Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

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She won't let me near her this AM, so these are still from yesterday.
She is getting very close, not long now and we will be seeing a new baby
Wow, that is a beautiful shade of red. Raven wouldn't let me near her hoo haw right before the big event so I never got to see that crimson color. Should be almost baby time for you!!!
Looking just PERFECT!!!!

Can't wait to see this pretty little one! Praying for a safe and uneventful delivery of a healthy little one!

Keep us posted!
She has been acting normal and content all weekend. That is as long as I don't lift her tail, touch her sides, go near her tummy, or even think "labor thoughts"!

Hubby and I built up her stall and part of her turnout yesterday. We also moved her trough so she had to go out to her pasture (a whole 75' away!). Finally, she will go out to her pasture, but she only hangs out there a bit before heading back. It's beautiful green grass and clover, but for whatever reason, she doesn't like it as well as the yard, front or back. She'd rather hang in her stall. Today is the most I've seen her out there since before Easter. I did it to encourage her to poop OUTSIDE her stall, but it still didn't work.
She NEVER pooped in her stall before a month ago... I'm going through a LOT of straw this way!
Ha! Touchy touchyt.

I thought I was the only cheapie frustrated with stall waste! Missy will walk, sometimes trot ALL the way from the far end of her little 1/2 acre lot, to go into her stall to pee
. I experimented once and dragged a mat out into her big pen and closed the stall door, and she did the same just to pee on that mat! We actually have never stalled horses, in AZ you have shades or mare motels, they are all open. So I had to learn how to accept the cleaning out, but I have a nice compost pile!
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Well, Sadie's had no changes... She had some loose stool yesterday am, but it firmed back up. I spread new straw yesterday, and before I had gotten the wheelbarrow out of there, she pottied in it! Marking her territory again... UGH!
​ My son thought it was hilarious! Here's a picture of Colton and Sadie two years ago. He was a very short 5 yo.
My 3 yo, Caleb, is now taller than Colton was then!


And here's a photo of my "big" horse. She's a 14 hh Arab.

Love your photos!! Colton is adorable as are your horses!! And isn't that the way it is with the mares? You get their stalls all clean and they go and mess first thing.
Udder is hard and nipples are pointing straight down. Other than that, baby looks like it's outta position again and no other signs that it's coming anytime soon...
I have the trophy on mares walking all the way from the far end of their lot, through their sand pen, and into the stall to pee. Yes, Missy's only flaw. But we love her anyway, even though I get really irritated.
Well, today is day 330! I'm glad she made it this far... I didn't think she would. She has some real progress on her udder that I'm glad to see. Her nipples aren't straight like yesterday, as the udder is a lot rounder! I wish she'd get out of her stall more. Her edema comes and goes, and I'd rather see it GO. I cannot touch her udder, as it seems to hurt her. She acts like she's blue... She hasn't cooperated on a picture from the back. Here's today's photos:

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When her udder stays up after a days exercise then she will foal. I am better no more than a day or 2
Well, her udder is back down. The milk is a gold color. It had a salty after taste day before yesterday with no after taste yesterday. Today, it is definitely sweet. I think past "sweetness" was due to something sweet on my hand, because this was a different kind of sweet. No wonder it's been referred to as sickening sweet before... I had to drink milk afterward to get rid of the aftertaste.

Her vulva looks weird. I'm going to go out and check it again to see why. It looked all bunched up, more than it's been. I'd like a second opinion on it. I can't tell if it's swollen or just really bunched up again.


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