"Reverse" dapples...want to hear more

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2005
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Color is so fasinating.

On another thread Nookta mentioned that Silver Dapples sometimes had "reverse" dapples (black spots). I'd like to know more about this. Can anyone tell me more or give me a webiste to refer to? One colt from my stallion has these black spots and we thought that it was showing appy characteristics. The owner and I would both like to know more.
Boy, I'm no color expert, and I may not be using the correct terminology for what I'm seeing.

At certain times of the year (usually right around/after the Summer Solstice or longest day of the year), his coat begins growing back in with black dappling against the steel-grey color.

It looks pretty cool and is mainly limited to the areas where he might show regular dappling. Over his rump, around his barrel and shoulder region. It fades out over his back.

We won a solid color class one year when he was showing it particularly brightly. It looked much like an appaloosa but with no white anywhere, only the black spots (which looked like the leopard spots w/the lace edging/peacock effect).

I think if these are permanent features of a color coat, they can be "bend-or" spots, but I dont' know if they occur on or in silvers. I have seen a lot of photos of them on chestnuts.

Rabbitsfizz is likely to know far more about this, so I hope she shows up. SOON!
I am out of my league, just sharing with you what I've seen.

TO me reverse dappling is merely darker spots against the lighter coat color whereas usual dappling is lighter spots compared to the darker coat coloring.

bumping up. Hey, Rabbitfizz need to hear from you on this.
Is this what you would call reverse dappling? As in the darker regions on her rump and shoulder? (she has lots of normal dapples too)

This is a filly of mine who was born in 2003, CK's Ginger Cream

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That looks like regular dappling against a shaded background. Very pretty!!!

The spots (dapples) are darker black against a lighter background. I will see if I have photos of Mouse when he's doing that....

My mare is a silver dapple. In the summer it looks like you stretched a black spider web over her entire shoulder, back and rump. I was told it was black lacing ? What is it?
Reverse dappling is exactly what it sounds like. dapples reversed. It shows up on champagnes alot and is a very interesting thing to look at. Khalvin Klein has reverse dappling. http://equinecolor.com/champagne.html

this is a very useful site and i use it alot. i paint model horses with pastels so i am always lookin for reference.
My Sabrina (Blue Diamond Mercury Blues) is a genetic wonder..LOL! She is a true roan...frosted bay roan Appy..with reverse dapples, counter shading..and she used to have lacing, but it doesn't show much anymore. Here she is


But. I know nothing about what goes into getting reverse dapples. They are really neat looking.
Yes, xxs, that is what my silver dapple's reverse dappling looks like, but ONLY at certain times of the year, usually in late June/early to late July.

Something like this?? My mare Semi's coat

changes from red, to this, then her back gets BLACK like

someone poured black paint across her top half, including her head!

Then it goes away, back to red....

I wonder if it is SOOTY??



starts red


gets darker until August.. then starts back to red....


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