid to upper end horses as to high and they want to buy those cheap ones they keep hearing about. I like Lonnie have been in this business awhile now and have seen it up and down but you hear and read little about the up but a lot about the down. We do not publish the prices from our sales as a courtesy to the buyers who may not want potential customers to know what they paid and as a courtesy to the sellers who may not want their customers to know what they sold for. Now I know people will publish them and that is ok and as a matter of fact I like to know where the prices are myself but it still behooves us all to focus on the high sellers not the low sellers at the sales. As Lonnie implied we need to be talking about what a nice horse it was and what a bargain, not how bad the prices are off. Another thing that usually gets left out of the conversation is the quality on the lowest end prices. As times get tight consignors tend to not consign their better stuff in fear of having to no-sale at an embarrassingly low price so instead they will off load some lower end stock they don’t want to feed through the economic drought and try to hold their better stuff for better times. This is not necessarily a bad strategy from an individual standpoint but the net effect if everyone does it is poor quality driving the prices even lower and it seems to spiral down from there until it finally starts to cycle back. I know that was a lot of blabber but the bottom line is we tend to set our own market. If we only talk about the negative then that is all the market place hears. And if we are not willing to stick our hand in the air and pay a reasonable price for a decent horse and the guy setting on either side of us isn’t either then we can’t expect the new guy sitting behind us to bid and if we leave there only talking about the poor prices our expectation of lower prices becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

I may not have explained it well but if they are reading this I bet Lonnie S., John C., Joe H., Toni R. Mary Ann E., Gary & Jana N., Don B. Ray Z. and some others I will think of later know exactly what I mean.
Well said Clifton, I plan on taking full advantage of the market at the next Mt. Airy sale. I am coming with cash, a trailer, and will be "armed" with a bidders number! and will NOT be afraid to use it!!!:
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"Dirt Cheap" was Webster City, IA last June, $10 broodmares, $35 stallions........less than the catalog fee!
Yes those prices were dirt cheap but the ones that brought the super low prices werent outstanding horses either...Sorry if this offends anyone but I did go to this sale and I bought a mare in foal and I guarantee I paid a lot more than $10 for that mare because she actually had multiple bidders which is very much required and only going to happen with the better horses. I will say though that there were some that should have gone lots higher but a lot of people just seemed to be there to sit on their hands but it was a great sale to buy at... for me at least
Yes those prices were dirt cheap but the ones that brought the super low prices werent outstanding horses either...Sorry if this offends anyone but I did go to this sale and I bought a mare in foal and I guarantee I paid a lot more than $10 for that mare because she actually had multiple bidders which is very much required and only going to happen with the better horses. I will say though that there were some that should have gone lots higher but a lot of people just seemed to be there to sit on their hands but it was a great sale to buy at... for me at least
Yep--it was a great sale for me too. The mare and fillies I purchased there would have been high sellers at this sale, and they were still awesome deals. I plan on putting the money I saved into getting them show records.
Ronnie, you blow me up like I know something......... LOL..................

Been around horses all my life, a son of a "horse trader" Dad would come home with them wild, untamed, never been touched Indian ponies and us kids would ride all summer long. Selling horses needs to be just that, FUN not WORK.

How many of us WORK for a living but keep saying we want more FUN.

Horses, animals, family are intended to be FUN first then pay the bills later.

Dont go thinking the horse market has not effected ALL of us. Big names are also feeling it. But dont always go by what the "BIG Shots" say a horse should be worth. Im sorry, when was the last time they came and purchased from you.

A good horse should be that.......... a good horse.

I'm still waiting for one of them "Hot shots" to come to my place, purchase a foal with SOS on the end of its name and take it to the top. But politics are politics.

I guess I'm saying a person can put in $100 into any poker machine and feel like Royalty making $150. But doesn't one make more with a Dollar bet and bringing home a purse...........

Ok Ronnie back to you..............

Just a blond, half bohunk from South Dakota that gets on his soap box from time to time.
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Based on your first post I suspect you know more about the horse sale business than you are letting on. Either that or you fooled me. I know most all of the “Hot Shots” (haven’t sold a lot of high dollar horses to them but I do know them), however they are not the ones that make the horse world go around. The majority are not in that league but as I was trying to say, the people in the business (the majority not just the big guys that tend to buy and sell to each other) tend to set the market. If we all think, act, walk, & talk positive then that goes a long way towards the perception that we still have a viable product and encourages others and I still say perception and presentation is 90% of the game. On the other hand if we present a down and out negative picture, that is what the market place will see and believe. I like to support all sales because the better one does the higher the expectation at the next one which means if yours does well it helps mine and vise-versa. You are defiantly right about needing to have fun in this business because if folks are in it to pay the bills they had better have small bills to pay.

Best of Luck!

I must say I love my SOS mare ( she in my avatar), Send A Message-SOS (I think her orginal name was Yellow Thunder SOS and it got changed by her previous owner) I have shown her myself to National Top Tens in pleasure driving and halter, she had her first foal last year and I think he is going to be better than she is. She's comming back out this year to finish her pleasure driving hall of fame and start her hunter/jumper career.