Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

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Yeah, I've read it, but thanks for sharing it. It's always good to read it again! You are right about the hands on inspection/observation. It's not the same as looking at a picture.

My mom's the only person I know that has had a pregnant mare, and she disappeared a couple of days for the baby being born! That was also over 30 years ago... The pregnant mare I had ten years ago had to be induced, and even then, the vet had to cut the baby out because he was HUGE. That was on her due date. I don't remember much of it as it hurt so much. I'm so nervous with Sadie... I don't want to go through that again! I wish I had someone that had lot of experience delivering horses around... Even a good mini vet (she at least knows horses well) is over 50 miles away, so I have even more concern if there is a problem.
I was so nervous about Summer that when she did go into labor I forgot to even use half the stuff I had prepared for her! LOL So much for that $30 foaling kit! HAHA!

I can understand your nervousness, since you had a previous bad experience. I had a mare when I was 19 that got struck by lighting, so every time it lightnings I have a total panic attack, and its been over 13 years ago since that happened.

Diane that one girl looks like the baby is going to fall right out at the tip of that V!!!
Yup! And they are all a variety of different sizes. The bay about 27-28", the silver bay about 32" and the other two were just under 34". So all different sizes. I should tell you, that 3 of these ladies foaled on the same night!! BUSY night -- two fillies and 1 colt !!
Sounds like she''s very close. Cant wait to see her baby. Diane, you have the most impressive ''V'' pictures. You are so good at photoshop
Mindy, we had a horse get struck as well. This must have been 20 or 25 years ago. Was a small Appaloosa cowhorse. He knew his job, and he knew it well! Was hard for my grandpa to find a replacement for him.
Little did I know back then that I would be sharing those "V" bellies with friends!!
Struck by lightning? How awful!

When I woke up just before five, Sadie looked like she had lost her tummy. She seemed so small to me that I walked out to her stall to find the baby, but she was still pregnant. I turned her loose in the back yard today, but she's hangin' in her stall.

My camera almost died today. It's been trying to for about two weeks now. What s STUPID time for that!
Well, Sadie has changed her mind, again. Her milk is salty again and she's driving me bonkers. She was a love today, but her poop is even firmer. Vulva is light pink and she's content with minimal rubbing. She's no longer trying to take down the fences, hasn't grunted when laying down all week, and has been trotting to and fro.
Nope, no baby anytime soon...
Becoming all lovey dovey and/or having a burst of energy can be a sign that ...............................................??
My camera minded its manners today so I was able to get some pictures today.
I wish she would've cooperated more. I couldn't get her further from her stall to get a better background for her side.

Her udder is showing improvement and her hooha seems saggier to me, but anymore, I've taken so many pictures of it, I can't tell. It is redder than any other picture I've taken though...

She's looking really good. Raven's clue to me that she was going to foal was when I turned her out instead of eating her hay, she walked right over and did two big loose poops on it. I knew then and there it had to be soon. Hang in there. It's so exciting when it happens and your mare is gorgeous so your baby will be fabulous!
LOL!! Good old photobucket seems to have deleted your 'interesting' pictures!! But if her vulva is really read then I would be watching her like a hawk!! Loo visits and popping off to make cuppas are both OFF the agenda from now on! Dont forget that udders can fill as a mare is foaling.

Good luck - things are getting exciting!

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